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Sri Lanka's Chinese-built port opens for business

Chinese-helped new SL Naval base comes up in Vanni, targeting Tamil Fishermen...


Sri Lanka occupying the country of Eezham Tamils opened a new naval base in the western coast of Vanni at Naachchik-kudaa facing the Palk Bay in a commanding position to target movements from the Tamil Nadu coast of India. Construction of the new naval base received Chinese help. SL navy commander Somathilake Tissanayake inaugurated the base on Monday. Meanwhile, journalists who have gone for the annual church fete at the uninhabited islet Kachcha-theevu in the Palk Bay has noticed a permanently built SL naval base there. The construction material of this base and a newly coming up jetty there were found with Chinese markings. Two SL naval ships are always stationed near Kachcha-theevu. The attacks on Tamil Nadu fishermen deploying Sinhala gangs from the south are operated by SLN in Kachcha-theevu.

This week, petrol bombs thrown by a gang coming in a boat destroyed a Tamil Nadu fishing boat near Kachcha-theevu.

The new naval base, located in a cove at the fishing port Naachchik-kudaa in the Kariyaalai-Naakappaduvan division of the Ki`linochchi district, has been given with a Sinhala name Bhuvaneka.

From the location the base could monitor the fishing villages from Mannaar to the Devil`s Point coast in the Vanni, as well as movements from Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu and the Ira`nai-theevu and Kachcha-theevu islets.

SL defence secretary and presidential sibling Gotabhaya Rajapaksa put the naval division in this part of Vanni to operation in August last year. The new naval division will function under Sri Lanka`s North Central Command.

Apart from the KKS naval base, already there are three more major SL naval bases in the north at Kaarainakar, Veala`nai and Ma`ndai-theevu to conduct surveillance of movements in the Palk Bay from Tamil Nadu. Besides, there are many small naval detachments all along the coasts of the north.

Right from 1960s Colombo was systematically following a naval policy of choking the coasts of the north in the pretext of checking smuggling. A former Sinhala Government Agent of Jaffna has put it on record that this naval policy in the 1960s itself was actually in anticipation of checking Tamils in the island, because the Colombo government was very much conscious that its policies on Tamils would eventually bring in trouble.

Now the mushrooming naval bases directly target Tamil Nadu, strategic analysts said.

Chinese-helped new SL Naval base comes up in Vanni, targeting Tamil Fishermen... - Sri Lanka


Nowadays SL navy patrolling along with Chinese close to our borders.

This is pro tiger media, in the first sentence you can identify that.
for that matter, India wouldnt like its neighbors to grow economically.
on topic: good luck to Sri Lanka with the port

If Pakistan become economically strong its really threat to India and it will triggers anti-Indian activity in full swing. Pakistan is eternal threat to India and SL up to some extent so its needs to be contained.

This is pro tiger media, in the first sentence you can identify that.

Ok....so there is no new such construction on those regions.
If Pakistan become economically strong its really threat to India and it will triggers anti-Indian activity in full swing. Pakistan is eternal threat to India and SL up to some extent so its needs to be contained.

If you think like this you won't be able to get proper sleep forever. India's weak point is Tamilnadu state becoz some of their racists silly activities India loosing its neighbour, it is disadvantage for India.
If Pakistan become economically strong its really threat to India and it will triggers anti-Indian activity in full swing. Pakistan is eternal threat to India and SL up to some extent so its needs to be contained.

that means Pakistan should strengthen its ties with Sri Lanka :lol::lol::lol:
Ok....so there is no new such construction on those regions.

There are bases all around the island, there are bases in upper tip of SL if you really want to be scared ?
Northern Tamil fishermen here claim SL Army got giving enough support to stop Indian Tamil fishermen, there are some protest about this Indian fishermen issue.
If you think like this you won't be able to get proper sleep forever. India's weak point is Tamilnadu state becoz some of their racists silly activities India loosing its neighbour, it is disadvantage for India.

Its just a precaution measures. TN racists?:lol: tell me hw many singalese gotten killed in TN by Tamil racists? and hw many tamils gotten killed by singalese in SL ? just tell me who is real racists.
that means Pakistan should strengthen its ties with Sri Lanka :lol::lol::lol:

Already Pakistan having ties with China wat did you accomplished ? ans big NO. Indian ocean is ruled and ruling by Indians nobody can't mess us in our lake.
Its just a precaution measures. TN racists?:lol: tell me hw many singalese gotten killed in TN by Tamil racists? and hw many tamils gotten killed by singalese in SL ? just tell me who is real racists.

You just talk like nothing has done by Tamilnadu state, just give a google search you'll find the terrorist trained state/soil.

Naval bases of SL Navy.

Already Pakistan having ties with China wat did you accomplished ? ans big NO. Indian ocean is ruled and ruling by Indians nobody can't mess us in our lake.

:lol: first mate, take the map and identify which areas belong to India.
Indian Ocean handle by many countries...!
You mean the way illegal Chinese immigrants were rounded up in Uganda??
when too many illegal low skilled Indians start working in the port which will cause damages to the equipments in the port
:lol: first mate, take the map and identify which areas belong to India.
Indian Ocean handle by many countries...!

There is a difference b/n belonging & controlling.IO is controlled by 2 countries ...USA & India. Not a single navy on the region has enough power to stand against them including Sri Lanka's. I am not bragging..just stating the truth. If SLN wants to play a bigger role then you should first send your navy ships to combat piracy near horn of Africa. One cannot claim to control the IO by keeping their ships inside ports.
for that matter, India wouldnt like its neighbors to grow economically.
on topic: good luck to Sri Lanka with the port

Thats a silly assertion, better economic growth stabilizes the neighboring nation, India will enjoy its economic benefits too.
IO is controlled by 2 countries ...USA & India. Not a single navy on the region has enough power to stand against them including Sri Lanka's. I am not bragging..just stating the truth. If SLN wants to play a bigger role then you should first send your navy ships to combat piracy near horn of Africa. One cannot claim to control the IO by keeping their ships inside ports.

why should we send our navy to those areas? It's not our waters, those countries should protect their waters!
why should we send our navy to those areas? It's not our waters, those countries should protect their waters!

Then please don't complain when an Indian says that IO is 'our lake'.

Thats a silly assertion, better economic growth stabilizes the neighboring nation, India will enjoy its economic benefits too.

One question? Why is Pakistan now keen to make peace with India now when their economy is in dumps rather than earlier when their economy was relatively well off.
You just talk like nothing has done by Tamilnadu state, just give a google search you'll find the terrorist trained state/soil.

Naval bases of SL Navy.

:lol: first mate, take the map and identify which areas belong to India.
Indian Ocean handle by many countries...!

:lol: i suggest you take out the map and search East China Sea claims and belongings first :D . Strait of Malacca is not under jurisdiction of India/ US as well. Why are you roaming there then???? Get a life dude.

There is a difference b/n belonging & controlling.IO is controlled by 2 countries ...USA & India. Not a single navy on the region has enough power to stand against them including Sri Lanka's. I am not bragging..just stating the truth. If SLN wants to play a bigger role then you should first send your navy ships to combat piracy near horn of Africa. One cannot claim to control the IO by keeping their ships inside ports.
China is wiser enough for the ostentatious display of Saber-rattling as compared to India :P .. China can dock its warships on the ports he financed in Indian Ocean as well but right now, there is no need for this charade.
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