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China is part of Japan
apply your logic, China is part of Japan Imperial recently.

1. I am applying your logic that :"it belong to XXX at some point ,so it belongs to XXX now"

2. japan just seized part for China less than 20 years, and I do know the whole vietnam is either part of China or vassle state of China in most of its hisotry.

China is part of Japan

Should be the other way around.:-)


"The five Chinese characters appearing on the seal identify it as the seal of the King of the Na state of the Wa (Japan), vassal state of the Han Dynasty."
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1. I am applying your logic that :"it belong to XXX at some point ,so it belongs to XXX now"

2. japan just seized part for China less than 20 years, and I do know the whole vietnam is either part of China or vassle state of China in most of its hisotry.

Should be the other way around.:-)


"The five Chinese characters appearing on the seal identify it as the seal of the King of the Na state of the Wa (Japan), vassal state of the Han Dynasty."

China is part of Mongolia Imperial for long time in the past,.:p:

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apply your logic, China is part of Japan Imperial recently.

:coffee: NOTHING to do with LOGIC!

Vietnam was always a quasi-state within the Chinese Empire called ANNAM and Japan was NEVER a part of ancient China.

When Vietnam produce an ancient map and it was all written in Chinese, what does that tells us LOGICALLY?

In history when some of these ancient quasi-states or provinces rebel against the Empire in support of the former Dynasty e.g. former Ming officials against the Qing, the newly installed Emperor will issued his decree and crushed them mercilessly e.g. the Southern Han which was based in Quangdong (The King of ANNAM was under the control of the King of Southern Han.)

Hence many Vietnamese especially the descendants of the former Kingdom of Kampa (South Vietnam, Kampuchae), the Khmer Krom which was annexed by the King of Annam believed that Vietnam is former still KAMPA.

They are WRONG!

Again, Mongolia is part of China for much longer time.:-)

BTW, if you think 90 years is a long time, then how about the 1000+ year vietnam under the direct Chinese rule?;)
"Vietnam was part of Imperial China for over a millennium, from 111 BC to AD 939."

In recent years, British archaeologists discovered a buried part of the Chinese Great Wall in Outer Mongolia.

When does that tells us and now QUESTION is raised?

Where was the real MONGOLIA or was it in fact merely the STEPPE as tribes in Mongolia were known to be NOMADS?

Was Mongolia inside Siberia or in CENTRAL ASIA?

ANNAM which any doubt was the ancient part of China for all those who understands and read Chinese.

Vietnam was merely a place with many tribes and the Han like the rest of China is the dominant race until today inside Vietnam. Read my former post about the "MALAY" a race that does not existed and you will understand the connection, etc

China is part of Mongolia Imperial for long time in the past,.:p:

That is the Western interpretation of the YUAN dynasty with the title conveniently changed. Well, it was the shortest dynasty in the history of China and after its demise, they return back to their former state and the steppe (Mongolia) where these nomadic tribes dwell became China once more.
Again, Mongolia is part of China for much longer time.:-)

BTW, if you think 90 years is a long time, then how about the 1000+ year vietnam under the direct Chinese rule?;)
"Vietnam was part of Imperial China for over a millennium, from 111 BC to AD 939."


After many hundred year China was under direct ruling of Mongolian, China was further under direct ruling of Jurchen people until 1911. And last , Japan has taken China to the Japan Emperial until 1945. :p:

After many hundred year China was under direct ruling of Mongolian, China was further under direct ruling of Jurchen people until 1911. And last , Japan has taken China to the Japan Emperial until 1945. :p:

NO what?

Ok,your history book must be different to the rest of the world's or can you apply any source of your stories?:-)
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Ok, your history book is different to the rest of the world or can you apply any source of your stories?:-)

Chinese ancient civilisation unlike the rest wrote and maintained their historical records. Ancient India depends on Vedas, coins and ancient sculptures in temple but they all have one thing in common, the DATE and year.

So to ask for their ancient records meaning pictures written in banana leaves is a TALL ORDER.
Interior minister visits Taiping Island, reasserts ROC sovereignty
Publication Date: August 17, 2016
Source: Taiwan Today


Minister of the Interior Yeh Jiunn-rong led a team of officials and researchers to Taiping Island Aug. 16 to reaffirm the Republic of China’s (Taiwan) sovereignty over the largest naturally formed island in the Nansha (Spratly) Islands.

“As President Tsai Ing-wen stated during the July 19 National Security Council meeting, the ROC remains steadfast on its position that the South China Sea islands are an inherent part of the nation’s territory,” Yeh said during a news conference at the Ministry of the Interior in Taipei City following his one-day trip to Taiping Island.

“The ROC maintains all rights over the South China Sea islands and their surrounding waters in accordance with international law and the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea,” he said. “While we will not assert excessive claims, we will also not give up any rights.”

Yeh and the group, which included Coast Guard Administration Minister Lee Chung-wei, Kaohsiung City Deputy Mayor Chen Chin-de and researchers involved in projects overseen by the Ministry of Science and Technology, took part in a large number of activities during the visit. Some of these were meeting with government personnel, inspecting meteorological facilities, touring fruit and vegetable gardens and attaching a new address plate to Nansha Hospital.

According to Yeh, the trip is also part of preparations to transform Taiping Island into a hub of scientific investigation on climate change and marine ecology. “Given its central location in the South China Sea and rich biodiversity, Taiping Island is ideal for conducting long-term atmospheric and marine environmental research and observation.”

The minister said the Central Weather Bureau will set up automatic weather observation and tidal monitoring stations next month, adding that the MOI is working with the MOST and other agencies on sharing this data and seeking international collaboration on related projects.

Other measures in the pipeline, Yeh said, are producing a documentary on the lives of government personnel stationed on Taiping Island and staging a seminar and workshop on the government’s South China Sea policymaking. These are part of a series of events planned to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Taiping Island’s recovery by the ROC. The ROC recovered Taiping Island Dec. 12, 1946, following World War II, and has stationed government personnel there for over 60 years since June 1956.

Taiping Island, with an area of 0.51 square kilometers, can sustain human habitation and an economic life of its own, and meets the criteria of an island as defined in Article 121 of UNCLOS. Therefore, the ROC enjoys full rights associated with territorial waters, a contiguous zone, an exclusive economic zone, and a continental shelf in accordance with UNCLOS. (SFC-E)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw
PCA award helps resolve East Sea issue
One month after the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) decided an award on the Philippines’ arbitration proceedings against China on interpretation and application of 1982 UN Convention on Law of Sea, public shows concern over implementation of the ruling.


Philippine Foreign Minister Albert del Rosario spoke at the opening session of the trial at the Permanent Court of Arbitration(PCA) in The Hague.

Although it would take much time and effort for the ruling to be implemented, the public agree that PCA is a legal tool for the East Sea issue in the future.

The arbitral proceedings since the Philippines filed a lawsuit to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in 2013 were in compliance with the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

PCA’s decisions are internationally recognized and legally binding to parties involved in the case.

Efforts to seek peaceful measures

The Philippines’ lawsuit against China has not complicated the situation but it aims to resolve disputes by peaceful means without using or threatening to use force in addressing international disputes.

It shows respect to international law and illustrates the international community’s effort.

Once countries had discussed and agreed on an international legal framework, they have to adjust their behaviors in dealing with maritime demarcation issues.

The PCA’s ruling is the first of its kind on the East Sea issue. It provides a common interpretation of some contents in the UNCLOS, which were unclear among involved parties, including the structures of features in the Spratly archipelago.

The interpretation will be a legal foundation to be applicable to similar cases in the future.

The feasibility of PCA’s ruling

Analysts say PCA’s ruling can be realized. Firstly PCA operates in accordance with the UNCLOS and its ruling must be observed.

The Court does not judge territorial disputes but identifies the legality of the actions and, in some cases, verifies the maritime territorial rights of countries.

Secondly being members of the UNCLOS, China, the Philippines, and relevant countries are obliged to respect PCA’s decision.

An individual country will be unable to succeed in maintaining regional peace and stability while it vetoes articles it ratified previously. Lastly China has repeatedly mentioned its “peaceful development” policy.

So it should not go against the policy which has been pursued by its previous leaderships.

One month after the PCA announced its ruling, China has continuously rejected it as null and void. But there has been no escalation in Beijing’s statements, analysts said.

2 years ago China escalated its activities in the East Sea including the placing of an oil rig in Vietnam’s Paracel archipelago. Widespread criticism against China and its consequences have made China more cautious.

Since then there has been no similar incident in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of claimants in the East Sea.

PCA creates an opportunity for negotiation

Negotiation is the key solution to ease tension. Realizing this fact both China and the Philippines have expressed their willingness to negotiate.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said at his swearing-in ceremony that he would seek a “soft landing” in its East Sea dispute with China.

The Philippines’ former President Fidel Ramos and China’s former Deputy Foreign Minister Fu Ying met recently but didn’t mention marine disputes in the East Sea such as in Scarborough Shoal and Mischief.

The meeting focused on the need to engage in dialogue to build trust and ease tension, paving the way for cooperation.

Analysts say it’s innocent to say that the PCA’s ruling in the East Sea would fully stabilize the situation. But the ruling has created an opportunity for countries to sit down for talks.

It would help countries adjust their behaviors and avoid unilateral actions regardless of international law.


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