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Sri Lanka boycotts Nobel Peace Prize, Supports China

You being an Indian surely would be happy everyone attending the function against China simple as that.

Of course you would say that because I'm Indian etc. etc.

But the problem is that what you see the Sri Lankan govt doesnt see and doesnt agree with what Indians want. So just coming hard on Sri Lanka not siding with Indian view.

Did I say I disagree with Sri Lanka's decision? I'm merely pointing out a different point of view.

Now i would rebound your own point. If tomorrow nobel peace prize is given to Arundhati tomorrow for her support to Maoists and Kashmiris would Indian government not behave like China ?

I am dead sure you all will be arms in hands against everyone who is attending it.

Rebounding my question is a clever way of not answering it. Since you answered my question for me, may I take the liberty to answer you question for you too? You would be saying that it's an absolute outrage that GoI wants countries not to attend. India is not the biggest democracy, it's the biggest hypocrisy etc. etc. Btw read my previous reply to you again. "I see no reason not to honour a man who advocates the right to freedom of speech". Hence meaning that I support the right to freedom of speech so I would have no problem with countries attending a prize for Arundathi Roy if she won. But of course, you're not going to believe me.

The bottom line is that India will attend because you have many grudges against China and you have the right.

Similarly those who are not attending they have many interests with China so they will act accordingly.

I agree to an extent. However I suggest you read the two Vietnamese and Philippine sources that I quoted above.

Playing fake morality card here is hypocrite

I preempted this one. No surprise there. No thanks, I prefer to avoid flame-bait.
Who brought India in this discussion??? Sri lanka is a sovereign nation who can take their own decision...and they have..
India should not allow to join the SCO for not showing solidarity with Asia
do you think whole asia belongs to china...
or you are confusing with the boundaries of china..

let me simplify you..

asia != china
china belongs to asia
asia do not belong to china :pop:
do you think whole asia belongs to china...
or you are confusing with the boundaries of china..

let me simplify you..

asia != china
china belongs to asia
asia do not belong to china :pop:

more than 70% of asia is not going to the nobel peace prize that s enough asia for me
I do not have any problem with India attending the ceremony. Those countries that have decided not to attend will be appreciated by China as well. Liu Xiaobo has become a poster boy China bashing in the West. BTW, for a dude without visible means of income he's been living pretty high. On Western fianancial support, I might add.
nothing india specific relevent.....only few pakistani-chinese members bring indian name in this thread...which is the only irrelevent..

I never mentioned India in this thread.

You're the one here talking about India even though it has nothing to do with the topic. :rolleyes:
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