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Sri Lanka coast guard to deploy craft against Indian poachers

Sri Lanka also has a simple answer

Sri Lanka Navy will begins to jointly patrol with Chinese Navy

Colombo can send some PLAN ships from southern waters to northern waters of Sri Lanka

And then ask the Raptors to fly CAP over Tamil Nadu. You are just delusional. :wave:
Sri Lanka also has a simple answer

Sri Lanka Navy will begins to jointly patrol with Chinese Navy

Colombo can send some PLAN ships from southern waters to northern waters of Sri Lanka
It seems u want to go back to srilanka in 2000?
First let chinese enter indian ocean...:lol:
India gov. does not care about tamil fishermen getting killed by sri lanka.....it will happen again all the india will do is issue some stupid statement thats it.
Fine if not the Corvettes then atleast the FACs of the Indian Navy must be utilised. It is just pathetic to see the Central Govt doing nothing when fishermen are killed by the Sri Lankans.

All the bloody netas in Delhi say are they will take it up with Colombo. But nothing has changed and the firings have not reduced.

Yup advanced off shore patrol vessels are the answer..
Sri Lanka also has a simple answer

Sri Lanka Navy will begins to jointly patrol with Chinese Navy


Why would china send there vessels to pic a fight with Indian Navy all around more than 8000 kilometers away from there homeland. That tpp for sri lanka. Do you really Chinese establishment as fools who would just one day pic up gun leaving there own sea of influence to sail all the way to sri lanka to make point. Which would end esclating tention among our big armies for a little lanka.?

Colombo can send some PLAN ships from southern waters to northern waters of Sri Lanka
since when did Colombo starting giving orders to PLAN. ??? You are some peace of art, Sri Lankan.
Sri Lanka also has a simple answer

Sri Lanka Navy will begins to jointly patrol with Chinese Navy

Colombo can send some PLAN ships from southern waters to northern waters of Sri Lanka

PLAN is as impotent in Indian Ocean as we are in South China sea
so gud luck with that..

One piece of advice for u and SL policy experts...dont play the chinese card too often..u dont know when india will call ur bluff
Sri Lanka also has a simple answer

Sri Lanka Navy will begins to jointly patrol with Chinese Navy

Colombo can send some PLAN ships from southern waters to northern waters of Sri Lanka

I really hope you guys do something stupid like that may be then india will wake up.
PLAN will be happy about that........

Why would PLAN would be happy about Sri Lanka shoving PLAN right into unwanted action. Only a sane person with bold words would think that way. Chinese may be small in height but they have great brains unlike some bold, bold people here.
It is not easy to deal with Chinese fishing boat. :lol:
Chinese fishermen are united.



And what makes you think Indian fishermen are not united.

God, you dont know even what the issue is. Leave the topic.
It is not easy to deal with Chinese fishing boat. :lol:
Chinese fishermen are united.





Looks like cowboys are herding cattle into a group to manage it better. This unity actually worked in Japanese favor to manage the herd of boats properly. I would say Chinese are more desciplined even they are pinned against the wall.
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