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Advertising will get you banned, edit your post.
. .
This is an Iranian part of an international forum, if you don't like it **** off.
You will not be missed.

its not iranian forum..your forum is sub part only;)

and its in rules that no body except in members club can post in urdu or some local language..

my post have been deleted by doing so:lol:

so now u decide to $$$$$$$$$$$$$
Only the title is in persian, if it was violating the rules then the mods would had changed it.
I am sorry I don't want to waste my time with a slave of the zionists.
bye bye :wave:
This is an Iranian part of an international forum, if you don't like it **** off.
You will not be missed.

you should be grateful to mods to open shkofta threads here, there was no iranian forum few days ago and this is still pakistan defence forum
. .

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