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South China Sea region property of the world: India

Yes, just to impress upon those war mongers in cyberspace that the majority of countries in ASEAN have wise leaders who will not allow their countries to be used as cannon fodder by external powers.

No buddy... please stop beating around the bush. You yourself first bad mouthed India without knowing the level of defence co-operation between India and singapore.

Accept you have been caught with your pants down :lol:

U are false flag troll. I have nothing to reply to a troll.
I actually feel very happy about india's statement.

it shows india is overestimating its own strength and again trying to have face to face conflict with China. with a 3x larger economy and a much stronger technology base, india is just making another mistake which will waste their limited resources and slow down their further development.

it is indeed good.

a low profile india focusing on its own domestic development is not something we can tolerant, a more assertive india is highly welcomed.
I actually feel very happy about india's statement.

it shows india is overestimating its own strength and again trying to have face to face conflict with China. with a 3x larger economy and a much stronger technology base, india is just making another mistake which will waste their limited resources and slow down their further development.

it is indeed good.

a low profile india focusing on its own domestic development is not something we can tolerant, a more assertive india is highly welcomed.

you know how it is. Spent a few dollars on toys can boast a kid's ego. He can't wait to show everyone how big he is.
we are talking about india - they talk, they propose, they plan, they schedule, they dream, they discuss, they announce......but what is missing here?

they don't work and deliver results.

What is really missing here is your ability to see the truth, perceive things in a right manner and understand them correctly.
we dreamed, talked, proposed, planned to drill oil in south China sea with Vietnam. Then we discussed with Vietnam, scheduled and then announced. Then we did it and still continue to do it despite China's objections and warnings.

With our look East policy we are building relationships with ASEAN countries in response to China's string of pearls strategy.
We frequently send Ministers to Arunachal Pradesh despite China's objections.

Thus, one can conclude that we Indians work and deliver results. We might be slow at times but we definitely deliver results.

you know how it is. Spent a few dollars on toys can boast a kid's ego. He can't wait to show everyone how big he is.

Yeah, especially when these toys can give you an edge over your enemy in war.
we are talking about india - they talk, they propose, they plan, they schedule, they dream, they discuss, they announce......but what is missing here?

they don't work and deliver results.

Big words for a Chinese bot ..try attacking an Indian flag vessel in international waters of South China Sea..you will get the results.
PS: So whats the count, how many countries have you warned till now??...with all of ended up giving you a proverbial "finger"!!

why don't india come and enforce that statement? :pop:

Clearly you are uneducated in Maritime Law..Countries do not enforce the law, they abide by it!!
If you violate UNCLOS in SCS..you will see similar things happening to your vessels in Malacca.
Big words for a Chinese bot ..try attacking an Indian flag vessel in international waters of South China Sea..you will get the results.
PS: So whats the count, how many countries have you warned till now??...with all of ended up giving you a proverbial "finger"!!

Yr ship haven even come and drill the hole.. Come and try it.

say if india chooses to drill oil in south china sea, what can china really do ?????????

Bang the ship.. Yr India ship so far has not start the drilling yet. Talk so much...
I actually feel very happy about india's statement.

it shows india is overestimating its own strength and again trying to have face to face conflict with China. with a 3x larger economy and a much stronger technology base, india is just making another mistake which will waste their limited resources and slow down their further development.

it is indeed good.

a low profile india focusing on its own domestic development is not something we can tolerant, a more assertive india is highly welcomed.

It is not India who is trying to have a face to face conflict with China but it is the other way around. China is repeatedly doing things that ate irritating us. It is repeatedly issuing warnings not only to us but also to a number of other countries. so we have to strengthen our military and relationships with other countries to counter China.
It does not matter if China has 3X economy and stronger technology base because we are countering China's edge by building relationships with US, EU, ASEAN countries. Why do you think the US is conducting more military exercises with India then with any other country in the world? why do you think we are offered hi-tech goodies which we were not allowed to buy earlier?
Yr ship haven even come and drill the hole.. Come and try it.

Bang the ship.. Yr India ship so far has not start the drilling yet. Talk so much...

Then whats with all the 'bark'...and biweekly warnings ..open your mouths...something is being done there and you can do something about it!!
No buddy... please stop beating around the bush. You yourself first bad mouthed India without knowing the level of defence co-operation between India and singapore.

Accept you have been caught with your pants down :lol:

U are false flag troll. I have nothing to reply to a troll.

I am a Singapore citizen by birth, you are the troll who have never serve a single day in any armed forces. At least I have served my time in the armed forces, both active and reserve. Singapore have even closer defence relations with the US, and our leaders are wise and had already made it known in no uncertain term that Singapore will not be made to chose between China and the USA. We will be friends to all who are willing, including India. What made you think that India is special? If you can, please quote to me one statement made by a Singapore Minister that there is a special defence arrangements between Singapore and India.
I wish our defence minister read what you are trying to imply here. Let me ask you, IS there a Indo-Singapore defence co-op aimed at a third country? Or is it just a training excercise? BTW the bulk of our SAF training are conducted in Australia, NZ, USA and Taiwan (ROC). Our SAF are in Taiwan (ROC) since the early 1970s. Our SAF training in these countries are not joint exercise. Only recently that our SAF conduct some joint excercise with the Indian Army. China has also offered us training facilities, we are unable to accept their kind hospitality, as this is a sensitive political issue for Singapore. We don't want to do any actions that will alarm our neighbours, we prefer peace and harmony among neighbours.

by the way....i find a link..i hope no minister in Singapore is going to confirm this..but it is a well known fact..

Singapore cultivates India as counter-weight to China in South-East Asia (Wikileaks) | Real Time News, India

"Following its independence in 1965, Singapore was concerned with China-backed communist threats as well as domination from Malaysia and Indonesia and sought a close strategic relationship with India, which it saw as a counter-balance to Chinese influence and a partner in achieving regional security." -- wiki


by the way..nobody is mentioning that this strategic partnership is aimed at china..but isn't that truth that beside many other benifits,it'll help singapore to counter china's influence???

so basically it's an empty statement then.

nope..thats a logical statement..you guys are claiming "rain of nukes" on manila..thats called empty statement...and syama is right..you guys are bound to follow UNCLOS..not "INDIACLOS"...got it???

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