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South China Sea Forum

China had illegally invaded and occupied Islands of Vietnam in 1974, 1988. China is aggressor.
What we did is just to get back our own islands that illegally occupied by Vietnam.

Regretfully, only USA can punish you !
To put the hope on US military? Haha, I love your idea!
To put the hope on US military? Haha, I love your idea!
View attachment 386205

China can bully small neighbors only and steal Islands and Reefs of them, US will punish you for rules of international law, just look at how US control Taiwan.
Big china, big liar !

Vietnam had claimed and controlled the sea territory on Hoàng Sa and Trường Sa many hundred year ago by Vietnam's dynasties , without troubles with China inthe past. Your ancestor had recognized that there is Jiao Zhi Yang (Vietnam Sea).

China can bully small neighbors only and steal Islands and Reefs of them, US will punish you for rules of international law, just look at how US control Taiwan.

You have been caught with your pants down all the time for lying. It is no surprise your continuous barking will earn you no respect here on this forum. Only a couple of countries voice their support for PH while the majority sided with China. There goes your mumble jumbo "the world sides with the PH or support the PCA ruling crap". Your falsely presented the PCA as part of the UN, you post some black and white photo which could have been taken inside Vietnam, nothing you present is proof. Constant lies will earn you nothing and your wishful thinking of ASEAN vs China or US/JP/PH/IN/VN alliance vs China are crumbling down before your own eyes. When you can't find any latest news about SCS you post old articles just to stay on top of this thread after Chinese members posted the latest development news. In case you haven't noticed Trump is too busy with DPRK and other important policies, so far he has not commented anything on SCS that should tell you something. Keep on dreaming the US will declare war on China so you can swallow up the islands (not gonna happen). VN is now lonely facing the Juggernaut all by herself.
US will punish you
The Asian-face gentleman below is the last Vietnamese that putting all hope on US.

Good luck!


South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem shaking hands with US President Eisenhower.
Big china, big liar !

Vietnam had claimed and controlled the sea territory on Hoàng Sa and Trường Sa many hundred year ago by Vietnam's dynasties , without troubles with China inthe past. Your ancestor had recognized that there is Jiao Zhi Yang (Vietnam Sea).

China can bully small neighbors only and steal Islands and Reefs of them, US will punish you for rules of international law, just look at how US control Taiwan.
can you show some proof of those island belong to Vietnam many hunderd years ago? I for one would really like to see it! TIA
China had illegally invaded and occupied Islands of Vietnam in 1974, 1988. China is aggressor. Regretfully, only USA can punish you !
The US may be willing to engage in the real hot war against China for those islands/islets/atolls provided the VIE & PHI are willing to serve as their cannon fodders... the American people don't want their soldiers to shed their blood for contesting those remote objects, they aren't of the American public interest at all!

Will you then enlist as a voluntary expendable, @kecho or any other enthusiast here? :guns::guns::guns:
can you show some proof of those island belong to Vietnam many hunderd years ago? I for one would really like to see it! TIA

:enjoy: Paracel Islands is part of Vietnam's territory from 1600s year in the past.

Paracel Islands is part of Vietnam's territory from 1600s year in the past.
what a ridiculous proof! A typical Kecho way for cheating on PDF.

the map you quoted comes from a book originally written in Chinese. The picture you put said the name of the book is: 天南四致路图书全集

Meanwhile, in another website organized by Vietnam government, nghiencuubiendong.vn, the same book is called as: 天南四志路图书募集. So the question is, for such an important ancient book to support Vietnam's claim on South China Sea, why we even don't know what is its exact name?? A book with suspicious/unclear name, how can it be cited as a reliable source to support the VN claim?

What makes this joke more ridiculous is, for such a critical book, we unfortunately do not know where is the original version of the book!! Needless to say what is the exact original content of the book. Again from the same Vietnam government webpage, the website said "the books we read today, no matter in Vietnam or outside Vietnam, are all replicated versions that created by the later generations"!


Replicated versions that created by the later generations!!! Haha, every one can add his/her own flavor to the book during every round of replicate. If VCP gives me $1B, I can create a new version of the book, with content that claiming Kunming belongs to Vietnam too.

Air cushioned landing craft makes its way to beach-head
(China Military Online) 14:36, March 24, 2017


A Type 726 Yuyi class landing craft, air cushion (LCAC) attached to a landing ship flotilla of the South China Sea Fleet under the PLA Navy makes its way to the beach-head during a landing exercise at an undisclosed sea area of the South China Sea on March 21, 2017. (81.cn/ Gan Jun)
:enjoy: Paracel Islands is part of Vietnam's territory from 1600s year in the past.

any other proof? this is not proof enough, as stated above.
in my opinion, both countries (VN CHN) can bring lots of "proofs", but neither one of the countries will finally say "OK" it belongs to you! so why fight for the ownership now? just talk about cooperate and develop the area together? unless you have a better suggestion? btw, going to war is not a better suggestion ! so you know!
any other proof? this is not proof enough, as stated above.
in my opinion, both countries (VN CHN) can bring lots of "proofs", but neither one of the countries will finally say "OK" it belongs to you! so why fight for the ownership now? just talk about corporate develop the area together? unless you have a better suggestion? btw, going to war is not a better suggestion ! so you know!

Soveregnity of Vietnam over Paracel and Spratly Islandes is stated in many History Clonical Books printed in Vietnam from long time ago. I can líst such books here for you:

Toản tập Thiên Nam tứ chí lộ đồ thư
纂集天南四至路圖書, Toản tập An Nam lộ 纂集安南路, v.v... 2/ Thư tịch về lịch sử, địa chí, hội điển, v.v... có thể kể như: Đại Việt sử ký tục biên 大越史記續編, Phủ biên tạp lục 撫編雜錄, Khâm định Đại Nam hội điển sự lệ 欽定大南會典事例, Lịch triều hiến chương loại chí 歷朝憲章類誌, Hoàng Việt địa dư 黃越地與, Đại Nam nhất thống chí 大南一統志, Đại Nam thực lục 大南實錄, Quốc triều chính biên toát yếu 國朝正編撮要, Việt sử cương giám khảo lược 越史綱監考略, v.v... 3/ Các tập công văn, chiếu, tấu, biểu, sớ, v.v... có thể kể như: Châu bản triều Nguyễn 阮朝硃本, v.v.

In fact, Vietnam has been establishing sovereignty Administrative on such Islands in SCS long time ago.

Why China hás clamed our Islands recently ? I think China believe that she is stronger than Vietnam, so China can steal our Islands with force. This is the nuture of dispute in East Sea of Vietnam.
Soveregnity of Vietnam over Paracel and Spratly Islandes is stated in many History Clonical Books printed in Vietnam from long time ago. I can líst such books here for you:

Toản tập Thiên Nam tứ chí lộ đồ thư
纂集天南四至路圖書, Toản tập An Nam lộ 纂集安南路, v.v... 2/ Thư tịch về lịch sử, địa chí, hội điển, v.v... có thể kể như: Đại Việt sử ký tục biên 大越史記續編, Phủ biên tạp lục 撫編雜錄, Khâm định Đại Nam hội điển sự lệ 欽定大南會典事例, Lịch triều hiến chương loại chí 歷朝憲章類誌, Hoàng Việt địa dư 黃越地與, Đại Nam nhất thống chí 大南一統志, Đại Nam thực lục 大南實錄, Quốc triều chính biên toát yếu 國朝正編撮要, Việt sử cương giám khảo lược 越史綱監考略, v.v... 3/ Các tập công văn, chiếu, tấu, biểu, sớ, v.v... có thể kể như: Châu bản triều Nguyễn 阮朝硃本, v.v.

In fact, Vietnam has been establishing sovereignty Administrative on such Islands in SCS long time ago.

Why China hás clamed our Islands recently ? I think China believe that she is stronger than Vietnam, so China can steal our Islands with force. This is the nuture of dispute in East Sea of Vietnam.
Thanks for the information regarding reference books, I will check them out slowly.
As I said, war is NOT an Opinion, it will end up lots of dead peoples. Since you have so many reference books saying the islands belongs to Vietnam, it is more reason for Vietnam to sit down and talk with China, isn't it? Again, do you have a better suggestion besides going to war? or going to war is the only way you think can solve the problem?

Soveregnity of Vietnam over Paracel and Spratly Islandes is stated in many History Clonical Books printed in Vietnam from long time ago. I can líst such books here for you:

Toản tập Thiên Nam tứ chí lộ đồ thư
纂集天南四至路圖書, Toản tập An Nam lộ 纂集安南路, v.v... 2/ Thư tịch về lịch sử, địa chí, hội điển, v.v... có thể kể như: Đại Việt sử ký tục biên 大越史記續編, Phủ biên tạp lục 撫編雜錄, Khâm định Đại Nam hội điển sự lệ 欽定大南會典事例, Lịch triều hiến chương loại chí 歷朝憲章類誌, Hoàng Việt địa dư 黃越地與, Đại Nam nhất thống chí 大南一統志, Đại Nam thực lục 大南實錄, Quốc triều chính biên toát yếu 國朝正編撮要, Việt sử cương giám khảo lược 越史綱監考略, v.v... 3/ Các tập công văn, chiếu, tấu, biểu, sớ, v.v... có thể kể như: Châu bản triều Nguyễn 阮朝硃本, v.v.

In fact, Vietnam has been establishing sovereignty Administrative on such Islands in SCS long time ago.

Why China hás clamed our Islands recently ? I think China believe that she is stronger than Vietnam, so China can steal our Islands with force. This is the nuture of dispute in East Sea of Vietnam.
I just check out the map in Đại Nam nhất thống chí 大南一統志, it have land border clearly map out, but no sea border, so this map can not proof these islands belongs to Vietnam, of course it is just first glance, when I have time, I have to go detail with words and so on, since you may already read it, can you point out which page contain the proof, so I don't have to search for it?
the map link:

the book link (page by page readable)
Thanks for the information regarding reference books, I will check them out slowly.
As I said, war is NOT an Opinion, it will end up lots of dead peoples. Since you have so many reference books saying the islands belongs to Vietnam, it is more reason for Vietnam to sit down and talk with China, isn't it? Again, do you have a better suggestion besides going to war? or going to war is the only way you think can solve the problem?

I just check out the map in Đại Nam nhất thống chí 大南一統志, it have land border clearly map out, but no sea border, so this map can not proof these islands belongs to Vietnam, of course it is just first glance, when I have time, I have to go detail with words and so on, since you may already read it, can you point out which page contain the proof, so I don't have to search for it?
the map link:

the book link (page by page readable)
The spratly is considered by the vietnamese as disputable. However, the paracels is considered as non disputable as the vietnamese has absolute sovereignty over the paracels since the 1600's. We are not talking about some fishermen who discovered it take a dump on it to mark his territory here. Im talking about vietnam putting the paracels on continous administration since the 1600s. In 1816 vietnam even planted the national flag on the paracels. The chinese also violated modern international law by using deadly force to invade a sovereign nation territory in this case the paracels of south vietnam. The vietnamese have made it very clear that they are willing to negotiate on the spratly if the chinese is willing to negotiate on the paracels. However, it is the chinese who refuse to negotiate on the paracels; hence we still have the scs conflict today. Western journalists have been on the band wagon writing load of articles about the spratly scs dispute but none of them has any idea that the root of this dispute is the paracels island, not the spratly. The spratly won't get resolved unless the paracels get resolved first.
The spratly is considered by the vietnamese as disputable. However, the paracels is considered as non disputable as the vietnamese has absolute sovereignty over the paracels since the 1600's. We are not talking about some fishermen who discovered it take a dump on it to mark his territory here. Im talking about vietnam putting the paracels on continous administration since the 1600s. In 1816 vietnam even planted the national flag on the parcels. The chinese also violated modern international law by using deadly force to invade a sovereign nation territory in this case the paracels of south vietnam. The vietnamese have made it very clear that they are willing to negotiate on the spratly if the chinese is willing to negotiate on the paracels. However, it is the chinese who refuse to negotiate on the paracels; hence we still have the scs conflict today. Western journalists have been on the band wagon writing load of articles about the spratly scs dispute but none of them has any idea that the root of this dispute is the paracels island, not the spratly. The spratly won't get resolved unless the paracels get resolved first.
that is why I asked for some proof that the parcels belong to Vietnam, in that case, negotiation will be in Vietnam's favor. Regarding China used deadly force to overtake some parcels from Vietnam, I read somewhere, Vietnam did the same to Taiwan occupied island when they are away for the Tai Feng, so this part is even out, don't mention it again, because both side did the same thing. with regarding negotiation, from what I read, it is the other way around, China always tries to talk about border issues, so make a formal request to talk with China, they will not back down, otherwise they will lose face.
Thanks for the information regarding reference books, I will check them out slowly.
As I said, war is NOT an Opinion, it will end up lots of dead peoples. Since you have so many reference books saying the islands belongs to Vietnam, it is more reason for Vietnam to sit down and talk with China, isn't it? Again, do you have a better suggestion besides going to war? or going to war is the only way you think can solve the problem?

Its reported in Vietnam that China has refused to negociate with Vietnam about Paracel Islands sovereignty, simply china didn't has proof for her claiming. China would like to apply here the aggressive tactic, step by step she will take all Islands of Vietnam in East Sea of Vietnam with force and invasions (China did in 1974 and in 1988). China's plan is that China is master in Asia, she would like to demonstrate her muscle here.

I just check out the map in Đại Nam nhất thống chí 大南一統志, it have land border clearly map out, but no sea border, so this map can not proof these islands belongs to Vietnam, of course it is just first glance, when I have time, I have to go detail with words and so on, since you may already read it, can you point out which page contain the proof, so I don't have to search for it?
the map link:

the book link (page by page readable)

This map Đại Nam nhất thống toàn đồ (tên gốc: 大南ー統全圖) is made in Vietnam in 1834, Paracel and Spratly had drawn in shore of Vietnam, Paracels and Spratly has stated clearly in sea territory of Vietnam.


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