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Sri Lanka's Chinese-built port opens for business

Then please don't complain when an Indian says that IO is 'our lake'.

You misunderstood what I have said, "Indian" Ocean is just a name. I have talked about this many times so I don't want to mention it again and again. Country "India" is a just one country in the "Indian ocean", there are so many countries have their waters in "Indian" Ocean. Country "India" or any other country haven't any legal right to enter those waters.

Not only Indian and USA ships some other countries naval ship also roaming in International waters of "Indian" ocean, I recently heard about Spain navy who rescued some Sri Lankans from pirates.
You misunderstood what I have said, "Indian" Ocean is just a name. I have talked about this many times so I don't want to mention it again and again. Country "India" is a just one country in the "Indian ocean", there are so many countries have their waters in "Indian" Ocean. Country "India" or any other country haven't any legal right to enter those waters.

Not only Indian and USA ships some other countries naval ship also roaming in International waters of "Indian" ocean, I recently heard about Spain navy who rescued some Sri Lankans from pirates.

Yes, Indian Ocean is not India's Ocean..but only 20 miles from the shore belongs to every country, the rest is everyone's playground and those who controls powerful navy and logistics in the region controls it. Now only 2 navies..USN & IN can claim that in IO region. As for Spanish Navy, they operate under the mandate of NATO(?). They don't have the independent logistics capacity or will to operate so far away from home. While on the otherhand IN is never far way from resupply in the IO region. So its right to claim that IO is 'our lake'...but that doesn't mean SLN should also no try to take a shot at it.

China is wiser enough for the ostentatious display of Saber-rattling as compared to India :P .. China can dock its warships on the ports he financed in Indian Ocean as well but right now, there is no need for this charade.

Yeah right..then who is the one issuing warnings in South China Sea and as for overseas bases for PLAN, they don't currently have the will or capacity to do so.
Since the end of the civil war, Sri Lanka grows fast, I think Sri Lanka has the potential to become the maritime centre as the Singapore for her great geographical position at the center of Indian Ocean

10 years ago, we only heard news about how many people dead in civil war, but now what we heard are building, investment... good news
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