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Its pride. We have humiliated every country we have fought since the communists came to power. That is a historical fact.

But I can imagine the tears and fear coming out of you knowing you are utterly helpless to stop us dominating Asia.

It's our god given right to rule over Asia and to dominate other Asians :coffee:

so Crazy nazi, you are, Chinese guy !!!
If the PLA decided to completely destroy Vietnam, there is nothing Vietnam can do.

There won't be a ground war. It will be carpet bombing everything in Vietnam. That means bombing all infrastructure, industrial buildings, commercial buildings, military targets, schools, universities, etc.

Then just drop tons of depleted uranium into the agricultural areas, lakes, and population centers.

If the CPC wanted to, we could literally finish the entire civilisation of Vietnam off in one enormous military assault from Air, Navy and Missile forces.

I guarantee you that will shut the Viets up for multiple decades.
Carpet bombing Vietnam? Sure, you rookies can try. The general idea among us is that your air super duper bowa is a million times INFERIOR to the American that we have faced.


We crushed the Japs in WW2.
We crushed the US in Korean War.
We crushed India in 1962.
We crushed Vietnam in 1974, 1979 and 1988.

It's impossible to stop us.
We can do whatever the damn hell we want.
You know why?
Because we are China!
You lost every major military engagement in the 20th century. Your only "victory" was in 1988 when you shot our unarmed transport boats. Your military is a loser military past, present, and future.
That was due to the emergence of SAMS during that time. The US was unprepared.

We know everything Vietnam has and just bomb all the key military targets and proceed to drop depleted uranium all across Vietnam.

Lets see Vietnamese society deal with deployed uranium all across Vietnam.
That'll shut the Viets up for a few decades.
The one who was not prepared for war at that time was us, NOT the U.S. We had not had any prior experience in operating fighter jets, SAM, and electronic counter warfare at the start of the war while the U.S had everything including ballistic missiles, satellites, anti-radar missiles, jamming capability. We talk the talk and walk the walk with our actual combat record against the world first rated air force while you guys are just barking at us on PDF lol
The one who was not prepared for war at that time was us, NOT the U.S. We had not had any prior experience in operating fighter jets, SAM, and electronic counter warfare at the start of the war while the U.S had everything including ballistic missiles, satellites, anti-radar missiles, jamming capability. We talk the talk and walk the walk with our actual combat record against the world first rated air force while you guys are just barking at us on PDF lol

Vietnam had Soviet and Chinese forces helping to operate those SAMS, giving intelligence and giving various other help.

The actual contribution of Vietnamese people is less than 5%.

It was all Soviet and Chinese forces that did all the damage to the US.
Vietnam had Soviet and Chinese forces helping to operate those SAMS, giving intelligence and giving various other help.

The actual contribution of Vietnamese people is less than 5%.

It was all Soviet and Chinese forces that did all the damage to the US.
The Soviet trained us but they stayed out of combat while we operate those SAMs and jets. Chinese? What contribution other than digging tunnels? LOL

List of Vietnam War flying aces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Soviet trained us but they stayed out of combat while we operate those SAMs and jets. Chinese? What contribution other than digging tunnels? LOL

List of Vietnam War flying aces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was our soldiers that was fighting on the ground and operating the SAMS along with the Soviets.

It just happened to be in the country of Vietnam.

Vietnam contributed nothing as America had already crushed you beyond repair. Then Soviet and Chinese entered and helped counter the US.

Vietnam was dead and buried before that.
It was our soldiers that was fighting on the ground and operating the SAMS along with the Soviets.

It just happened to be in the country of Vietnam.

Vietnam contributed nothing as America had already crushed you beyond repair. Then Soviet and Chinese entered and helped counter the US.

Vietnam was dead and buried before that.
Save your butthurt comment for your kind. The Soviet did little to nothing in actual combat against US in the war other than training us in operating the SAM and jets in the first year of the air war in 1965.

Chinese provided next to nothing in combat against US air power.
Save your butthurt comment for your kind. The Soviet did little to nothing in actual combat against US in the war other than training us in operating the SAM and jets in the first year of the air war in 1965.

Chinese provided next to nothing in combat against US air power.

That's what Vietnamese propaganda tells you.

Soviet and Chinese were responsible for the victory over the US.

Vietnam did nothing.
That's what Vietnamese propaganda tells you.

Soviet and Chinese were responsible for the victory over the US.

Vietnam did nothing.
That's what Chinese propaganda tells you. China did nothing, I mean zip.
Its pride. We have humiliated every country we have fought since the communists came to power. That is a historical fact.

But I can imagine the tears and fear coming out of you knowing you are utterly helpless to stop us dominating Asia.

It's our god given right to rule over Asia and to dominate other Asians :coffee:
Chinese army sucks, and you know that.

by the way, here is an interesting news from Russia:

Vietnam plans to produce 10 more Molnija class corvettes (bringing the number to 16) and double the number of Gepard frigates (bringing the number to 12). Unclear whether we will buy the frigates or produce them in Vietnam using Russian license, like the Molnija class corvettes. these heavily armed warships carry urans antiship missiles. More than enough to sink the entire Chinese fleet.

Plus, we plan to buy advanced jet fighters and modern air defence. and more toys come soon. :lol:

Molnija corvette

Gepard frigate

the article says further Russia will deliver all toys whatever Vietnam wants. Voice of Russia is the mouth piece of the government of Russia.

what are you going to do? declare war against Russia?

so next time we will order nuclear subs, equipped with nuclear cruise missiles. I find nukes weapons are very useful, considering the balance of power between Vietnam and China.

Warum Vietnam mehr russische Waffen braucht - Nachrichten - Gesellschaft - Stimme Russlands
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You lost every major military engagement in the 20th century. Your only "victory" was in 1988 when you shot our unarmed transport boats. Your military is a loser military past, present, and future.

Do you want me to post the battle video of 1988 ?

Unarmed transport boats ? LMAO!
Chinese army sucks, and you know that.

by the way, here is an interesting news from Russia:

Vietnam plans to produce 10 more Molnija class corvettes (bringing the number to 16) and double the number of Gepard frigates (bringing the number to 12). Unclear whether we will buy the frigates or produce them in Vietnam using Russian license, like the Molnija class corvettes. Plus, we plan to buy advanced jet fighters and modern air defence.

Molnija corvette

Gepard frigate

the article says further Russia will deliver all toys whatever Vietnam wants. Voice of Russia is the mouth piece of the government of Russia.

so next time we will order nuclear subs, equipped with nuclear cruise missiles. I find the nukes are very useful.

Warum Vietnam mehr russische Waffen braucht - Nachrichten - Gesellschaft - Stimme Russlands


Thats why we defeated Japan, US, India and Vietnam (3 times).

We have dozens of type 056 corvettes, dozens of type 054A frigates, dozen type 052C/D destroyers, and constructing the type 055 cruiser.

We have dozens of submarines, both conventional and nuclear that is equipped with advanced missiles.

Good luck trying to keep up with the PLA military build up :coffee:
The one who was not prepared for war at that time was us, NOT the U.S. We had not had any prior experience in operating fighter jets, SAM, and electronic counter warfare at the start of the war while the U.S had everything including ballistic missiles, satellites, anti-radar missiles, jamming capability. We talk the talk and walk the walk with our actual combat record against the world first rated air force while you guys are just barking at us on PDF lol

Give me a break please!

You would never be ready!

Until not , Viet still can not even make a tank yourself .

You can shot down those fighters because the SAM,the Jets from Soviet Union and the archibald from China.

And also the tough will to fight of the soldier.

But without the SAM JET GUns ,the will to fight is nothing !

No matter how tough your fighting will , you can not break a fighter with stick.
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