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Spain passes law of return for Sephardic Jews that were expelled in 1492! LOL!


Aug 19, 2014
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Move allows descendant of Jews expelled from Iberian country in 1492 to seek dual Spanish nationality.

The cover of a passport from Spain. (photo credit:ING IMAGE/ASAP)

Half a millennium after expelling its Jews Spain passed a law granting the right of citizenship to their progeny, known collectively as Sephardim, on Thursday afternoon.

In 1492 the Jews of the Iberian peninsula were presented with a choice, convert of accept exile. Those who left migrated to North Africa and the Middle East while many of those who stayed became underground Jews, hiding their religion under the guise of devout Catholics.

The bill was deemed a “historic rehabilitation” by Foreign Minister Manuel Garcia Margallo and Justice Minister Rafael Catala, who were both present in the legislature when the bill, which has been in the works for three years finally passed.

"This says a lot about what we were in the past and what we are today and [that] the Spaniards want to be in the future an open, diverse and tolerant Spain,” Telam Mundo reported Catala as saying.

The bill will be officially enacted in October, when the Jewish community will be able to begin vetting the lineage of applicants for the government.

“We are happy to live this historic moment,” David Hatchwell Altaras, the the president of the Jewish community of Madrid and vice president of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Spain, told the Jerusalem Post.

“While the Law is not perfect it is a great gesture and it is a step in the right direction for a better and deeper relationship between Spain and its Jews. It shows what the new Spain is all about.”

In an official statement, the FCJE said that Thursday began a “new stage in the history of the relationship between Spain and the Jewish World; a new period of encounter, dialogue and harmony.”

“Contrary to what one might think, the descendants of those expelled not harbored feelings of hatred or resentment but rather the contrary, they cultivated a deep love for the land they were from and intense loyalty to tradition and language received of their elders,” the group said.

Prospective citizens would also have to prove their ancestry and show that they have a basic knowledge of Spain and its culture and will be required to visit the country at least once and according to reports, will be required to pay an application fee of one hundred Euros.

In an interview with the Post earlier this week, Hatchwell said that he believed that the law would be a boon for Sephardi Jews facing rising anti-Semitism in Turkey and Venezuela.

Turkish Jews have expressed concerns over anti-Semitic sentiments expressed both in their country’s media and by national politicians, while Venezuela’s government has come under criticism by Jewish groups for not only failing to combat anti-Semitism but actually promoting it in some cases.

Spanish, and therefore European, citizenship could provide a measure of safety for Jews in both communities, Hatchwell said.

Last month The New York Times reported that “thousands of Sephardi Jews in Turkey who trace their ancestry to Spain... are now applying for Spanish citizenship.”

The Spanish Embassy in Ankara replied with a statement that “no applications have yet been processed,” the Daily Sabah, a Turkish newspaper, reported.

The new law is a “positive act which may provide a very small measure, perhaps symbolic, of comfort to the descendants of those viciously kicked out of Spain or brutally and forcibly disconnected from the Jewish people,” commented Ashley Perry, a Sephardic Jew and a former advisor to erstwhile Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman.

Together with MK Robert Ilatov, Perry is currently working to establish a Knesset lobby for the rights of the descendents of the so-called conversos, Spanish and Portuguese Jews who were coerced into converting.

"The Spanish law should provide the impetus for Israel and the Jewish world to do our part in repairing the historic injustice of the Spanish Inquisition and Expulsion and reconnect with the descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jewish communities which were forcibly and cruelly ripped from us,” said Ilatov.

“This will be one of the main goals of our Knesset Lobby.”

Asked about the lobby, Hatchwell stated that “anything that can help Spanish people wanting to reconnect with their origins is something positive to me.”

According to Perry, the purpose of the lobby will be to examine all of the issues surrounding such people, who he estimates may number in the tens of millions worldwide.

“There are a few hundred who are converting and making aliyah every year but there are still many issues,” he explained.

While not one of the goals of the nascent lobby, Perry said that he personally would like to push for an Israeli law along the lines of that just passed by Spain.

“We should take the Spanish and Portuguese laws and create a law in Israel modeled on them where people who can demonstrate ancestry and commitment to the Jewish people…should be welcomed back to Israel and the Jewish people.”

There are many such people who are interested in reconnecting with their past, he said, citing the example of the Falasha Mura, the descendants of Ethiopian Jews forcibly converted to Christianity. In their case, they were brought to Israel and allowed to study in conversion courses before returning to their people.

Michael Freund, the founder of Shavei Israel, an organization that works with the descendents of anusim in several countries likewise called for Israel to learn from Spain.

“I think that the decision by Spain should be a wake up call for the Israeli government to embark on a new strategic approach and to reach out to bnei anusim,” he said.

A growing number of [them] are looking to strengthen their Jewish identity and reclaim their Jewish roots and return to our people. it is vital that Israel take steps to strengthen their connection.”
Spain passes law of return for Sephardic Jews - Diaspora - Jerusalem Post

Its time for Muslims worldwide to shout another very successful Jewish conspiracy! Now, descendants of those Muslim Spaniards who were expelled alongside Jews in 1492 should be welcomed back as well, since not all of them were invaders after settling in that country for at least 700 years at the time of their mass expulsion. This law is yet another proof of Spanish Jewish vs Muslim bigotry:
Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

@Derolo @Archdemon @Natan @500 @MarkovChain @Solomon2 @F-15I @Cohen1984
Antisemitism is a dangerous thing - and while this is more or less symbolic, it shows Spain has come a long way from its bloody past. Very unlikely Jews will move out of Israel to Spain given how Jews feel (and rightly so) that they can only trust themselves to take care of themselves.
Interesting how no Jew every cried a river about this :pop:

Or any other nationality :azn:

Of course they did. Antisemitism was just as, if not more cruel in the Christian world than the Muslim world - which is really why Israel is necessary for them.
Jews just don't care.
Nooo..they do...They cried a river about Palestine, remember

They cried a river about holocaust several years after it stopped....

They very much care when they can cash in or get the limelight crying about Spain apparently did neither

if not more cruel in the Christian world than the Muslim world - which is really why Israel is necessary for them.
Well then they should ask for a piece of land in the Christian world ...from you know the bad bullies instead of bashing those who accommodated them in times of their need!
Nooo..they do...They cried a river about Palestine, remember

They cried a river about holocaust several years after it stopped....

They very much care when they can cash in or get the limelight crying about Spain apparently did neither

Read the article again. It says over and over again about apparent "lobbying" that took place before the law was legalised :D
Well then they should ask for a piece of land in the Christian world ...from you know the bad bullies instead of bashing those who accommodated them in times of their need!
Jews have no connection with any land but the eternal Land of Israel :D

You think? :unsure:
Of course. Until 1947, Jews really didn't conquer any region of the world. At least not under their own leadership :D
Read the article again. It says over and over again about apparent "lobbying" that took place before the law was legalised :D
Yes, I know the "lobbying" all too well...I am just wondering how the ungrateful souls forgot the very EMPIRE that took em in without question gave em their rights and now the people of that very empire suffer like anything :(
Yes, I know the "lobbying" all too well...I am just wondering how the ungrateful souls forgot the very EMPIRE that took em in without question gave em their rights and now the people of that very empire suffer like anything :(
Not every miserable suffering in the Muslim world is Jews fault. Grow up and take some responsibility! :D
Jews have no connection with any land but the eternal Land of Israel :D
And I thought they were technologically advanced .... :(

Of course. Until 1947, Jews really didn't conquer any region of the world. At least not under their own leadership :D
Conquer? You dont conquer squat by crying and making a drama, a diary popular! You def dont by inflating the number of and then stomping on those very souls who took em in!
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