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South Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh) is NOT an integral part of India


Forum can't let me post the links so please google "Postal Map of China ,1917.jpg" for the info.

The “Postal map of China”, 1917 , a Government of China’s Official Government publications, published at Peking in 1917. Actually an imperialist map of China during the relevant period, besides the depiction of Aksai Chin as part of India, the map incidentally depicts all the pre-1947 Himalayan princely states in Pre-1947 India including inter alia Nepal, Sikikim, and what is now Arunachal Pradesh as integral parts of India. The map was published by the Government of China in 1917 and the source and creator of the image is the Government of China of the relevant period i.e. 1917 and the maps prove that Aksai Chin is not disputed but is an inalienable part of Kashmir. The map is reproduced in all “note worthy” books pertaining to India’s border issue, including “Himalayan Frontiers” by Dorothy Woodman published inter alia by London Barrie and Rockliff The Cresset Press, 1969 at page 81.
A treaty was signed in 1904 between the authorities in Tibet and Colonel Younghusband as a "Convention between Great Britain and Tibet" thus converting Tibet into a British protectorate with some degree of independence. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911 and a failed Chinese expedition in 1913 to conquer Tibet, the regions of Ü-Tsang and western Kham, comprising the present-day TAR were then under the control of the Government of Tibet, supervised by the British.

In 1913, shortly after the British invasion of Tibet in 1904, the creation of the position of British Trade Agent at Gyantse and the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, most of the area comprising the present-day Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) (Ü-Tsang and western Kham ) became de-facto independent from the rest of present-day China, under a British protectorate, with the rest of the present day TAR coming under Tibetan Government rule by 1917.

In July 1949, in order to prevent Chinese agitation in Tibet, the Government of Tibet expelled the (Nationalist) Chinese delegation. In November 1949, it sent a letter to the US State Department and a copy to Mao Zedong, and a separate letter to Great Britain, declaring its intent to defend itself “by all possible means” against PRC troop incursions into Tibet.

In September 1949, shortly before the proclamation of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) made it a top priority to incorporate Tibet into the PRC, by force if necessary. Because Tibet was unlikely to voluntarily give up its De-facto independence, Mao in December 1949 ordered that preparations be made to march into Tibet’s province centered at Qamdo (Chamdo), in order to induce the Tibetan Government to negotiate.

In other words, Tibet which was a British Protectorate earlier, was forcibly assimilated by China. It was never a part of it. So, if that's the case, how is Arunachal part of China? If anything, it was part of the British Protectorate and never part of China! On what grounds therefore, can China claim Arunachal?

Bottom line: Arunachal is part and parcel of India and even God can't change the status. Period!
And it has been the Tibetans ruling themselves before the Mongols and Manchus, eh?

It is a part of India, and thats how its going to stay... Modern borders are going to stay the same..

Go claim Mongolia too, buddy..

regarding your stance to independent tibet why dont you support your liberated tibet by liberating arunachal pardesh or south tibet?
Are you talking about Uttar Pradesh? You know freedom fighters like Nehru, Mangal Pandey, etc, etc, etc, etc comes from there right?

And there are Indians here from UP..

You called for us sir!!! :police:

BTW I think he actually wanted to refer AP not UP:lol:

Forum can't let me post the links so please google "Postal Map of China ,1917.jpg" for the info.

The “Postal map of China”, 1917 , a Government of China’s Official Government publications, published at Peking in 1917. Actually an imperialist map of China during the relevant period, besides the depiction of Aksai Chin as part of India, the map incidentally depicts all the pre-1947 Himalayan princely states in Pre-1947 India including inter alia Nepal, Sikikim, and what is now Arunachal Pradesh as integral parts of India. The map was published by the Government of China in 1917 and the source and creator of the image is the Government of China of the relevant period i.e. 1917 and the maps prove that Aksai Chin is not disputed but is an inalienable part of Kashmir. The map is reproduced in all “note worthy” books pertaining to India’s border issue, including “Himalayan Frontiers” by Dorothy Woodman published inter alia by London Barrie and Rockliff The Cresset Press, 1969 at page 81.


Loser, we are talking about ZN, and your are ranting about Aksai Chin! :lol:

Looks like you lost not only Aksai Chin, but more importantly you lost your education of geography.

A treaty was signed in 1904 between the authorities in Tibet and Colonel Younghusband as a "Convention between Great Britain and Tibet" thus converting Tibet into a British protectorate with some degree of independence. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911 and a failed Chinese expedition in 1913 to conquer Tibet, the regions of Ü-Tsang and western Kham, comprising the present-day TAR were then under the control of the Government of Tibet, supervised by the British.

In 1913, shortly after the British invasion of Tibet in 1904, the creation of the position of British Trade Agent at Gyantse and the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, most of the area comprising the present-day Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) (Ü-Tsang and western Kham ) became de-facto independent from the rest of present-day China, under a British protectorate, with the rest of the present day TAR coming under Tibetan Government rule by 1917.

In July 1949, in order to prevent Chinese agitation in Tibet, the Government of Tibet expelled the (Nationalist) Chinese delegation. In November 1949, it sent a letter to the US State Department and a copy to Mao Zedong, and a separate letter to Great Britain, declaring its intent to defend itself “by all possible means” against PRC troop incursions into Tibet.

In September 1949, shortly before the proclamation of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) made it a top priority to incorporate Tibet into the PRC, by force if necessary. Because Tibet was unlikely to voluntarily give up its De-facto independence, Mao in December 1949 ordered that preparations be made to march into Tibet’s province centered at Qamdo (Chamdo), in order to induce the Tibetan Government to negotiate.

In other words, Tibet which was a British Protectorate earlier, was forcibly assimilated by China. It was never a part of it. So, if that's the case, how is Arunachal part of China? If anything, it was part of the British Protectorate and never part of China! On what grounds therefore, can China claim Arunachal?

Bottom line: Arunachal is part and parcel of India and even God can't change the status. Period!


Why you do conveniently "missed" 17 point agreement?

Is that you level of observation or just a “selective blindness”?

-----Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The seventeen points

1.The Tibetan people shall unite and drive out imperialist aggressive forces from Tibet; the Tibetan people shall return to the big family of the Motherland the People's Republic of China (PRC).
2.The local government of Tibet shall actively assist the PLA to enter Tibet and consolidate the national defences.
3.In accordance with the policy towards nationalities laid down in the Common Programme of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee, the Tibetan people have the right of exercising national regional autonomy under the unified leadership of the CPG.
4.The central authorities will not alter the existing political system in Tibet. The central authorities also will not alter the established status, functions and powers of the Dalai Lama. Officials of various ranks shall hold office as usual.
5.The established status, functions and powers of the Panchen Ngoerhtehni shall be maintained.
6.By the established status, functions and powers of the Dalai Lama and of the Panchen Ngoerhtehni are meant the status, functions and powers of the thirteenth Dalai Lama and the ninth Panchen Ngoerhtehni when they had friendly and amicable relations with each other.
7.The policy of freedom of religious belief laid down in the common programme of the CPPCC shall be carried out. The religious beliefs, customs and habits of the Tibetan people shall be respected and lama monasteries shall be protected. The central authorities will not effect a change in the income of the monasteries.
8.Tibetan troops shall be reorganised step by step into the PLA and become a part of the defence force of the PRC.
9.The spoken and written language and school education of the Tibetan nationality shall be developed step by step in accordance with the actual conditions in Tibet.
10.Tibetan agriculture, livestock raising, industry and commerce shall be developed step by step and the people's livelihood shall be improved step by step in accordance with the actual conditions in Tibet.
11.In matters relating to various reforms in Tibet, there will be no compulsion on the part of the central authorities. The local government of Tibet shall carry out reforms of its own accord, and, when the people raise demands for reform, they shall be settled by means of consultation with the leading personnel of Tibet.
12.In so far as former pro-imperialists and pro-Kuomintang [Guomindang] officials resolutely sever relations with imperialism and the Kuomintang [Guomindang] and do not engage in sabotage or resistance, they may continue to hold office irrespective of their past.
13.The PLA entering Tibet shall abide by all the above-mentioned policies and shall also be fair in all buying and selling and shall not arbitrarily take a needle or thread from the people.
14.The CPG shall have centralised handling of all external affairs of the area of Tibet; and there will be peaceful co-existence with neighbouring countries and establishment and development of fair commercial and trading relations with them on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect for territory and sovereignty.
15.In order to ensure the implementation of this agreement, the CPG shall set up a Military and Administrative Committee and a Military Area HQ in Tibet and – apart from the personnel sent there by the CPG – shall absorb as many local Tibetan personnel as possible to take part in the work. Local Tibetan personnel taking part in the Military and Administrative Committee may include patriotic elements from the local government of Tibet, various districts and various principal monasteries; the name list shall be set forth after consultation between the representatives designated by the CPG and various quarters concerned and shall be submitted to the CPG for appointment.
16.Funds needed by the military and Administrative Committee, the Military Area HQ and the PLA entering Tibet shall be provided by the CPG. The local government of Tibet should assist the PLA in the purchase and transport of food, fodder and other daily necessities.
17.This agreement shall come into force immediately after signature and seals are affixed to it.

Signed and sealed by delegates of the Central People's Government with full powers:

Chief Delegate:

Li Wei-han (Chairman of the Commission of Nationalities Affairs);

Chang Ching-wu, Chang Kuo-hua, Sun Chih-yuan

Delegates with full powers of the Local Government of Tibet:

Chief Delegate: Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme

Dzasak Khemey Sonam Wangdi, Khentrung Thuptan, Tenthar, Khenchung Thuptan Lekmuun Rimshi, Samposey Tenzin Thondup

Loser, we are talking about ZN, and your are ranting about Aksai Chin! :lol:

Looks like you lost not only Aksai Chin, but more importantly you lost your education of geography.

and if you participate in a discussion by just looking at one post without understanding the background of it then you have clearly lost comprehnsion :lol: so what shall we say now? You have not just lost common sense in the boundary disputes of china rather your whole freakin mind??
While most Indians claim, intentionally or unintentionally, all over the place that Arunachal Pradesh (South Tibet) is an integral part of India, (see in http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...china-not-reality-says-pm-manmohan-singh.html ) I actually find, with factual truth, that Arunachal Pradesh (South Tibet) is NOT an integral part of India.

Friends, the following is why Arunachal Pradesh (South Tibet) is NOT an integral part of India. And there is no legal ground for Indians to claim so.

While it is true that there are some traces of Indian cultural relics found in AP, it had been more that Tibetans who ruled ZN before the British took it over.

For simplicity, just get a rough picture from wiki:

Simla Accord has been trashed by the very UK itself:

Thus, India has only recently (after 1962) occupied the territory illegally, and there is no legal ground for Indians to claim that ZN(AP) is an integral part of India.

Dissidents from India or Tibetans in exile who want to be indian, voice your different/opposing opinions.

No jingoism, no slogans, as they count nothing in a legal argument among matured grown-ups.

One thing that you forgot to realize is that Tawang is only a small part of Arunachal Pradesh. And the dalai lama told that Tawang is not a part of India and i agree with that. But he never told Arunachal belongs to Tibet.....

I have already posted abt the historical linkages btw India and Arunachal rite from mythological times.

No point arguing over it the only solution would be to accept the LAC as the permanent border.
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