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Sri Lanka would not have defeated terrorism without Pakistan's support

Criminals - like many Tamil Nadu fishermen - who break international law and steal resources in Sri Lankan waters should be shot on sight.

Why won't SL navy arrest the fishermen crossing into SL's waters?
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Trespassers into SL waters should be shot on sight.

He is one hell of BIG MOUTH!!!

He never thinks his such instigating comments, will incite Indian hatred for all Srilankans, even outside Tamil Nadu!!

But he doesn't seems to bother messing with the neighbor they are most dependent upon!!

One Damn war torn tiny island in middle of ocean, and nobody near for 500 miles except India, n he talks of shooting us!!!:angry:
Trespassers into SL waters should be shot on sight.
U should be thankful to God that u guy's have got a great neighbor like mother India who tolerates so much despite being much stronger a nation.So much so that sometimes people mistake us for a weak nation.But we also have limited patience,the day we loose it God knows what would happen.We actually fought our own Tamil brothers in SL to bring peace to your country and even assisted u guys when the Lankan AF was raiding Jaffna and killing mercilessly just to see ur country stable.We even had to sacrifice our PM Mr.Rajiv Gandhi. . . .despite that I do not know for what Godforsaken reason u guy's hate us!!BTW as far as shooting is concerned it wouldn't take much but one India stealth frigate and a few bombers to transgress ur territorial waters and shoot each and every single Sinhalese!!
Good for Lanka and Pakistan.....

Same goes with India also...without Pakistan.... terrorism in India can not be removed
Pakistan Supported Srilanka defeat terrorism and is helping USA on this WOT to Eliminate Terrorists and NO one even praise Pakistans Efforts for eradicating terrorism and playing a major role in WOT except China,Pakistan Has become victim of terrorism because of India And Afghanistan Supporting terrorists Like TTP AND BLA!
You shoot Bangladeshis and have the nerve to cry crocodile tears? lol

Tamil Nadu fishermen have stolen enough.

It's sad the SL government continues to pander to these thieves.

For your kind info kachthivu was donated to you by us,and this is how you show your gratitude great....!Shame on you guys...
For your kind info kachthivu was donated to you by us,and this is how you show your gratitude great....!Shame on you guys...

"donated"? Shame on you guys who jump into SL waters always!


To the ones curious about , what he was referring to ...

Sri Lanka started buying arms and ammunition from Pakistan in a big way from 1999. The total purchases until December 2007 were worth $50 million while there has been a sudden jump in the quantity of merchandise ordered in 2009 and the amount has been tripled.[8] With India reluctant to sign a Defense Cooperation Agreement with Sri Lanka and unwilling to supply it with the kind of weapons it is looking for, Colombo has turned increasingly to Pakistan. There are segments of opinion in Sri Lanka that are in fact in favor of the government finalizing a defense cooperation agreement with Islamabad.[9]

In May 2000, President Musharraf of Pakistan supplied millions of dollars of much-needed weapons to the Sri Lankan government, when separatist Tamil Tiger rebels were about to recapture their former capital of Jaffna.[10] Many Sri Lankan officers are trained in Pakistan. Pakistan, by supplying high-tech military equipment such as 22 Al-Khalid main battle tanks, 250,000 rounds of 60 mm, 81 mm, 120 mm and 130 mm mortar ammunition worth and 150,000 hand grenades and along with positioning of some of its highly trained army officers in Sri Lanka, played a key role in the ultimate defeat of Tamil Tigers in May 2009.[76] Back in 2000, when a LTTE offensive code-named Operation Ceaseless Waves overran Sri Lankan military positions in the north and captured the Elephant Pass Base and entered Jaffna, and it was being feared that the LTTE would run down thousands of Sri Lankan troops stationed in Jaffna, Pakistan supplied Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher System and other high tech weaponry which halted the offensive.[76] In May 2008, Lt. Gen Sarath Fonseka of the Sri Lanka Army held talks with his Pakistan Army counter-parts regarding the sale of military equipment, weapons and ammunition. The sale of 22 Al-Khalid MBTs to the Sri Lanka Army was finalized during these talks in a deal worth over US$100 million.[12] In April 2009, Sri Lanka requested $25 million worth of 81 mm, 120 mm and 130 mm mortar ammunition to be delivered within a month.[13]
thats good news for all other indian neighbors ,, but bad news for india

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