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South China Sea Forum

Vietnamese ships were repairing at Song Thu shipyard after collision with Chinese forces.

As an outsider to this ongoing conflict, I'm trying to understand all these maps.

1. China has discrepancy right in their statement ... They use UNCLOS 1982 in the case benefit them, and ignore it when it not .
for its regulation of 200 nm of EEZ from coast of a country.

Overall, they "invent" the nine-dash-line which is official revealed in 2009 to claim entire of South China Sea, clearly this line not follow the regulation of UNCLOS 1982

2. China occupied Paracels Islands from South Vietnam under the observation of US, they even killed South Vietnam troops and kidnapped a US advisor ( of South Vietnam army ) in Paracels 1974.

This illegal occupation always was condemned by Vietnam, this could be consider disputed islands, because Chinese occupation never based on any convention, agreement, simply that's a robbery ...

3. China trying to use Paracels islands, and some tiny reef to apply UNCLOS 1982 and claim for its own EEZ 200nm while it not complied with UNCLOS ...

4. For overlapping zone, in Tonkin Gulf, Vietnam and China identified and agreed the boundary from continent to the Mouth of Tonkin Gulf ... the remain stuck because dispute about Paracels ...



Good. Just keep the policy and stay away from the zone forbidden by China.

China will never shoot first so long as you do not intend or cause harm.

A skirmish at sea with our Communist brothers is the last thing we want to see happen.
Damn ,I really do not understand your logic.

Now our coastguard ship is there .

For what reason we need to use a fishing boat to fight your coastguard ship ??

Using fishing boat pretend to be unarmed ship ????

Viet Gov public a video of this incident , it is very clear our ships are not fishing boat but coastguard ship with big and clear sign .
With more ship you have, you can make wider and stronger formation to cover area.
We're less ship than Chinese. Why should we go all around to take picture to prove it for you !? ( and we can't, and we no need to do that).

The videos show off to prove PRC was useing big gun ships to attack Vietnamese ship in Vietnamese EEZ, not defend or peace talk anything like Chinese media and government said.
The **** I care if the war broke out in SCS, I meant not to drag me into your freaking bickering, I"m not represent the US government and you or Vietnamese poster in here don't represent either China or VietNam, stop blowing hot air about which nation have the right for the land, I don't care and I don't give a ****, nothing to do with the US government.

So why the **** you still bothering to posting your half-assess comment here? Get lost already
May 9,2014

If China continues its current activities in the Paracels without let-up, it is providing a pretext for key countries in Southeast Asia to unite in pushing harder for the immediate conclusion of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea

Security tensions in the South China Sea have flared up again when Vietnam’s naval vessels collided with Chinese ships on Wednesday, May 7, in a serious attempt of Hanoi to prevent Beijing from stationing a US$1-billion oil rig, HD-981, in the Northwest Triton Island of the Paracels.

For Vietnam, the location of China’s oil rig belongs to Hanoi’s Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (EEZ/CS). Therefore, Vietnam considers the oil drilling activities of HD-981 as an apparent derogation not only of the sovereignty of Vietnam but also of the United Nations Convention of the Law of Sea (UNCLOS).

Both Vietnam and China are parties to UNCLOS. Vietnam warned China that it would take “all necessary measures” to compel China to remove the oil rig.

For China, however, the activities of HD-981 were normal petroleum activities of the state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) in China’s territorial waters. China warned Vietnam not to disrupt CNOOC’s oil drilling projects in the Paracels, which the Chinese call the Xisha Islands.

The oil rig incident started on May 1, 2014, at around 5:22 am, when Vietnam discovered the deep water activities of HD-981, which was supported by 3 Chinese vessels. The location of the oil rig is around 130 nautical miles from the coast of Vietnam and 120 nautical miles from Vietnam’s Ly Son Island, which represents the 1 base point of Vietnam. This point falls within Vietnam’s petroleum Lot. 143 that belongs to its 200 nautical miles EEZ/CS.

To protect the activities of HD-981, China has deployed at least 80 vessels in the waters surrounding Triton Island.

Tipping point?

Tensions in the South China Sea are high again as the oil rig incident in the Paracel Islands can provide the tipping point of military encounters between the two parties. This military situation is something that all littoral states and user states in the South China Sea do not want to develop.

But China and Vietnam had the history of military battle in the Paracels in 1974, which started when Vietnam's navy attempted to expel Chinese fishing vessels from the waters surrounding the Paracels. China retaliated by sending the warships of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy in the contested island.

China won the battle resulting in China’s control of the Paracels. The battle caused the death of more than 50 Vietnamese soldiers and almost 20 Chinese soldiers. But Vietnam never surrendered its claims to the Paracels. In fact, Vietnam entered into direct negotiations with China to settle their territorial disputes peacefully in accordance with existing international laws, particularly the UNCLOS.

Since China started the operation of HD-981, Vietnam has conducted 6 bilateral meetings with China at various levels both in Hanoi and Beijing. But China remains intransigent in its position and reiterates its stand that the location of the activities of HD-981 is under the sovereign jurisdiction of China.

There is no doubt that the ongoing oil rig incident in the Paracels is destroying both countries’ strategic trust with each other. It is therefore imperative for Vietnam and China to rebuild their strategic trust if they want to maintain their good political relationship.

Otherwise, the deterioration of their political relationship will push Vietnam to follow the international arbitration option chosen by the Philippines. Vietnam can either join the Philippines in the case or submit a separate case.

If China continues its current activities in the Paracels without let-up, it is providing a pretext for key countries in Southeast Asia to unite in pushing harder for the immediate conclusion of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, particularly in the context of China’s activities in the Second Thomas Shoal being claimed by the Philippines, James Shoal being claimed by Malaysia, and Natuna Island being claimed by Indonesia.

What will Beijing do if Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam build a united front to deal with China in the South China Sea? Will China pursue strategic restraint or will it push more strategic assertions of its sovereignty claims?

Let’s continue to watch how this whole saga in the South China Sea will unfold.
Will Vietnam follow the Philippines and file case vs China?
warships on patrol


Good. Just keep the policy and stay away from the zone forbidden by China.

China will never shoot first so long as you do not intend or cause harm.

A skirmish at sea with our Communist brothers is the last thing we want to see happen.
NO, you must leave the area.

Otherwise not a skirmish, but an all-out war may happen.

nice pics, welcome to the forum.
is it Hanoi?
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With more ship you have, you can make wider and stronger formation to cover area.
We're less ship than Chinese. Why should we go all around to take picture to prove it for you !? ( and we can't, and we no need to do that).
The videos show off to prove PRC was useing big gun ships to attack Vietnamese ship in Vietnamese EEZ, not defend or peace talk anything like Chinese media and government said.

So it means you said we use armed fishing ship is groundless lie.

Your Gov use the video as evidence of Chinese invading , and now you say "Why should we go all around to take picture to prove it for you !?"

Do you even understand what are you talking ?
China is enemy of Philippine and Vietnam. Why not ?

we will do every measure to protect our country sovereignty.

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