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South China Sea Forum

dude, time to grow up, as a founding member of UN, do you seriously believe UN treaties are used to protect thug states like PH?
As a responsible member of the UN. The Philippines is talking of settling the issue at the United Nations. The Philippine claims are based on use, location, historical records, occupation and many other criteria. These criteria all give ample evidence for international law to decide. But why China refuses to have this issue settle at the United Nations? Are you afraid of the truth? is it because the whole world knows, there is no country in the world that controls that vast amount of water? Who is living a fantasy now?

Well if you claim the whole South China Sea and islands as yours, FIGHT for it DIPLOMATICALLY. This is the 21st Century, not some King Kong Dynasty. The International court interprets the law of the civilized nations.If the UN court says it belongs to you, then we will give it to you. If the UN court says the Philippines is correct then China is against the rest of the world if they will not comply. That's why it's a good move to include the UN, such endeavor to seek solution is the legal process, it promotes peace and harmony to all nation claimants.
dude, time to grow up, as a founding member of UN, do you seriously believe UN treaties are used to protect thug states like PH?
It doesn't give you and your Communist daddy the right to bully other nations based on some "Historical Fairy Tales", you don't right a wrong by doing another wrong, genius. Does Taiwan wholeheartedly wants to be ruled by China right now? Can you name me a single country or island who loves to be ruled by the Chinese Communists? Got an idea?

I'm not trying to be all high mighty 'cos what I'm saying are just truth and what's real. China is acting the way it is 'cos of the sole reason that it is so envious and jealous of the West, trying to copy something that is impossible to copy. But anyway, the Chinese is awesome in copying and counterfeiting anyway so maybe they can somehow, although, it would be low quality for sure.

Chinese always cheat specially in business, they engage themselves in unfair trade practices, they exported their products around the world tainted with lead, melamine, formalin, cyanide just to name a few, unmindful of the harmful effects to humans. Slowly creeping to advance their interest by hook or by crook.
PH to stick with arbitration under UNCLOS to pursue Spratly claims
By Jerry E. Esplanada
Philippine Daily Inquirer

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines reiterated, on Thursday, its commitment to the peaceful settlement of its claims in the West Philippine Sea or the South China Sea area through arbitration proceedings under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, or UNCLOS.

Speaking before the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ foreign ministers meeting in Bandar Seri Begawan, Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario emphasized on Thursday, that “the Philippines’ recourse to arbitration is firmly rooted in the tradition of good global citizenship.”

“The Philippines shall always adhere to the peaceful settlements of disputes through lawful, non-coercive and transparent means that promote the healthy functioning of an equitable and rules-based international system,” said the Department of Foreign Affairs head.

Del Rosario asserted that Manila’s arbitration initiative, “when objectively considered, will benefit all parties.”

“For the Philippines, it will clearly define what is legitimately ours, specifically maritime entitlements under the UNCLOS with regards to our fishing rights to resources and our right to enforce our laws within our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ),” he said.

For China, “an arbitration award will finally clarify its lawful maritime entitlements in the South China Sea,” he pointed out.

“This will enable China to provide responsible leadership towards fostering stability in the region,” according to Del Rosario.

At the same time, he reiterated that “the Philippines’ desire to have a legally binding Code of Conduct in the South China Sea has not changed.”

“We will continue to work with ASEAN and China in crafting the COC and in implementing our commitments under the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC),” he said, adding ASEAN should “focus on solidarity in taking a stronger position on violations of the DOC.”

In a related development, the DFA said China had yet to respond to the Philippines’ request for clarification of its new maritime rules in the West Philippine Sea.

Beijing “did not reply to our note (verbale),” Assistant Secretary Raul Hernandez told the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

Sometime in late December, China sent its first patrol vessel to disputed parts of the West Philippine Sea ahead of its enforcement of new rules that authorized Chinese border police to board search and expel foreign vessels from waters Beijing considers its territory.

The patrol chief Haixun 21 reportedly sailed into the high seas under the administration of the Maritime Safety Administration of Hanan Province from which China administers the West Philippine Sea.

Del Rosario then said that if the reports proved correct, the Philippines would ask the Chinese why they were patrolling and in what areas.

The new rules came into effect on January 1, but ASEAN nations and the United States had asked China for clarification on their purpose and extent.

China claims almost the entire West Philippine Sea, but the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei claim parts of the sea within their EEZs. Taiwan also claims some islands in the same sea.

The Philippines and Vietnam are the more strident claimants, both pressing for the resolution of their claims according to UNCLOS and for a code of conduct in the region to prevent the conflicting claims from erupting into armed clashes.
It is a wise move because it would be regrettable if the Philippines would be caught by surprised by the illegal aggressiveness of China to claim the whole South China Sea/East Sea/West Philippine Sea.

dude, time to grow up, as a founding member of UN, do you seriously believe UN treaties are used to protect thug states like PH?
Philippines' request for action by the United Nations on the sea disputes is only right and proper so that right perspectives are put into placed where the Philippines' claim for sovereignty over the disputed islands are concerned.

As a responsible member of the UN. The Philippines is talking of settling the issue at the United Nations. The Philippine claims are based on use, location, historical records, occupation and many other criteria. These criteria all give ample evidence for international law to decide. But why China refuses to have this issue settle at the United Nations? Are you afraid of the truth? is it because the whole world knows, there is no country in the world that controls that vast amount of water? Who is living a fantasy now?

Well if you claim the whole South China Sea and islands as yours, FIGHT for it DIPLOMATICALLY. This is the 21st Century, not some King Kong Dynasty. The International court interprets the law of the civilized nations.If the UN court says it belongs to you, then we will give it to you. If the UN court says the Philippines is correct then China is against the rest of the world if they will not comply. That's why it's a good move to include the UN, such endeavor to seek solution is the legal process, it promotes peace and harmony to all nation claimants.
Could'nt agree more. Besides the nine-dashed line is not anywhere in UNCLOS, so basically, it's an excessive claim. Nothing in UNCLOS documents could legally substantiate that line. Of course, China has resorted to "ancient" maps, which in itself are dubious. The nine-dash line has never been clarified by China. No coordinates were even sent to the UN to clarify which features China claims. In other words, China is playing the role of strategic ambiguity to claim as much features in the SCS/ES/WPhS as possible.
Asean Ministers Emphasized On Peaceful Resolution Of South China Sea

From Rohani Mohd Ibrahim

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, April 11 (Bernama) -- The Asean Ministers Meeting In Preparation for the 22nd Asean Summit Thursday emphasised the importance of maintaining peace, stability, mutual trust and cooperation to enhance maritime security and ensure peaceful resolution of disputes in the South China Sea, a statement from Brunei Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry said.

The statement which was issued after the two-day meeting ended today, said ensuring peaceful resolution of disputes in the South China Sea is in accordance with the universally recognised principles of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

"The Asean Ministers also reiterated the need for all parties to exercise self-restraint in conducting activities that would complicate or escalate disputes.

"The ministers further reiterated their statement on the six-point principles on the South China Sea and emphasised the need to maintain momentum on dialogue and consultations following the positive outcome of the 19th Asean-China Senior Officials Consultations," it added.

The statement said the ministers tasked their Senior Officials to work actively with China on the way forward for the early conclusion of the Code of Conduct on the basis of consensus.

On the last day of the meeting today, Brunei's Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Prince Mohamed Bolkiah chaired three meetings which included Asean Ministerial Meeting, the 9th Asean Political and Security Community Council (APSC) and the 12th Asean Coordinating Council in preparation for the 22nd Asean Summit on April 24 and 25.

All the meetings were held at the International Convention Centre (ICC) here.

Malaysia's Foreign Affairs Ministry secretary-general Tan Sri Mohd Radzi Abdul Rahman represented Malaysia in all three meetings.

Besides peaceful resolution for South China Sea, the statement said, the meetings today also discussed the progress made since the 21st Asean Summit in November 2012, and also exchanged views on regional and international matters of mutual interest.

"This include political and security cooperation, the widening acceptance of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in South East Asia, ongoing work on the publication of the Asean Security Outlook and received reports from various Asean bodies for submission to the Asean leaders," it said.

Meanwhile, in a separate statement earlier today, the Brunei Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry said, last night Prince Mohamed Bolkiah hosted a dinner for the Asean Foreign Ministers, at the ICC here.

During the dinner, he briefed colleagues and the new Asean Secretary-general Le Luong Ming on the preparations for the 22nd Asean Summit.

China points finger at US over Asia-Pacific tensions
Reuters in Beijing
Tuesday, 16 April, 2013

China’s defence ministry made a thinly veiled attack on the United States on Tuesday for increasing tensions in the Asia-Pacific by ramping up its military presence and alliances in the region, days after the top US diplomat visited Beijing.

China is uneasy with what the United States has called the “rebalancing” of forces as Washington winds down the war in Afghanistan and renews its attention in the Asia-Pacific.

China says the policy has emboldened Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam in longstanding territorial disputes.

China faces “multiple and complicated security threats” despite its growing influence, the Ministry of Defence said in its annual white paper, adding that the US strategy meant “profound changes” for the region.

“There are some countries which are strengthening their Asia Pacific military alliances, expanding their military presence in the region and frequently make the situation there tenser,” the ministry said in the 40-page document, in a clear reference to the United States.

Such moves “do not accord with the developments of the times and are not conducive towards maintaining regional peace and stability”, ministry spokesman Yang Yujun told reporters.

The official People’s Liberation Army Daily went further, saying in a commentary on Monday China needed to beef up its defences to deal with a hostile West bent on undermining it.

“Hostile Western forces have intensified their strategy to westernise and split China, and employed every possible means to contain and control our country’s development,” it said.

On Monday, US Secretary of State John Kerry defended the re-orientation of US foreign policy towards Asia as he ended a trip to the region dominated by concerns about North Korea’s nuclear programme.

While China has been angered by North Korea’s behaviour, including its third nuclear test in February, it has also made clear it considers US displays of force in response to Pyongyang’s behaviour to be a worrisome development.

China is North Korea’s most important diplomatic and financial backer – the two fought together in the 1950-53 Korean war – although the ministry’s Yang would not be drawn on the subject aside from repeating a call for peace and dialogue.

China’s own military moves have worried the region too.

China unveiled another double-digit rise in military expenditure last month, to 740.6 billion yuan (US$119 billion) for this year, and is involved in protracted and often ugly disputes over a series of islands in the East and South China Seas.

“On the issues concerning China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, some neighbouring countries are taking actions that complicate or exacerbate the situation, and Japan is making trouble over the Diaoyu Islands issue,” the white paper said.

The dispute with Japan over the uninhabited islands, which China calls the Diaoyu and Japan calls Senkaku, has escalated in recent months to the point where China and Japan have scrambled fighter jets and patrol ships shadow each other.

The waters around the islands in the East China Sea are rich fishing grounds and have potentially huge oil and gas reserves.

Vietnam, Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia and the Philippines also have conflicting claims with China in parts of the South China Sea. China lays claim to almost the whole of the sea, which is criss-crossed by crucial shipping lanes.

The US shift comes as China boosts military spending and builds submarines, surface ships and anti-ship ballistic missiles as part of its naval modernisation, and has tested emerging technology aimed at destroying missiles in mid-air.

China has repeatedly said the world has nothing to fear from its military spending, which it says is needed for legitimate defensive purposes in a complex and changing world, and that the sums spent pale in comparison with US defence expenditure.
UNCLOS resolutions/decisions are meaningless if it cannot be enforced. Philippines would probably edge China in the dispute if Pinoys can get their act together but any legal victory is meaningless if it cannot be enforced in other words, if no one gives a crap then nothing comes out of it. As of now nobody gives a crap except the Pinoys. Even mighty America will not wade into meaningless territorial disputes especially when the disputes have no bearing or benefit to us.

You can parade with a sign saying you won but it would be shallow as the world doesn't care or cannot care as to not upset their relations with China.
dude, time to grow up, as a founding member of UN, do you seriously believe UN treaties are used to protect thug states like PH?

Yes one the Philippine is archipelago state so yes one of the agenda of UNCLOS is to protect nation of archipelago countries like the Philippines two it was the Republic of china was the Founding member as too is the Philippines 1945 so what makes you people so special hack we were the first Asian country to have a Person to become President of the UN General Assembly so again what makes you people special?

UNCLOS resolutions/decisions are meaningless if it cannot be enforced. Philippines would probably edge China in the dispute if Pinoys can get their act together but any legal victory is meaningless if it cannot be enforced in other words, if no one gives a crap then nothing comes out of it. As of now nobody gives a crap except the Pinoys. Even mighty America will not wade into meaningless territorial disputes especially when the disputes have no bearing or benefit to us.

You can parade with a sign saying you won but it would be shallow as the world doesn't care or cannot care as to not upset their relations with China.

So What chinese are you saying that force is the only way typical chinese logic!
First of all I am not Chinese. I am an American who proudly served the best Navy of the world. Second, you need to re read my post. Just to sum it up, nobody cares about your dispute with China. You may win in Unclos but who's going to enforce your victory? Wake up, your government could not even get ASEAN to support you in your pissing match with the Chinese, and you are a founding member of ASEAN. That is just to show how weak your country is, diplomatically. And your little foray into Sabah has further weaken your already weak diplomatic influence.
First of all I am not Chinese. I am an American who proudly served the best Navy of the world. Second, you need to re read my post. Just to sum it up, nobody cares about your dispute with China. You may win in Unclos but who's going to enforce your victory? Wake up, your government could not even get ASEAN to support you in your pissing match with the Chinese, and you are a founding member of ASEAN. That is just to show how weak your country is, diplomatically. And your little foray into Sabah has further weaken your already weak diplomatic influence.

Ya sure and am the capt. of the USS America!
you are funny nanny Eastsea. Look your rice is burning in the kitchen!

Tell your government to give these separatist a place to stay and form their country in vietnam if you have so much feeling towards them

you are sleeping with uncle this and uncle that even in your dreams

Thank heavens we have the safetest nuke plant records in the world

There another "uncle" obsession again!

The yankies can't do jack on Taiwan. Taiwanese are exploiting the yankies! well done!

Wait for the DPRK's nukes which will land on your roof when you are cooking in the kitchen nanny!

By the way Philipines was forced on us in ASEAN by the west , we never wanted these useless Western puppets .

We dined outside tonight. Have had some very nice dishes of fish, beef and vegies.

Thanks for revealing you are a lesbian nanny!

Ah, dont know this before. Now you have your sore spot to tell!

you revere usa more than your "uncle" - slavery mindsets

We are very careful with contractual undertakings. China is getting better!

Taiwanese has all the capabilities and intelligence to take advantage of foreign trades with US and other parts of the world.
Sleeping with americans is your country's expertise.

I dont think the Koreans have any trouble with you but it so happens their missiles go astray and land on your roof while you and your wife are cooking. They accidentally help us wipe out the pirates of South China Sea! Hahahah!

There is no way we could compare between China and Vietnam , this is more like comparing between lion and a mouse
If Philippines wins the case, I don’t think the US will leave the Philippines alone in this issue. When push comes to shove, the US will side with the Philippines. But, due to current economic considerations, you will never hear this openly in America's diplomatic channels. US announced that they are neutral regarding SCC status quo. Of course this is just but normal. Tomorrow's announcement may be different. Action always speaks louder than words. (Besides no country will ever shout to the public her future plan of actions as far as political and military strategies are concerned.) Whether China chooses to ignore the ruling of UNCLOS or not, or whether the ruling can be enforced, it does not matter. The ruling will still create a legal and moral weight to the international community. If at the end of the day if a FIRE is shot due to ignoring of latter due to defense of the other, then the international powers will be supporting the one wins this arbitration case.
By the way Philipines was forced on us in ASEAN by the west , we never wanted these useless Western puppets .

There is no way we could compare between China and Vietnam , this is more like comparing between lion and a mouse
new false flagger ?Phil is one of ASEAN members and we VN support Phil, ur cheap words cant change the fact,dude.

As for the comparison between VN & China,if u think China can overwhelm VN in SCs(east sea), then dare u bet all of ur money on it ? Or all u can do is just to put some cheap insult to smaller nations
First of all I am not Chinese. I am an American who proudly served the best Navy of the world. Second, you need to re read my post. Just to sum it up, nobody cares about your dispute with China. You may win in Unclos but who's going to enforce your victory? Wake up, your government could not even get ASEAN to support you in your pissing match with the Chinese, and you are a founding member of ASEAN. That is just to show how weak your country is, diplomatically. And your little foray into Sabah has further weaken your already weak diplomatic influence.

That makes you a professional at least. Yes, no one really cares about the dispute with China since they have no hope on us, and also we have very little influence in ASEAN. Even Cambodia has more influence because of them being backed by China.
There is no way we could compare between China and Vietnam , this is more like comparing between lion and a mouse

We hate to make a comparison of these things but to focus working towards our goals

But many times trolls are asking for it!
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