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Speech by a Hazara man in front of Lal Masjid

Great speech. They tell you about the Dasht-e-Lelli massacre, but what they don't tell you is that the Afghan("good")Taliban actually loaded some 300 Uzbeks and Hazaras into containers during the 1998 Mazar-e-Sharif massacre, who later died due to asphyxiation. The Taliban then dumped the bodies of those Uzbek and Hazara in the Dasht-e-Lelli desert. Rashid Dostum then took 10x revenge from Taliban in 2002(I think) at the same place in the same manner. He killed 3000 Talib prisoners(a lot of them Swatis led by Sufi Muhammad-Mullah Fazlullah's father in law) and buried them in the same desert. Even their family members didn't come to collect their bodies. You can still find Talib skulls in Dasht-e-Lelli.

Northern Alliance were the "lesser evil" in the Afghanistan fight. The Russians were defeated by Ahmad Shah Massoud's men, as most of the fighting happened in northern Afghanistan. Massoud was also moderately islamist and was originally pro-Pakistan. Pakistan played the evil role in Afghan civil war without a doubt. But with that said, I don't blame the army as an institution for it. Both the civil government of that time and army leadership of back then was involved. People like Hameed Gul are the major criminals from that war.
This man is a dare-devil!!!
But he's right that we dont open our eyes to atrocities till one of our own is killed.
We turned a blind eye to what happened in Iraq and Syria, because news of dead children and women sounds normal from that part of the world.
Great speech. They tell you about the Dasht-e-Lelli massacre, but what they don't tell you is that the Afghan("good")Taliban actually loaded some 300 Uzbeks and Hazaras into containers during the 1998 Mazar-e-Sharif massacre, who later died due to asphyxiation. The Taliban then dumped the bodies of those Uzbek and Hazara in the Dasht-e-Lelli desert. Rashid Dostum then took 10x revenge from Taliban in 2002(I think) at the same place in the same manner. He killed 3000 Talib prisoners(a lot of them Swatis led by Sufi Muhammad-Mullah Fazlullah's father in law) and buried them in the same desert. Even their family members didn't come to collect their bodies. You can still find Talib skulls in Dasht-e-Lelli.

Northern Alliance were the "lesser evil" in the Afghanistan fight. The Russians were defeated by Ahmad Shah Massoud's men, as most of the fighting happened in northern Afghanistan. Massoud was also moderately islamist and was originally pro-Pakistan. Pakistan played the evil role in Afghan civil war without a doubt. But with that said, I don't blame the army as an institution for it. Both the civil government of that time and army leadership of back then was involved. People like Hameed Gul are the major criminals from that war.
The amount of misinformation in this comment is staggering. I don't even know where to being.

I...someone else handle this. I can't, I just can't.
The amount of misinformation in this comment is staggering. I don't even know where to being.

I...someone else handle this. I can't, I just can't.

Lol point only one, in just one sentence. A challenge to you.
Lol point only one, in just one sentence. A challenge to you.
Accepted. Ahmed Shah Mahsood was never pro-Pakistani. In fact, his main ally during the Russian occupation was Iran, and during the civil war, it was Iran and India.

Another mistake is the claim that the NA were the lesser evil, when in reality there was little differentiating the taliban with the alliance. In fact, it was originally Ahmed Dhah Mahsood that invited Osama and al qaeda to Afghanistan. If Osama successfully met up with the NA, instead of being detained by the Taliban, I can promise you that the Taliban would be the US ally and mullah Omar still in power in Kandahar (being the afghan capital under the Taliban regime).
He is 100% right. Please God keep him safe, because our establishment is also extremist and sectarian. They might want to kill him.

I have issues with this man's views too, but still good speech

Great speech! PM Nawaz is correct in saying this much, that kids who martyred in Peshawar attack have drawn a line with their blood between Pakistani nation and the terrorists, Pakistanis stand united on one side of the line, while terrorists on the other.
Cowasjee was a great writer and philanthropist, but he was not the first non-Muslim who saw Pakistan engulfed in the flames of religious intolerance and fanaticism. Many before him had warned the people of Pakisatn about mixing religion with politics and affairs of state. One of them was Chandra Chattopadhyaya, this is what he had said when the Constituent Assembly adopted the Objective Resolution. It was the Objective Resolution that actually paved the way for the Islamic Pakistan of Mullah and buried Jinnah's Pakistan (whatever he had envisioned but it was definitely not what we are witnessing now) forever.

"In my conception of state where people of different religion live there is no place for religion in the state. Its position must be neutral: no bias for any religion. If necessary, it should help all the religions equally. No question of concession or tolerance to any religion. It smacks of inferiority complex. The state must respect all religions: no smiling face for one and askance look to the other. The state religion is a dangerous principle. Previous instances are sufficient to warn us not to repeat the blunder. We know people were burnt alive in the name of religion. Therefore, my conception is that the sovereignty must rest with the people and not with anybody else....[T]he words "equal rights as enunciated by Islam" are—I do not use any other word—a camouflage. It is only a hoax to us, the non-Muslims. There cannot be equal rights as enunciated by Islam. It goes without saying that by introducing the religious question, the differences between the majority and the minority are being perpetuated, for how long, nobody knows. And, as apprehended by us, the difficulty of interpretation has already arisen. The accepted principle is that the majority, by their fair treatment, must create confidence in the minority. Whereas the Honorable mover of the resolution promises respect, in place of charity or sufferance for the minority community the deputy minister, Dr. Qureshi, advises the minority to win the goodwill of the majority by their behavior. In the House of the Legislature also we find that, while the prime minister keeps perfectly to his dictum, others cannot brook that the opposition should function in the spirit of opposition. The demand is that the opposition should remain submissive. That is Dr. Qureshi’s way of thinking. The minorities must be grateful for all the benevolence they get and must never complain for the malevolence that may also be dealt out to them. That is his solution of the minority problem." (The quotes are taken form wiki)
I agree with 90% of things he said but I would add that many things that he said are crap too.

In America people own guns and they have right to do so plus it is kinda mandatory in many areas that people will voluntarily fight against the enemies of US. It is in the oath and everything...even American selective service system makes it duty of every young male to take arms in case the country need them. It never means you have to take arms against your own people. What Pakistan Army might have done in the past could be similar to this but now if some people had pick up arms against the country for their self satisfying purpose, the military must not and cannot be blamed. Military worked for the interest of the country in which people like those in that video live. It is the failure of govts who supported mullas.
Accepted. Ahmed Shah Mahsood was never pro-Pakistani. In fact, his main ally during the Russian occupation was Iran, and during the civil war, it was Iran and India.

Another mistake is the claim that the NA were the lesser evil, when in reality there was little differentiating the taliban with the alliance. In fact, it was originally Ahmed Dhah Mahsood that invited Osama and al qaeda to Afghanistan. If Osama successfully met up with the NA, instead of being detained by the Taliban, I can promise you that the Taliban would be the US ally and mullah Omar still in power in Kandahar (being the afghan capital under the Taliban regime).

Ahmad Shah had a base in Peshawar. He was granted safe houses in Peshwar by the ISI during the 80s. There was even an uprising of Afghan and Russian soldiers in a Massoud run prison near Peshawar. Pakistan alienated him by supporting Hekmatyar.

Northern Alliance also didn't declare takfir on the Hazaras, didn't ban female education. They were and still are the lesser evil. Afghan Taliban is just like the TTP. There's no difference in ideology.
Good speech by a brave man although it could have been better.

Ahmad Shah had a base in Peshawar. He was granted safe houses in Peshwar by the ISI during the 80s. There was even an uprising of Afghan and Russian soldiers in a Massoud run prison near Peshawar. Pakistan alienated him by supporting Hekmatyar.

Northern Alliance also didn't declare takfir on the Hazaras, didn't ban female education. They were and still are the lesser evil. Afghan Taliban is just like the TTP. There's no difference in ideology.
Northern alliance may have been the lesser evil but they werent in our national intrest
Ahmad Shah had a base in Peshawar. He was granted safe houses in Peshwar by the ISI during the 80s. There was even an uprising of Afghan and Russian soldiers in a Massoud run prison near Peshawar. Pakistan alienated him by supporting Hekmatyar.

Northern Alliance also didn't declare takfir on the Hazaras, didn't ban female education. They were and still are the lesser evil. Afghan Taliban is just like the TTP. There's no difference in ideology.
Pakistan granted a lot of militants bases in Pakistan, as long as they fought the soviets. The means very little.

In fact female education was frowned upon, in the alliance, and you can to this day see women are still treated like dirt by the government, which is really just an successor to the northern alliance. They only allow the few women's rights they do have because of western insistence, who've linked aid directly to the conditions of Afghan women's rights issues. The current situation for women in Afghanistan is nothing more than cosmetic.

Next, you're forgetting that, after the fall of Kabul, Ahmed Shah Mahsood ordered the shelling of Kabul that deliberately targeted civilian houses. Thousands are said to have been killed during the shelling.

No, there is no such thing as lesser of two evils.
Pakistan granted a lot of militants bases in Pakistan, as long as they fought the soviets. The means very little.

In fact female education was frowned upon, in the alliance, and you can to this day see women are still treated like dirt by the government, which is really just an successor to the northern alliance. They only allow the few women's rights they do have because of western insistence, who've linked aid directly to the conditions of Afghan women's rights issues. The current situation for women in Afghanistan is nothing more than cosmetic.

Next, you're forgetting that, after the fall of Kabul, Ahmed Shah Mahsood ordered the shelling of Kabul that deliberately targeted civilian houses. Thousands are said to have been killed during the shelling.

No, there is no such thing as lesser of two evils.

That's the thing; when they were killing soviets they were "mujahideen" for us. But now they're evil for bombing Kabul all of a sudden. Most of the anti-soviet mujahideen joined the northern alliance. The Taliban are new guys. Most of the anti-soviet fighting took place in the north. And Hekmatyar whom we supported did the same; bomb Kabul to the ground.

Northern alliance may have been the lesser evil but they werent in our national intrest

We can see how far sighted the deciders of our "national interests" were. Fazlullah is not hosted by Afghan intelligence or RAW. Instead he's hosted by Afghan Taliban, who are the de-facto rulers of Kunar.

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