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Sri Lanka plans to grant working visa to Indians due to labour shortage

Sri Lankans should hire people from friendly nations like BD and Pakistan.
@Indian members, Can anyone redirect me to up to date (2011/2012)stats regarding poverty rate/unemployment/GDP per capita of Indian states? any government websites etc?
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Your first link source says about one Indian worker, that to an industrial worker, may be the company belongs to an Indian and he was not able to find any local talent...

Your second link source says they are doing illegal textile business...

The third link also says the same think - "They had arrived in the country on tourist visas but were engaged in business activities.

The fourth link says the same thing:- The six, who had arrived here on visit visas, were found engaged in textile trading in the eastern town of Kalmunai, police said.

Now tell me are they arrested in your country cleaning roads are doing house maid jobs?? they are doing business and you need to understand the difference from doing business and working under you...

Now hear we go, this kind of news comes often in India...it's not a big thing and it happens in every country...

Chinese national arrested for overstaying in India, IBN Live News
Your first link source says about one Indian worker, that to an industrial worker, may be the company belongs to an Indian and he was not able to find any local talent...

Your second link source says they are doing illegal textile business...

The third link also says the same think - "They had arrived in the country on tourist visas but were engaged in business activities.

The fourth link says the same thing:- The six, who had arrived here on visit visas, were found engaged in textile trading in the eastern town of Kalmunai, police said.

Now tell me are they arrested in your country cleaning roads are doing house maid jobs?? they are doing business and you need to understand the difference from doing business and working under you...

Now hear we go, this kind of news comes often in India...it's not a big thing and it happens in every country...

Chinese national arrested for overstaying in India, IBN Live News

There are roadside/pavement sellers!
Of course...what ever may be - he is the boss of his business not cleaning your road, in-fact some sellers may have even employed some local people to work for them...

do u know who we called pavement sellers?
also illegal activity is illegal anywhere, TN Tamils donot need to come here for any kind of illegal activity.
I'd hate to get into the usual mud-slinging game here, but I have to say that I'm having a hard time dealing with the many resumes and reminders my Lankan friends send me on an almost daily basis. A lot of them have expressed the desire to work in Bombay because of higher salaries than their Lankan counterparts, but are put off by the high cost of living in this city.

I'm only speaking from experience when I say that in my travels to Sri Lanka, I've never once seen or heard of an instance of an Indian national working illegally in any of that country's service industries/menial job market. Not once. Lanka is a lovely country, and is great to go to on vacation and okay to do business with as well, but please do not get fooled into thinking that it is in any way a haven for Indian job seekers, menial or otherwise. There are people on both sides of the Palk strait who are in dire need of employment, and that's what both the Indian and Sri Lankan governments need to focus on.
do u know who we called pavement sellers?
also illegal activity is illegal anywhere, TN Tamils donot need to come here for any kind of illegal activity.

I am not Justifying their action of staying illegally, but ridiculing your tall claim that Indians are coming to work as labours in your country...

By the way so many patients from Sri Lanka are coming to Chennai for medical treatment, and many students form Lanka are studying in India...More over you are trying to make mountain out of mole hill, even in India many foreign national are get arrested in India for over staying and you are making such trivial issue some thing big....
I am not Justifying their action of staying illegally, but ridiculing your tall claim that Indians are coming to work as labours in your country...

By the way so many patients from Sri Lanka are coming to Chennai for treatment, and many students form Lanka are studying in India...More over you are trying to make mountain out of mole hill, even in India many foreign national are get arrested in India for over staying and you are making such trivial issue some thing big....

If you can't accept it's not my matter, what I mentioned Indians are getting arrested illegally working. We aren't targeting just only Indians but most share goes to them than other nationalities.

from a news source:
Call to nab overstaying Indians and other illegal visitors

By Leon Berenger
A call has been sent out for public assistance to track down a large number of foreign nationals, mainly Indians, who are in the country illegally and have infiltrated local trade and business.

Senior Immigration and Emigration officials say thousands of overstayers and illegal visitors are in the country, the majority concentrated in the North and the East, and they are doing business with locals. While the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) is the entry point for most of these persons, the others have arrived by boat, landing mainly in the North-Western and Northern provinces.

Apart from the Indians, there are other nationals, including Pakistanis, Russians, and citizens of former Soviet Bloc countries, according to officials. The government has gone so far as to place advertisements in the national media seeking public cooperation to help find such persons.

In the past six months, up to 2,000 foreign nationals, mainly Indians from South India who have overstayed their landing visas, have been rounded up and deported, said Immigration and Emigration Controller Chunanda Perera.

A special team of officers has been set up to track down these persons, Mr. Perera said, adding that identifying South Indian nationals can be tricky because they speak Tamil and look much like locals.

Sri Lanka Navy spokesperson Kosala Warnakulasuriya believed that persons from South India come ashore at points between Kalpitiya and Pooneryn. The sea along this stretch of coastline is relatively calm most of the year as it is outside the range of monsoonal activity and therefore easily navigated by boats.

In recent weeks, the Navy has detained at least six Indian boats carrying contraband cargo, including cannabis and banned marine species.Last week, a resident of Rameshwaran, South India, was arrested in Jaffna for not carrying a valid visa; another Indian was nabbed at the Vavuniya Railway Station carrying textiles to sell during the Avurudhu season.

Call to nab overstaying Indians and other illegal visitors
Welcome decission.Sri Lanka is giving jobs,no one should have any issues with it :enjoy:
Wow..Decent news that will benefit both countries have caused the usual insecure keyboard warriors to scream blue murder..Especially the Madrasis..Sorry to burst your bubbles but thousands of Indian labourers have been working here illegally for years..It does'nt demean them,Calling it demeaning makes you a low person towards your own people..These people mainly work in agriculture,Metal workshops and as gold smiths

And this has been happening for centuries..There is even a popular term for Illegal Indian labourers in the country "Kallathoni's"
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