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Mar 24, 2006
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Dear Friends,

We want to share a few ideas of ours that we have accumulated with several years on the internet. The primary issue we want to tackle here is something that's been noticed to be on the rise is of spamming.

We encourage hot heated debates and for that matter we've said over n over that all topics of political debates are welcome here. In fact we see no difference with a topic criticizing Pakistan with one criticizing America, Israel or China. Religious criticism is the only thing we encourage that our members use appropriate terminology, but nonetheless, you have open rights to find faults with Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Confucianism, etc.

In all cases you must be prepared to meet a heated debate from the opposing side.

Posting criticism is not an issue that we constitute as spamming.

There are mainly 2 things we'll term as spam.

The less offensive but more damaging one of the two is of posting rampant articles that don't lead to anywhere other than become a large database of criticism of some person or some country. This is not only discouraged, in the longer run it can be forcefully disallowed as by definition, we are a 'forum' not a database. What I mean is we discuss and debate things not maintain records. We would strongly urge that when you post a big article always provide a summary and always give your own analysis, and your own opinion on the matter.

People maintaining this simple decorum within a professional forum are usually the most respected and the most honored.

The second one which is more likely to get you into trouble is pertaining to the way you might dismiss someone's argument by a one-liner or worse, dismiss the person who posted it and even worse start with his or her character assassination. Granted sometimes one-liners are needed and do serve the purpose but that's just sometimes and do not make it a habit of it. But on the other hand if your personal comments are not likely to be taken in a friendly manner, NEVER make them. If they complain, you will be held responsible and questioned.

So please take care and support us in all the upliftings we intend to do with the forum. Wish you all the best and a happy 14th of August!

-- PFF Moderator team.
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