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South China Sea Forum

In this situation, No one can threaten u if u immediate go home before the protest happen.

Okay, lets see the notice: it write: HARRIS FREEMAN company 100 % US investment . We support you in SCS(east sea).(Chúng tôi ủng hộ Việt Nam trong vấn đề Biển Đông)

Or they are actually Vietnamese employed by American and that poster was printed by local worker under his boss' order:)
They wanted to save printing ink by leaving a few stars out. Failed. :rofl:
Open in 720p, you can see it very clear: type 071 LPD.

The oil rig is still drilling in the SCS.
Vietnam destroyed all its businesses.

End result: Vietnam lost everything.

VietNamNet Bridge – The Vietnamese Government can sue China in the International Court of the Law of the Sea, while the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) may sue the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) in the civil court of Vietnam. So says Attorney Hoang Ngoc Giao, Director of the Institute for Legal Policy and Development.


Lawyer Hoang Ngoc Giao.

Q: In the past 10 days, despite the objections of the government and people of Vietnam and the condemnation of the international community, Chinese ships and aircraft have continued to attack and intimidate Vietnamese vessels in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Vietnam. What do you think about these actions?

HNG: These actions are not commensurate with a civilized state and a country with international responsibilities such as China, which is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

Chinese marine police ships intentionally rammed the vessels of Vietnam’s marine police in the East Sea, but then the Chinese government slandered Vietnam in claiming that our ships repeatedly rammed theirs. This is a deceptive statement. China's actions harassed and threatened maritime security and safety in a manner that is inversely proportional to the stature of China, a country which, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has a responsibility for maintaining world peace.

Q: In addition to diplomatic measures and peaceful demonstrations, what could Vietnam do?

HNG: Given the fact that China has used force to violate the sovereignty and sovereign rights in the continental shelf of Vietnam, we have made diplomatic moves. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung called it "dangerous actions" at the 24th ASEAN Summit in Myanmar. However, we have not taken legal actions yet.

Vietnam supports peaceful measures, but this is no longer a matter for negotiation because this is a case about rights and sovereignty over waters that are identified as belonging to Vietnam. China’s misconduct took place repeatedly and seriously. These are clear evidence, not administrative acts like unilaterally declaring an area prohibited from fishing. Vietnam must urgently carry out legal procedures to sue China in the international court.

Q: Which court would handle the lawsuit between Vietnam and China?

HNG: Vietnam may pursue two lawsuits. The first is the lawsuit between countries. The government of Vietnam can sue the Chinese government. Vietnam can set records and procedures prescribed by the International Maritime Law Court to sue China for its infringement of Vietnam in the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of Vietnam. On a broader scale, we can sue China for its violation of Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Islands in the International Court of Justice of the United Nations.

Under the provisions of the International Court of Justice, only when both parties accept the jurisdiction of the court, will the court then consider the case. We can foresee China not accepting the jurisdiction of the Court of International Justice. In that event, the whole world will bear witness to the good will of Vietnam and see more clearly that the claims, arguments and evidence of China are baseless.

The second case is a civil action. The Vietnam Oil and Gas Group may sue the China National Offshore Oil Corporation for causing economic losses to it in Vietnamese court. The Vietnam court has the jurisdiction and even enforcement rights in this case. Chinese oil exploration ships operating in Vietnam’s waters can be seized to ensure the enforcement of the judgment.

Q: What does Vietnam have to do to prepare for the legal war against China?

HNG: The first thing is that we have to collect and prepare records, proof of ownership and sovereignty of Vietnam over the East Sea. To do this task, we not only need a team of experts and good lawyers, but also require financial resources.

Q: What do you think about Vietnam’s ability to win in the case?

HNG: I believe that the confirmation of China’s acts of infringing on the exclusive economic zone, sovereignty and sovereign rights of Vietnam is a sure win. For the sovereignty of the islands, Vietnam can win on the front of law, international convention and historical evidence. We will have recognition of our sovereignty in the international tribunals.

Q: How can Vietnam benefit from taking China to the international court?

HNG: I think that it is completely beneficial for Vietnam. It benefits Vietnam’s diplomatic and legal struggle and it shows the righteousness of the government of Vietnam by working to settle all disputes and conflicts by peaceful means, not by force.

Source: VNE

English - VietNamNet News
pls provide the link, what did pak govt official said ?

There is no oil, what lost china in this idiot game ? just show of her true face, idiot hooligan.

What we showed is that Vietnam can't do a damn thing if we decided to drill right on the Vietnamese coast if necessary.
What we showed is that Vietnam can't do a damn thing if we decided to drill right on the Vietnamese coast if necessary.
Right, maybe we can not do anything to stop ur oil rig coz we have less ship than u, and bcz u dont shoot at us, so we cant use anti-ship missile to sink ur ships. But the world can see that we dare to fight against big bad China and we will gain more support from the world.

We hope to have a closer relationship with US and EU soon after this issue.
Right, maybe we can not do anything to stop ur oil rig coz we have less ship than u, and bcz u dont shoot at us, so we cant use anti-ship missile to sink ur ships. But the world can see that we dare to fight against big bad China and we will gain more support from the world.

We hope to have a closer relationship with US and EU soon after this issue.

Vietnam is powerless to stop China, we exposed you.
Correct me if I am Wrong

China must maintain the large number of their Platform weapons in several fronts at once, not only two or three but at least four Front

1. They must keep a large number of their missile forces, land forces and Fighter jets against India border
2. They must keep a large number of their missile forces, Naval assets and fighter jets against Japan and possibly US 7th fleet near Senkaku Island and Okinawa
3. They must keep a large number of their missile forces, Naval assets and fighter jets against Taiwan and almost surely US intervention near Taiwan Strait
4. They must keep considerable number of their land troops, missile forces and jet fighter near North Korean border, to prevent refugee intruding, and possibly Korean Peninsular Conflict
5. They must keep a considerable maybe small number of their Land forces, and Air Forces assets near Russian border to keep a parity against their (Russian Armed Forces) assets there.
6. They must keep a considerable large number of their Naval and Air Forces assets in South China Sea Region, possibly against Vietnam and Philippine

You've got your hand's full, and yet you still wanna to make a new problems against Indonesia and several other ASEAN member such as Myanmar (by backing several rebellion there) and Malaysia. China think they are John Wayne or Johny Rambo, it's very funny.

1. no, actually the india-tibet border is one of the lightest defended borders in china(numbers wise), why is this you ask? because given the terrain, there no use to station a ton of troops unless war has already broken out, any major move by india could be spotted way before they are ready given the difficulties of getting everything up there. furthermore heavy tanks is all but useless there, so any combate is likely to involve a very small number of forces and almost no heavy equipment.

2/3 china does keep a large number of missiles and the north sea fleet basically all for japan, china also does keep a lot of missile and the east sea fleet at taiwan area. but heres the thing, china has a heck of alot of missiles.

4. this is where the best chinese divisions are stationed, the force there is trained and equipped to fight a standard american division one on one.

5. the force in point 4 is basically the same one for point 5. given its the same area.

6. surely you have heard of the south sea fleet?

you are assumming the situation is equally bad for china on all front. fact is china-russia relations are on the up and up, threat of war is extremely remote. large scale combat with india is also extremely unlikely. and PRC-ROC tries are currently amicable with a very remote chance of serious tensions at the moment. therefore it leaves two problem areas, namely the north east with possible NK situation and japan, and the south with the various island disputes. this is hardly unmanageable.

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