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South Korea’s population shrinks for first time ever, with trend expected to worsen amid Covid-19

If you keep up the toxic East Asian work culture you’ll have declining birth rates no matter how rich you get. This applies to main land China as well. 996 work culture is the best contraceptive.

Thank you. That's literally my point in this post.

As I said

"Its not to bash Korea. Korea is an amazing country through and through. All I am saying is that Korean miracle was not free of social externalities and that a better, more holistic approach to development can be taken instead of over-focussing on productivity increase. Korea is now spending $180 billion to increase their fertility."

Such extreme focus on work and productivity increase is not a healthy paradigm for any society in the long term, and comes with negative externalities--- such as collapse in birth rates, high alcoholism due to stress, fall in marriage/dating, increased suicides, loneliness etc (all of which are issues facing East Asian societies at higher levels than normal).

A more 'relaxed' and 'hollistic' approach to development is a much better way to go about it. Countries like Turkey, Israel, Kazakhstan, Sweden/Norway, Qatar, or even France are good examples. Yes, not all of them are as developed as Korea. And not everything needs to be copied from these countries. But these countries offer some lessons in their development model that could be applied in East Asia, which in my view over-emphasized productivity gains while ignoring social factors
Thank you. That's literally my point in this post.

As I said

"Its not to bash Korea. Korea is an amazing country through and through. All I am saying is that Korean miracle was not free of social externalities and that a better, more holistic approach to development can be taken instead of over-focussing on productivity increase. Korea is now spending $180 billion to increase their fertility."

Such extreme focus on work and productivity increase is not a healthy paradigm for any society in the long term, and comes with negative externalities--- such as collapse in birth rates, high alcoholism due to stress, fall in marriage/dating, increased suicides, loneliness etc (all of which are issues facing East Asian societies at higher levels than normal).

A more 'relaxed' and 'hollistic' approach to development is a much better way to go about it. Countries like Turkey, Israel, Kazakhstan, Sweden/Norway, Qatar, or even France are good examples. Yes, not all of them are as developed as Korea. And not everything needs to be copied from these countries. But these countries offer some lessons in their development model that could be applied in East Asia, which in my view over-emphasized productivity gains while ignoring social factors

With France it is too much in the other direction. If rumors are correct they work four day weeks. I don't think that a developing nation can ever be competitive with this kind of attitude. I personally think that Germany and the Nordic countries strike a good balance between work and recreation.
First of all I have to say I haven't done any research on SK. Just according to what I know so far, SK and Japan are far more conservative than the West and a marriage alone could impair a woman's career, let alone childbirth and the employers are also typically reluctant to hire married women in child bearing age. In these settings, I can understand why a woman chooses to be childless so the problem here is not western values but the conservative social fabric of these countries. Feel free to correct me.

I mostly agree with your premise but that's not the whole truth. For example, the tempo-adjust fertility rate in Korea was still 1.4 in 2017. Tempo-adjusted TFR is the fertility rate that assumes constant marriage rate.

So if Korean marriage rates kept constant since 1990's, even then TFR would have collapsed to below 1.5. While in US, if marriage rate kept constant---US TFR would have been above 2. Tells you a lot....
Why are you guys even bringing in K-dramas lmao. Crash Landing on You is meant to be a romance-comedy idol drama, and it succeeded in doing so. Different genre. If the drama tried to be sophisticated, it would fail.

In a healthy demographic pyramid there is a large number of young Consumers (people aged 18-40) whose spendings are the driving force behind economic growth, and small number of retirees----but everything is going to be inverted in South Korea

The consequences of inversion of demographic pyramid:
1) higher taxes on the working age population
2) rising government debt
3) stagnation of economy (Lost decades)
4) deindustrialisation as factories move to countries where taxes are low and labor force is available

South Korea is not alone----Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland, Japan, China are all aging fast

USA, Canada, UK, France, Australia will not experience negative economic consequences of aging because of immigration. Remember that even an unskilled migrant is a new worker, taxpayer and consumer for the economy.

There are arguments that economic development and education are the reason behind falling fertility rate in developed countries....But in Israel, which is a developed country, fertility rate is 3,13....This shows that national mentality and culture are the true reason behind falling fertility rates
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Stop trying mate. Its abundantly clear to anyone with basic high-school macro economics background that you dont know what you are talking about. First thing, larger population does not automatically means larger share of working-age population. Secondly, larger share of working-age population doesn't automatically appreciate your currency unless you are competitive in export markets. That's why india with 1 billion people and higher share of working-age population still has $9k GDP per capita (PPP) while Korea has like $40K with much smaller population AND smaller share of working-age population

Anyways, the whole point was that GDP per capita (PPP) reflects more accurately how an average citizen lives in any country compared to nominal GDP per capita.

Korean GDP per capita (PPP) is about 45% higher than Turkey, not 2x. Ps, I am not making a claim that Turkey is more developed than Korea. So whats your point?

You literally skipped my post and kept yapping same sh!t over and over, eh? Literally no one is talking about making women "baby-making machines" like wtf is wrong with? READ before your emotional diarrhea comes off again on keyboard. Here

"Having low but healthy fertility is good---but East Asian fertility, esp Korean, is UNHEALTHY and that's the whole point. Korean fertility is 0.84 and that is DISASTROUSLY low for any population, not matter how rich. Nobody is arguing for having a fertility of 6. That's backwards and only extremely poor regions have such fertility (sub-Saharan Africa). My original post was related to how to balance economic development and healthy fertility in society (~2 children per woman on average)"

I color marked it so your "low-IQ" autistic brain can comprehend the post better instead of strawman drivel you keep posting and everyone keeps laughing at you and your laughably sad East Asian nationalism :lol:



This is SO embarrassing that even @Uguduwa called out your laughable brainfarts. You did not quote my full post and claimed 'oh Turkish drams are dubbed in Urdu and poor Muslims watch it because similar culture' yada yada.....I LITERALLY posted this in my previous reply that you so cutely ignored :D

View attachment 704247

View attachment 704248

So Russia, Chile, Mexico, Argentina are "poor Muslim countries" with "Arabic culture" now? :cheesy: One Turkish show literally received 12 million viewers on average in Argentina....and your point is "Well Turkish shows are only for uneducated Arab masses"?? :lol:

Your arse-licking of East Asia is getting embarrassing now....and its embarrassing for East Asians as well, I am sure. Korean dramas are as basic as they come. The most famous Korean Drama on Netflix is "Crash landing on you" and its literally a chick flick with ZERO nuance or conflict-resolution plot. Heck, there is LITERALLY no character development there (I finished it btw. Its a good show, no hate. But not 'sophisticated' at all). Compared to complex Turkish series like The Pit or Ertugrul, Crash Landing is like a highschool teenage play.

I am sure there are Korean dramas that are more deep and Turkish dramas that are basic like Crash landing. You even bringing this point is literally embarrassing. Please dont quote me now. I cant reply to someone that has an intellectual level of a 7th grader WWE fangirl

I quoted the universal answer to the question of how population affects ppp from economics 101, which will be the basic answer you will get when asked any economist about how population effects ppp,when you made asinine claim about how population doesn't effect ppp.

Yet you are still going on with more self made gibberish excuses and also contradicting yourself when Korea has 2x the gdp per capita(ppp) than turkey unlike what you initially insinuated based on ppp , whether you use nominal or ppp ,nothing really changes in their comparison,Korean economy is miles ahead with half the population. Each korean is at least twice more valuable human resource than Turks.The two nations aren't in the same league.

You need to attend your google college of economics more ,before trying to educate others and making shitty excuses about how korean birth rate is effected by some self-made notion of " sexual revolution" .
And don't seek validation from our resident stalker fan of mine, yapping out his buildup sense of insecurity and hurt,he's like einstein's version of typical lankan boy from his autobiography. Talk with substances instead of throwing tantrum when casual readers likes any post of mine .

View attachment 704247

View attachment 704248

So Russia, Chile, Mexico, Argentina are "poor Muslim countries" with "Arabic culture" now? :cheesy: One Turkish show literally received 12 million viewers on average in Argentina....and your point is "Well Turkish shows are only for uneducated Arab masses"?? :lol:

Your arse-licking of East Asia is getting embarrassing now....and its embarrassing for East Asians as well, I am sure. Korean dramas are as basic as they come. The most famous Korean Drama on Netflix is "Crash landing on you" and its literally a chick flick with ZERO nuance or conflict-resolution plot. Heck, there is LITERALLY no character development there (I finished it btw. Its a good show, no hate. But not 'sophisticated' at all). Compared to complex Turkish series like The Pit or Ertugrul, Crash Landing is like a highschool teenage play.

some Turkish drama has been dubbed an aired on some Chilean tv ,that's the only reason it had some followers,and the wiki pieces is completely misleading propaganda.
You talk about 12 million argentines watching an extremely popular turkish tv show,as some extraordinary audience in Latin America, meanwhile just one idol group alone gets 14.3 million views from Argentina even in youtube, in a month easily as breathing,it's not even mainstream platform . While the monthly views from the likes of brasil will be more than what many turkish drama will ever get for whole season combined in all of Latin america.
BTS: Bring the stats⁷ on Twitter: 🌐 @BTS_twt's YouTube views by country -  March 2020 ▶️ Where are you watching their MVs from? Did you country make  the top 20? ⬇️ Let

You need to stop making a fool of yourself with these delusional ignorant claim ,Turkish tv drama export is worth puny 250 m $( mainly from sales in Muslim countries) in 2018-19, meanwhile Korean drama export was 13.24 billion USD in the same year. That's not counting the other form of soft power export like kpop which is worth another ten more billion.
And you went around claiming how turkish drama is more popular in latin America,southeast Asia making a fool of yourself.

And korean wave isn't even the largest softpower from east it's anime .
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Yet you are still going on with more self made gibberish excuses and also contradicting yourself when Korea has 2x the gdp per capita(ppp) than turkey unlike what you initially insinuated based on ppp , whether you use nominal or ppp ,nothing really changes in their comparison,Korean economy is miles ahead with half the population. Each korean is at least twice more valuable human resource than Turks.The two nations aren't in the same league.

:rofl: :rofl:

Nobody claimed Korea and Turkey are in same league. You are such a low-IQ East Asian wanna be arse licker that even East Asian themselves are DMing me saying "Hey that guy is not East Asian. Just wanted you to know that"...You are literally embarrassing them here. I have clarified again and again that my point was never to make a claim that Turkish economy is better than Korea's. My point was to emphasize that East Asian model of extremely over-emphasizing on productivity gains has negative externalities and that a more holistic development model is probably better (Turkey, Israel, Kazakhstan, Norway, Sweden, France, Qatar/UAE etc could be some examples to study)

I'm actually cringing at you. No lie. You are an indian literally worshipping East Asians when they themselves dont want to associate with you and have been more open to my argument while YOU are defending them more than themselves :lol:

Here, again, I will colorize my main contention in this thread to make your inferiority-complex stricken wanna be East Asian self understand


"Having low but healthy fertility is good---but East Asian fertility, esp Korean, is UNHEALTHY and that's the whole point. Korean fertility is 0.84 and that is DISASTROUSLY low for any population, not matter how rich. Nobody is arguing for having a fertility of 6. That's backwards and only extremely poor regions have such fertility (sub-Saharan Africa). My original post was related to how to balance economic development and healthy fertility in society (~2 children per woman on average)

Its not to bash Korea. Korea is an amazing country through and through. All I am saying is that Korean miracle was not free of social externalities and that a better, more holistic approach to development can be taken instead of over-focussing on productivity increase. Korea is now spending $180 billion to increase their fertility.

Such extreme focus on work and productivity increase is not a healthy paradigm for any society in the long term, and comes with negative externalities--- such as collapse in birth rates, high alcoholism due to stress, fall in marriage/dating, increased suicides, loneliness etc (all of which are issues facing East Asian societies at higher levels than normal).

A more 'relaxed' and 'hollistic' approach to development is a much better way to go about it.
Countries like Turkey, Israel, Kazakhstan, Sweden/Norway, Qatar, or even France are good examples. Yes, not all of them are as developed as Korea. And not everything needs to be copied from these countries. But these countries offer some lessons in their development model that could be applied in East Asia, which in my view over-emphasized productivity gains while ignoring social factors"

Now your arse-licking of East Asians will stop you from seeing my argument and you will come back with same old "Lol, Korea is better economy than Turkey Hurr Durrrr"....I have literally stated that I dont care about Turkey. Replace it with Israel and my point will still remain exactly the same. Nobody is discussing which economy is more advanced. The crux of the issue is which development model is better in the long term (i.e which fewer social externalities. My contention is that East Asian model of development over-emphasize productivity to such an extent that it creates very conspicuous social externalities down the line

@siegecrossbow an actual Chinese understood my point (he might have his own disagreements, but that's besides the point)---but YOU...an East Asian wanna be arselicker thinks he is a bigger defender of East Asia than actual East Asians? :omghaha: :omghaha:

some Turkish drama has been dubbed an aired on some Chilean tv ,that's the only reason it had some followers,and the wiki pieces is completely misleading propaganda.
You talk about 12 million argentines watching an extremely popular turkish tv show,as some extraordinary audience in Latin America, meanwhile just one idol group alone gets 14.3 million views from Argentina even in youtube, in a month easily as breathing,it's not even mainstream platform . While the monthly views from the likes of brasil will be more than what many turkish drama will ever get for whole season combined in all of Latin america.
BTS: Bring the stats⁷ on Twitter: 🌐 @BTS_twt's YouTube views by country -  March 2020 ▶️ Where are you watching their MVs from? Did you country make  the top 20? ⬇️ Let's YouTube views by country -  March 2020 ▶️ Where are you watching their MVs from? Did you country make  the top 20? ⬇️ Let

You need to stop making a fool of yourself with these delusional ignorant claim ,Turkish tv drama export is worth puny 250 m $( mainly from sales in Muslim countries) in 2018-19, meanwhile Korean drama export was 13.24 billion USD in the same year. That's not counting the other form of soft power export like kpop which is worth another ten more billion.
And you went around claiming how turkish drama is more popular in latin America,southeast Asia making a fool of yourself.

And korean wave isn't even the largest softpower from east it's anime .


You do realize comparing views from Youtube and live-audience viewership from network TV week after week are NOT the same? Its not me....but the stats. Turkish Dramas have far wider reach and viewership outside Turkey than Korean/East Asian TV series outside East Asia.

That's UK's Guardian, not me


No Korean drama has been able to match such guagantan numbers on a foreign network TV ecosystem outside its own region


Secondly, BTS is followed mostly by teenagers like yourself, not adults :lol: Why are you comparing BTS Youtube views with TV series? Talking about Youtube Views....Ertugrul's Youtube Channel in Pakistan alone has 2.2 BILLION views under one year. The first episode alone is ~90 million views (more than entire monthly views of BTS in Indonesia and US LMAOOOO)


And you were saying the teenager-centric BTS got some million Youtube views in Indonesia (a country with bigger population and more internet penetration than Pakistan) was something impressive? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I am actually feeling kinda bad embarrassing you over and over and over like that. Please stop....its getting humiliating for ya.

Why are you so butthurt btw? I never even attacked Korea (Please, if someone things I did...let me know). But your desperation is arse-licking is SO much that you just cant let it go.

You are an INDIAN. A resident of a sh*thole that is DWARFED by small Muslim state of Malaysia in high-tech exports. Sit down you low-IQ wanna be cow-dung bathing desperate loser :lol:

Backward India dwarfed by small Malaysia in high-tech sector.png

This is how you look trying to worship East Asia when East Asian themselves want nothing to do with your inferiority-complex stricken low IQ desperate a$$ :lol:

Average Hindu.png
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:rofl: :rofl:

Nobody claimed Korea and Turkey are in same league. You are such a low-IQ East Asian wanna be arse licker that even East Asian themselves are DMing me saying "Hey that guy is not East Asian. Just wanted you to know that"...You are literally embarrassing them here. I have clarified again and again that my point was never to make a claim that Turkish economy is better than Korea's. My point was to emphasize that East Asian model of extremely over-emphasizing on productivity gains has negative externalities and that a more holistic development model is probably better (Turkey, Israel, Kazakhstan, Norway, Sweden, France, Qatar/UAE etc could be some examples to study)

I'm actually cringing at you. No lie. You are an indian literally worshipping East Asians when they themselves dont want to associate with you and have been more open to my argument while YOU are defending them more than themselves :lol:

Here, again, I will colorize my main contention in this thread to make your inferiority-complex stricken wanna be East Asian self understand


"Having low but healthy fertility is good---but East Asian fertility, esp Korean, is UNHEALTHY and that's the whole point. Korean fertility is 0.84 and that is DISASTROUSLY low for any population, not matter how rich. Nobody is arguing for having a fertility of 6. That's backwards and only extremely poor regions have such fertility (sub-Saharan Africa). My original post was related to how to balance economic development and healthy fertility in society (~2 children per woman on average)

Its not to bash Korea. Korea is an amazing country through and through. All I am saying is that Korean miracle was not free of social externalities and that a better, more holistic approach to development can be taken instead of over-focussing on productivity increase. Korea is now spending $180 billion to increase their fertility.

Such extreme focus on work and productivity increase is not a healthy paradigm for any society in the long term, and comes with negative externalities--- such as collapse in birth rates, high alcoholism due to stress, fall in marriage/dating, increased suicides, loneliness etc (all of which are issues facing East Asian societies at higher levels than normal).

A more 'relaxed' and 'hollistic' approach to development is a much better way to go about it.
Countries like Turkey, Israel, Kazakhstan, Sweden/Norway, Qatar, or even France are good examples. Yes, not all of them are as developed as Korea. And not everything needs to be copied from these countries. But these countries offer some lessons in their development model that could be applied in East Asia, which in my view over-emphasized productivity gains while ignoring social factors"

Now your arse-licking of East Asians will stop you from seeing my argument and you will come back with same old "Lol, Korea is better economy than Turkey Hurr Durrrr"....I have literally stated that I dont care about Turkey. Replace it with Israel and my point will still remain exactly the same. Nobody is discussing which economy is more advanced. The crux of the issue is which development model is better in the long term (i.e which fewer social externalities. My contention is that East Asian model of development over-emphasize productivity to such an extent that it creates very conspicuous social externalities down the line

@siegecrossbow an actual Chinese understood my point (he might have his own disagreements, but that's besides the point)---but YOU...an East Asian wanna be arselicker thinks he is a bigger defender of East Asia than actual East Asians? :omghaha: :omghaha:


You do realize comparing views from Youtube and live-audience viewership from network TV week after week are NOT the same? Its not me....but the stats. Turkish Dramas have far wider reach and viewership outside Turkey than Korean/East Asian TV series outside East Asia.

That's UK's Guardian, not me

View attachment 704358

No Korean drama has been able to match such guagantan numbers on a foreign network TV ecosystem outside its own region

View attachment 704359

Secondly, BTS is followed mostly by teenagers like yourself, not adults :lol: Why are you comparing BTS Youtube views with TV series? Talking about Youtube Views....Ertugrul's Youtube Channel in Pakistan alone has 2.2 BILLION views under one year. The first episode alone is ~90 million views (more than entire monthly views of BTS in Indonesia and US LMAOOOO)

View attachment 704360

And you were saying the teenager-centric BTS got some million Youtube views in Indonesia (a country with bigger population and more internet penetration than Pakistan) was something impressive? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I am actually feeling kinda bad embarrassing you over and over and over like that. Please stop....its getting humiliating for ya.

Why are you so butthurt btw? I never even attacked Korea (Please, if someone things I did...let me know). But your desperation is arse-licking is SO much that you just cant let it go.

You are an INDIAN. A resident of a sh*thole that is DWARFED by small Muslim state of Malaysia in high-tech exports. Sit down you low-IQ wanna be cow-dung bathing desperate loser :lol:

View attachment 704361

This is how you look trying to worship East Asia when East Asian themselves want nothing to do with your inferiority-complex stricken low IQ desperate a$$ :lol:

TView attachment 704368
You don't know when to stop do you?Goes claiming ppp isn't effected by population basically rewriting concept of economics by himself ,our resident reat economist; now you latched on to some nonsense derailing shit post based on your own insecure self hating self.

Nobody claimed Korea and Turkey are in same league. You are such a low-IQ East Asian wanna be arse licker that even East Asian themselves are DMing me saying "Hey that guy is not East Asian. Just wanted you to know that"...You are literally embarrassing them here.

You did,you wrote the long asss reply comparing them insinuating how turkey was the deal and korean ECONOMIC growth is BAD!!you also compared their ppp without actually having any clue.

You are a south asian,it's practically impossible to be lower IQ than you bunch even papua new guinea has average higher IQ than your bunch ,y'all should be the last to talk about IQ.

All that is evident from your idiotic made up bs that you spew ,only people with rocks for brain would accept that.

I'm just debating about economics with substance based on stats and facts , while pompous people like you only know words like "worship worship" , like what the hell are you even trying to say? it's always the lowly south Asians with these assumptions based on their own mindset.

A more 'relaxed' and 'hollistic' approach to development is a much better way to go about it.
Countries like Turkey, Israel, Kazakhstan, Sweden/Norway, Qatar, or even France are good examples. Yes, not all of them are as developed as Korea. And not everything needs to be copied from these countries. But these countries offer some lessons in their development model that could be applied in East Asia, which in my view over-emphasized productivity gains while ignoring social factors"

Keep tweaking,to try and sound more reasonable,after how you proposed that the "sexual revolution "destroyed korean birth rate.

The economy of Sweden,Norway,France ; Qatar; Kazakhstan economies are derived from totally different
economic mechanisms. Your messy attempt with these casual remarks only make it glaringly obvious that you have absolutely no idea bout how an economy works.

Korea definitely wouldn't have been even half as developed by operating itself like France, or Norway or Sweden.Not at all by operating like Qatar,it's impossible unless they had oil like Qatar. Stop trying with these ridiculous attempts.

You do realize comparing views from Youtube and live-audience viewership from network TV week after week are NOT the same? Its not me....but the stats. Turkish Dramas have far wider reach and viewership outside Turkey than Korean/East Asian TV series outside East Asia.

That's UK's Guardian, not me

View attachment 704358

No Korean drama has been able to match such guagantan numbers on a foreign network TV ecosystem outside its own region

I can't with this clown, you are still seriously trying to claim how turkish drama export and viewership is more than Kdrama ,even after I pointed out how Turkish drama export generated mere 250 million USD in comparison to 1.3 billion worth of Korean drama export. One have to be seriously thick in head to try and claim turkish drama is only second to US drama based on some propaganda pieces through claims not properly accessed facts.

Secondly, BTS is followed mostly by teenagers like yourself, not adults :lol: Why are you comparing BTS Youtube views with TV series? Talking about Youtube Views...

Regardless of who follows,numbers are still numbers, when you air a program on a tv networks with tens of millions of viewers ,you get tens of millions by default. Tell when they compete head to head on online platform.But you know something is really popular organically if tens of millions are searching up something on the internet to view,all on their own.

.Ertugrul's Youtube Channel in Pakistan alone has 2.2 BILLION views under one year. The first episode alone is ~90 million views (more than entire monthly views of BTS in Indonesia and US LMAOOOO)
It's not just pakistan but whole urdu based sphere.And no wonder it gets lots of views in Pakistan, and has 100 + episodes,it's just as I mentioned about the type of countries where turkish drama are mainly popular;poorer Muslim nations.It's aired in pakistan tv.
That drama is basically only watched by Muslim nations.Non Muslim sphere care.

:rofl: :rofl:

Nobody claimed Korea and Turkey are in same league. You are such a low-IQ East Asian wanna be arse licker that even East Asian themselves are DMing me saying "Hey that guy is not East Asian. Just wanted you to know that"...You are literally embarrassing them here. I have clarified again and again that my point was never to make a claim that Turkish economy is better than Korea's. My point was to emphasize that East Asian model of extremely over-emphasizing on productivity gains has negative externalities and that a more holistic development model is probably better (Turkey, Israel, Kazakhstan, Norway, Sweden, France, Qatar/UAE etc could be some examples to study)

I'm actually cringing at you. No lie. You are an indian literally worshipping East Asians when they themselves dont want to associate with you and have been more open to my argument while YOU are defending them more than themselves :lol:

Here, again, I will colorize my main contention in this thread to make your inferiority-complex stricken wanna be East Asian self understand


"Having low but healthy fertility is good---but East Asian fertility, esp Korean, is UNHEALTHY and that's the whole point. Korean fertility is 0.84 and that is DISASTROUSLY low for any population, not matter how rich. Nobody is arguing for having a fertility of 6. That's backwards and only extremely poor regions have such fertility (sub-Saharan Africa). My original post was related to how to balance economic development and healthy fertility in society (~2 children per woman on average)

Its not to bash Korea. Korea is an amazing country through and through. All I am saying is that Korean miracle was not free of social externalities and that a better, more holistic approach to development can be taken instead of over-focussing on productivity increase. Korea is now spending $180 billion to increase their fertility.

Such extreme focus on work and productivity increase is not a healthy paradigm for any society in the long term, and comes with negative externalities--- such as collapse in birth rates, high alcoholism due to stress, fall in marriage/dating, increased suicides, loneliness etc (all of which are issues facing East Asian societies at higher levels than normal).

A more 'relaxed' and 'hollistic' approach to development is a much better way to go about it.
Countries like Turkey, Israel, Kazakhstan, Sweden/Norway, Qatar, or even France are good examples. Yes, not all of them are as developed as Korea. And not everything needs to be copied from these countries. But these countries offer some lessons in their development model that could be applied in East Asia, which in my view over-emphasized productivity gains while ignoring social factors"

Now your arse-licking of East Asians will stop you from seeing my argument and you will come back with same old "Lol, Korea is better economy than Turkey Hurr Durrrr"....I have literally stated that I dont care about Turkey. Replace it with Israel and my point will still remain exactly the same. Nobody is discussing which economy is more advanced. The crux of the issue is which development model is better in the long term (i.e which fewer social externalities. My contention is that East Asian model of development over-emphasize productivity to such an extent that it creates very conspicuous social externalities down the line

@siegecrossbow an actual Chinese understood my point (he might have his own disagreements, but that's besides the point)---but YOU...an East Asian wanna be arselicker thinks he is a bigger defender of East Asia than actual East Asians? :omghaha: :omghaha:


You do realize comparing views from Youtube and live-audience viewership from network TV week after week are NOT the same? Its not me....but the stats. Turkish Dramas have far wider reach and viewership outside Turkey than Korean/East Asian TV series outside East Asia.

That's UK's Guardian, not me

View attachment 704358

No Korean drama has been able to match such guagantan numbers on a foreign network TV ecosystem outside its own region

View attachment 704359

Secondly, BTS is followed mostly by teenagers like yourself, not adults :lol: Why are you comparing BTS Youtube views with TV series? Talking about Youtube Views....Ertugrul's Youtube Channel in Pakistan alone has 2.2 BILLION views under one year. The first episode alone is ~90 million views (more than entire monthly views of BTS in Indonesia and US LMAOOOO)

View attachment 704360

And you were saying the teenager-centric BTS got some million Youtube views in Indonesia (a country with bigger population and more internet penetration than Pakistan) was something impressive? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I am actually feeling kinda bad embarrassing you over and over and over like that. Please stop....its getting humiliating for ya.

Why are you so butthurt btw? I never even attacked Korea (Please, if someone things I did...let me know). But your desperation is arse-licking is SO much that you just cant let it go.

You are an INDIAN. A resident of a sh*thole that is DWARFED by small Muslim state of Malaysia in high-tech exports. Sit down you low-IQ wanna be cow-dung bathing desperate loser :lol:

View attachment 704361

This is how you look trying to worship East Asia when East Asian themselves want nothing to do with your inferiority-complex stricken low IQ desperate a$$ :lol:

TView attachment 704368

LOL :rofl:

Yup, some Turkish soap opera start getting popular in Indonesia.

My uncle said he like to watch this Turkish opera shop series currently aired in one of our national TV stations, Net TV.


Net TV is a good TV station in Indonesia and always invites world class musician in their yearly Award (except in 2020 due to pandemic)

One of their talk shows, it is in English since they bring Korean Muslim on the studio

Net TV is built by 2 young Indonesian entreprenuers

Agus Lasmono


Wisnu Utama

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Japan start importing Indonesian to make babies

Japanese women with her Indonesian husband

Japanese men with his Indonesian wife.

Both live in Japan
Japan start importing Indonesian to make babies

Japanese women with her Indonesian husband

Japanese men with his Indonesian wife.

Both live in Japan

This is the marriage ceremonial, @AUz bro, maybe you want to see as well :)

Japan start importing Indonesian to make babies

Japanese women with her Indonesian husband

Japanese men with his Indonesian wife.

Both live in Japan
This is the marriage ceremonial, @AUz bro, maybe you want to see as well :)

This is awesome. We need more CHAD Indonesian brothers and sisters to bring the light of Islam to Japanese, Koreans etc suffering from over-work, loneliness, suicidal thoughts, depression, and curse of alcoholism.

I already know of few big Korean YouTuber converts who have millions of views on their videos talking about the positives of Islam in their lives. East Asian culture has alot of similarities with Muslim culture already.

I was watching this Japanese guy going around in Tokyo and asking people what they think of Islam...and one guy said "Islam is a real religion. Too strict but its a real religion. Not like Christianity or Buddhism but a REAL religion"

I think he meant that unlike Christians or Buddhists etc...Muslims actually practice their religion and Islam enjoys massive power/influence globally that other religions just do not do anymore. But I found it amusing how he said "...atleast Islam is a REAL religion!" :lol:
All of you are becoming LIKE us. Good job! You will have fun.

All of non-Muslims, not Muslims 8-)

Summary of WVS, 2020 (world's largest and longest running longitudinal survey on social values and religiousity conducted on all continents by a leading team of demographic experts)

"This trend" in first line means secularization...


Even controlling for education, wealth, industrialization...Muslims are very observant of their Islamic faith, Alhamdulillah. Islam is the ONLY religion in history to thrive and keep the central role in law, politics, society and culture after massive industrialization and spread of internet and post WW2 modernity. ALL other religions/cultural ideologies got decimated by sexual revolution, industrialization, internet domination of information, modernity....All except Islam

Every single major study reinforces this fact over and over

Premarital Sex:


Alcohol Per capita.png

I am on my cell so cant post more....but whatever social metric one picks---divorice rates, marriage rates, premarital sex, abortion, births out-of-wedlock, alcohol consumption/abuse, fertility rates, modest clothing, daily prayers, religious observance, belief in heaven/hell & so on---Muslims DWARF all other religions (even after controlling for prosperity, wealth, urbanization, education, industrialization etc)

********************************* These are numbers from WVS 2020***************


Mashallah :D

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All of non-Muslims, not Muslims 8-)

oh, okay. I have never been in a Muslim nation (well Indonesia but that was Bali and Dubai airport, wait Tunisia Muslim...so I was in Tunisia...a girl there said, "I will have sex with you if you stay. Nah, I left). So anyways, I am sure you know better than I how you are not changing to be like Europe and North America.
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