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Sri Lanka cancels on-arrival visa facility for Pakistanis

Let me get this straight- SriLanka cancels Pakistan visa on arrival because- somewhere in india a srilankan was captured with links to ISI?-

Thats makes a lot of sense- Bravo you solved the impossible-
Is simply logic hard to get for you?
It is not a single instance.
Sri Lanka was becoming another Nepal for us in which because Pakistani's had visa-on-arrival/visa free access, Pakistan was able to setup an wide ranging intelligence network and create security issues for India by becoming a launchpad.

Apart from Indian security concerns, there is also the issue of Pakistani preachers going to Sri Lanka.

Both factors fed in, Sri Lanka stopped the facility to Pakistani's. Good news all around.
Is simply logic hard to get for you?
It is not a single instance.
Sri Lanka was becoming another Nepal for us in which because Pakistani's had visa-on-arrival/visa free access, Pakistan was able to setup an wide ranging intelligence network and create security issues for India by becoming a launchpad.

Apart from Indian security concerns, there is also the issue of Pakistani preachers going to Sri Lanka.

Both factors fed in, Sri Lanka stopped the facility to Pakistani's. Good news all around.

Well SriLanka made the decision and some srilankan shoild be able to clearly say what the ground realities are- why should I listen to an india going on about his usual theories doing his best to put an indian angel to anything concerning Pakistan- thats ubber rubbish coming from attention seekers of the world-
Well SriLanka made the decision and some srilankan shoild be able to clearly say what the ground realities are- why should I listen to an india going on about his usual theories doing his best to put an indian angel to anything concerning Pakistan- thats ubber rubbish coming from attention seekers of the world-
Whatever floats your boat mate.
The act on the ground however is enough for India.
That the point I'm making. I don't think its the persecuted minorities seeking asylum, that is the real issue. Real issue must be security. Of course they will not openly say so and humiliate Pakistan, would they?

Even Chinese are worried about jihadist impulses from Pakistan, and openly too. HK allows on arrival visa for Indians, but not Pakistanis.

Well i'm not arguing that there are no security impulsion for the decision but denying these people asylum is the wrong.. Given that they themselves are fleeing prosecution from the jihadis that many of you claim may have infiltrated the Lankan Muslim community.. These Pakistani Christians and Ahmeddi's far out number any of those extremist preachers that may abuse the visa system.. These people are victims of religious prosecution and now beings pawns of a wider regional politics

Asylum-seekers in Sri Lanka: Uncertain haven | The Economist

Fleeing persecution, Pakistan’s Christians find a manger in Lanka | The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka
Well i'm arguing that there are no security impulsion for the decision but denying these people asylum is the wrong.. Given that they themselves are fleeing prosecution from the jihadis that many of you claim may have infiltrated the Lankan Muslim community.. These Pakistani Christians and Ahmeddi's far out number any of those extremist preachers that may abuse the visa system

Asylum-seekers in Sri Lanka: Uncertain haven | The Economist

Fleeing persecution, Pakistan’s Christians find a manger in Lanka | The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Even one jihadist preacher is enough to radicalize a large section of population. So comparing numbers is inappropriate.
Wrong decision.. There are way more Indian overstayers and illegal immigrants than Pakistani's.. And most Pakistani's seeking asylum are religious minorities Christians and Ahmeddi's.. Unfortunately SL is not a signatory to UNHCR

Trying hard to score brownie points on a Pakistani forum? :lol:
Even one jihadist preacher is enough to radicalize a large section of population. So comparing numbers is inappropriate.

There needs to be a better way than having a blanket visa restriction.. Sri Lanka has a ETA system so when somebody applies there can be background checks made..

Trying hard to score brownie points on a Pakistani forum? :lol:

Trying hard to look smart with a mundane comment with no value ?
Whatever floats your boat mate.
The act on the ground however is enough for India.
Ofcourse you will be extremely happy man- that makes you a proud indian- again whatever floats ones boat mate-
And did you actually expect GoSL to say that they are making an exception to their visa-on-arrival facility(for all) by blocking Pakistan just for India?

It would always be couched in some other issue. It does not take away that this is what India wanted.
Nope i did not expect them to say that at this time, but i have yet tobsee a statement by any givt official in the past that ISIbhas veen causing trouble for them..... Its like afghanistan FO blames Pakistan for cross border attacks and their Military General threaten usbif possible attack... But then you have their Security Advisor agreeing on cooperation againstTerrorism...... Its the body language... So unless you have that, ibwill say you just "assumed" all thise things....
My comment was subtle, but with a profound value.

Not really.. Just another silly jibe to highlight your insecurity when you dont have anything of value to add to the thread
The difference is those Tamil Sri lankans are recognized as refugees's in India having fled violence ..

Indians in SL are mainly involved in illegal activities, overstaying cheap agricultural labor in the north central province, trade, narcotics(marijuana) and go there as a transit point to illegal migrate to Europe and Australia

But most of the Pakistani refugees are them selves religious minorities so i dont see how they correlate with Sunni jihadists

Please provide an link to substantiate that comment, the last time I looked, people migrating to Australia illegally were Iraqis, Afgans and SRI LANKANS (both ethnic Tamil and Senegalese)

refer to this piece from the Australian governments website.
Boat arrivals in Australia since 1976
full document link below

By the end of 2011, for the fifth consecutive year, the number of forcibly displaced people
worldwide still exceeded 42 million.11 The number of asylum applications in 2011 was also the
highest for almost a decade:

An estimated 441 300 asylum applications were registered in 2011 in the 44 countries included
in this report, some 73 300 claims or 20 per cent more than in 2010 (368 000).The 2011 level is
the highest since 2003 when 505 000 asylum applications were lodged in the industrialized

It is clear from these figures that issues arising from the movement of displaced people are unlikely
to wane any time soon. The UNHCR Regional Representative for Australia, New Zealand and the
Pacific, Richard Towle, has pointed out in the past that further destabilisation of countries such as
Afghanistan, Iraq and Sri Lanka, would inevitably lead to more people seeking asylum in our region
regardless of national border protection policies or changes to migration legislation.13
More recently, Towle has argued that this continues to be the case:

http://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/library/prspub/5P1X6/upload_binary/5P1X6.pdf;fileType=application/pdf#search="boat arrivals in Australia since"

When you spew total nonsensical garbage about Indians, over staying their visa's in Sri Lanka! and using that as a point to come to Australia, well we just don't buy it, because that is just pure bullshit. We Indian's come to Australia direct either on work or Student visa - bringing in thousands of dollars to the economy and settle in the correct and prompt way under the Australian Migration act.

you should be thanking the Indian's that Sri Lanka tourism industry is being boosted by loaded Indians coming there to enjoy a quick holiday and contributing to your economy not the other way around.
Now what the heck, this has to do with ISI???
They have clearly said that they want to cut down on assylym seekers and political refugees, it mire like Lankans looking after their own interests, then to please a Third country.....
This is not to be taken lightly, sadly we can't d much but a potential weapons market could be at risk. It's sad that Pakistanis specificity have been targeted. This will put strains in the relationship of two countries.
When you spew total nonsensical garbage about Indians, over staying their visa's in Sri Lanka! and using that as a point to come to Australia, well we just don't buy it, because that is just pure bullshit. We Indian's come to Australia direct either on work or Student visa - bringing in thousands of dollars to the economy and settle in the correct and prompt way under the Australian Migration act.

you should be thanking the Indian's that Sri Lanka tourism industry is being boosted by loaded Indians coming there to enjoy a quick holiday and contributing to your economy not the other way around.

Stop being melodramatic.. The largest number of illegal economic migrant To sri lanka are Indians
Please provide an link to substantiate that comment, the last time I looked, people migrating to Australia illegally were Iraqis, Afgans and SRI LANKANS (both ethnic Tamil and Senegalese)

refer to this piece from the Australian governments website.
Boat arrivals in Australia since 1976
full document link below

By the end of 2011, for the fifth consecutive year, the number of forcibly displaced people
worldwide still exceeded 42 million.11 The number of asylum applications in 2011 was also the
highest for almost a decade:

An estimated 441 300 asylum applications were registered in 2011 in the 44 countries included
in this report, some 73 300 claims or 20 per cent more than in 2010 (368 000).The 2011 level is
the highest since 2003 when 505 000 asylum applications were lodged in the industrialized

It is clear from these figures that issues arising from the movement of displaced people are unlikely
to wane any time soon. The UNHCR Regional Representative for Australia, New Zealand and the
Pacific, Richard Towle, has pointed out in the past that further destabilisation of countries such as
Afghanistan, Iraq and Sri Lanka, would inevitably lead to more people seeking asylum in our region
regardless of national border protection policies or changes to migration legislation.13
More recently, Towle has argued that this continues to be the case:

http://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/library/prspub/5P1X6/upload_binary/5P1X6.pdf;fileType=application/pdf#search="boat arrivals in Australia since"

When you spew total nonsensical garbage about Indians, over staying their visa's in Sri Lanka! and using that as a point to come to Australia, well we just don't buy it, because that is just pure bullshit. We Indian's come to Australia direct either on work or Student visa - bringing in thousands of dollars to the economy and settle in the correct and prompt way under the Australian Migration act.

you should be thanking the Indian's that Sri Lanka tourism industry is being boosted by loaded Indians coming there to enjoy a quick holiday and contributing to your economy not the other way around.

Stop getting your panties in a twist bub.. These are hard facts.. Most illegal stayers in SL are Indian economic migrants.. Not all Indians who come here are newly rich..

Sri Lanka may have 20,000 illegals mainly from Pakistan, India: report

Secondly agreed most boat people to Australia are SL Tamils from conflict zones and those from refugee camps in TN but there is a significant number of Indians using this to get to Australia and Europe in guise as Lankans

Indians among illegal immigrants arrested in Sri Lanka - Economic Times

Thirdly they may not take a boat but illegal Indian immigrants far out weigh even Tamil asylum seekers


So get off your high horse.. Last time you looked you may have been high
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