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Sri Lankan monk sets himself ablaze over cow slaughter

All is not lost atleast!! I was sick and tired of the so called who is a patriotic judging by the religion guys.. If we do not raise voice against these kind of acts, our country will be doomed for ever..


Lot of us don't post on these kind of threads because we do not want to get in $h!tty religion based fights.
It is written that there is no problem in doing that..
Now you are becoming paranoid. In your book its written if you do then there is not problem(Means better do not do but if you are doing it is not problem) but in our religion it is written to protect cow. So what are you doing here? are you not offending Hindus belief? bro do not give lame excuse..
What an idiot..these people are the true ignorant who dont know that excess of cow population causes global warming.
Lets enjoy a tasty nihari now.

What an idiot..these people are the true ignorant who dont know that excess of cow population causes global warming.
Lets enjoy a tasty nihari now.


Wah!! I am planning to have this today only. It's very tempting!!
Now you are becoming paranoid. In your book its written if you do then there is not problem(Means better do not do but if you are doing it is not problem)

No mate,the book does not give any guidelines on what to eat or not...

but in our religion it is written to protect cow. So what are you doing here? are you not offending Hindus belief? bro do not give lame excuse..

I am not offending anyones beleif,You can follow yours,while I follow mine...And whats the problem in eating bulls meat dude??

Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam , Govindam Bhaja Mudhamate... :disagree:

My lord,help his pour soul:rofl:

Lot of us don't post on these kind of threads because we do not want to get in $h!tty religion based fights.

mate, because of us keeping silent, these guys were having a free run here.. They think they can just give certificate about who is patriotic and who is a traitor by the religion they follows.. Imagine how many Indians are reading this? Their patriotism is questioned by idiots just because they follow other religion?? This has to be stopped.. I am quotting Sandy's signature here "I swore never to be silent, whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation, we must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Where did I ask him to justyfing his culture. I never question about his culture. I am saying about my belief and culture and cow slaughter is against Hindu culture. and I am damm sure it is not written anywhere in his religion to slaughter cow.

in your religion it has never said that you should watch amitabh bachchan movies.
So if you are going to amitabh bachchan movie and I tell you that since its not there in your religion AND I dont like amitab bachchan (because movies are haraam in my religion) , you cannot go and see the movie.

Will you like it?

PS if you are vegetarian and as a concept dont like to kill any animal, its a different story. but you also should not use any animal product like leather before you say anything.
I am vegetarian, and I dont like killing animals, but I use leather. so I cant point my fingers at someone else on this matter.
So how can you say the whole region worshiped Hindu gods and knew about the Vedas or Geetas? So that's what I said no one can be certain. However in SL context it is highly probable that Sinhalese to the most part worshiped their own religion because there are number of evidences about indigenous group of humans who were living in SL; The vedddas being the ultimate example for their former kinsman.

Which Sinhalese religion r u talking about plz name it?

AFAIK many of ur Kings n kingdoms during ancient times had Hindu names like the Vijaya Empire.:)

No I do not.
n ur reason for denial is???:what:
When Buddha was himself born in around 500 BC is it a surprise for u?
Do u have any Source for ur claim or as usual its just ur belief ???

I answered to this in the above phrase.
whatever ur saying is ur personal belief u don't have any thing to back it up.

But i not agruing on ur believes here so u may believe it i have no issues.

No I didn't claim that word being Sinhala. It was a name that Chinese used to call Sri Lanka and Portuguese adopted it later.

Now do really wanna me to prove u again that Sinhala has been derived from Sanskrit..:what:

Again u got no proof just ur belief but i have already proved u that its derived from Sanskrit in the previous thread itself.
Again nothing to back ur claim....:)
in your religion it has never said that you should watch amitabh bachchan movies.
So if you are going to amitabh bachchan movie and I tell you that since its not there in your religion AND I dont like amitab bachchan (because movies are haraam in my religion) , you cannot go and see the movie.

Will you like it?

PS if you are vegetarian and as a concept dont like to kill any animal, its a different story. but you also should not use any animal product like leather before you say anything.
I am vegetarian, and I dont like killing animals, but I use leather. so I cant point my fingers at someone else on this matter.
I do not know what is written in your religion and what not. If your religion says movie is haram then it is upto you either watch or not.
This is fcuking damm bulshit logic what you are applying here. comparing cow slaughter with movies. This is not matter of like or dislike. this is our belief. get is straight plz.
You people use to cry for Halal and all thing becoz that is your belief but when come to others belief then it is matter of like or dislike
@bronxbull, I have no problem with your religious beliefs.. But why should it be shoved on the throat of others.. Why cant religion be a personal matter.. Why anyone has to force his own belives on others?? Please be noted that I am not talking about Hinudism only.. Every religion has corrupted by some narrow minded people.. As far as I am concerned, Hen give me egg, it doesnt mean I am not going to eat hen.. Its you religious belief that cow is sacred, and I respect that.. But it doesnt mean that I will start worshipping cow and stop eating beef..

seems like you missed some posts of Nair saab.. Read it again.

There is a huge difference between Cow's milk and a Hen's egg,I am not forcing my belief on you.

Food served outside in a restaurant is public concern,if you slaughter your own cow and eat the beef,nobody can have a say in this matter.

Listen you extremist piece of sh$t, I have had enough of your tribe's making online threats. Fact: beef is quite popular in many parts of India and I would love to see you people take some action on ground and get your arses kicked.

what are u talking about hero?

i dont care what you call me,if congress/communist had no political clout,then all this ll stop tomorrow right away.

I have seen beef being popular in very few parts of India and like i said,if that political clout subsided we ll see whose *** gets kicked,TOI is not reality,i know you dont have a clue.

:omghaha: you know what? breast feeding is on decline and majority of kids drink this milk


so these cans are automatically becoming their mothers

Jana Bibi,

I know you are not quite bright in general,so i would rather let you rot with your small brain.
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Cows help me? The only times cows help me is when I'm digesting them or when their milk is quenching my thirst.

Are Hindus allowed to drink milk and eat eggs?

Suparco,if you are a punjabi and ever gone to a pind ask the farmer there how they ploughed the field before the invention of tractors.

with an attitude like yours,human beings ll become extinct in no time,this is why we feel/know that your liberal belief system is in reality very inferior.

Cows help me? The only times cows help me is when I'm digesting them or when their milk is quenching my thirst.

Are Hindus allowed to drink milk and eat eggs?

and please dont include today's kids in the hindu fold,traditionally diary is allowed/encouraged and all kind of meat including eggs/chicken is discouraged but not banned.

I don't get it. Which Hindus eat beef and which don't? Is this some kind of a Hindu sectarian issue?

Please kindly elaborate?

Basically good for nothing lazy malayalee people and some people from the north east eat beef.
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