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South China Sea Forum

It's good news for China.

Now, China has a good reason to further develop its islands.

Following the US lead, China can also sail close to the other claimant islands in the name of freedom of navigation. (That's probably why the Viets and Pinoys are keeping quiet.)

I sometimes wonder why the Americans are so stupid. There is nothing to be gained besides stirring up unnecessary troubles. Keeping in mind, they are already tied down in the Middle East.
It was long planned by USA. USA will come to SCS at any excuse. Just like that it can fake an excuse to occupy Iraq for its great Mideast strategy. USA is very good geopolitical player. it plays according to its geopolitical plan to become the forever sole superpower in this planet by destroying all complete industrial systems. US will become the sole complete industrial system while all others are dependent industrial systems such as Japan. It planed to dismember Russia in 1990s and dismember China in 2000s. Putin came out and helped the survival of Russia. If Putin didn't win chechen war, Russia might have become another Soviet with more and more republics leaving Russia, just as Gorbechev lose to independent movement in Baltic republic. Bin laden helped China and gave China 10 precious years. Otherwise US would choose China first instead of mid east.

US has prepared many cards such taiwan independence, East Turkestan, Tibet independence, South Mongolia independence for dismembering China. All of them are well coordinated by CIA.

Bush was really ambitious. He wanted to establish solid US bases in from Central Asia to Mid-East. These bases will provide solid support to separation movements in Russia caucasian republics and Xinjiang and Tibet separatists. It will also cut any connections between China and Russia and allow USA to eat China or Russia one by one. If both China and Russia were finished, in this planet, USA is the only country with complete industrial systems. All other countries can only work on part of industrial jobs at the order of USA. Japan is one solid example. It only can work on areas USA allows it to work on.

That's why even Europe didn't support Bush's Mid-East strategy. This threatens Europe's industrial freedom.

SCS has become the most critical area in this world now. All major powers are happily watching China and United States having head-to-head conflicts. Europe has never enjoyed such a great freedom in foreign policy. It can openly object to US foreign policy now. Russia can take Crimea freely and start to come to Mid-East since most of US resources are dragged by China in SCS and ECS.
Your comment is one of the rare analysis on great game today. Great work.

As long as China holds on USA in SCS, more and more countries will come to help China. Europe, Russia, even India and Japan will help China publicly or stealthily. Japan gains more and more independence from USA with China-USA. All of these countries want China to drag on USA so that they can gain freedom from US control or pressures.

ISIS is created by USA. Since USA cannot hold on Mid-East, USA doesn't want major powers of IRan, Russia to fill the vacuum. ISIS's job is simply to keep the mid-east from other powers for USA so that USA can shift its power to take on China. But Putin forms Russia-IRan-Syria alliance and determine to fill the vacuum. Now USA is really having headache now. It is considering to take on ISIS by ground forces to avoid Russia take-up. USA war on two fronts is really crazy. Only inexperienced president such as Obama can do it.

Obama has no business sense, no executable strategy. From domestic healthcare, debt reduction to foreign policy, nothing has a solid strategy.
Do you think Obama really "runs" the US? I noticed that no matter who the prsident of US is, FR policy never change direction. Some analyst say CFR is the direction of US fr policy no mattet who the president.
It's good news for China.

Now, China has a good reason to further develop its islands.

Following the US lead, China can also sail close to the other claimant islands in the name of freedom of navigation. (That's probably why the Viets and Pinoys are keeping quiet.)

I sometimes wonder why the Americans are so stupid. There is nothing to be gained besides stirring up unnecessary troubles. Keeping in mind, they are already tied down in the Middle East.

Americans needed issues for public to approve the military budget. Also the Americans wanted their ally to get entire Spratlys giving contracts to America for mining petroleum. Spratlys are islands anyway.
What is right? Can you point out where in UNCLOS does it say that reef are not territory? Pretty much every coastal state controls reef/atoll as territory. US has the Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll for example right in the middle of the Pacific, thousands miles away from its mainland.
art 5, 6 and 13 on establishing baseline
It has two Gepard Frigates + 4 more coming. Genuis... :rolleyes:
Gepard is not frigate but corvette.And the 4 sigmas you ordered are corvette, too. PLAN has 30 destroyers and 50 frigates and there are dozens of warships in construction including 2 ACs. We can sink your little boats just like killing ants. No matter how many ships you purchase, it will not work, because when you buy a corvette, we build a dozen of destroyers.
South China Sea ruling 'null and void', says ministry
2015-10-31 08:14 | China Daily | Editor: Yao Lan

The Foreign Ministry on Friday dismissed a ruling by the Arbitral Tribunal on the jurisdiction and admissibility of the South China Sea issue, saying it is null and void.

The ministry said in a statement released on its website that the result has no binding effect on China.

"The result of the ruling will by no means affect China's sovereignty and rights on the South China Sea," Vice-Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin said on Friday at a media briefing.

The tribunal, established at the request of the Philippines, ruled on Thursday that it has jurisdiction over the South China Sea dispute.

China's sovereignty and rights in the South China Sea are grounded in history and protected under international laws, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), according to the statement.

"With regard to territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, China will not accept any solution imposed on it or any unilateral resort to a third-party dispute settlement," it said.

The statement also said that the Philippines' decision to seek arbitration was "a political provocation under the cloak of law".

"The motivation behind the arbitration is not to settle disputes, but an attempt to negate China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea for its own sake," Liu said.

Chen Xiangyang, an expert on South China Sea studies with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, noted that the decision made by the Arbitral Tribunal came just two days after a US Navy ship sailed within 12 nautical miles of Chinese islands.

"In my view, it is related, and that explains why the Philippines was vocal in its support for Washington's sailing," he said.

"The US ship and the legal battle made by the Philippines made the problem in the South China Sea even more complicated."

Chen Qinghong, another researcher with the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, said the issue in the South China Sea is far more complicated than something international law could solve.

"For instance, you have to take sovereignty, national emotions, public activities in history and traditional fishing grounds into consideration. So I think the best way to solve it is bilateral negotiations, in which the international law could be used."
South China Sea ruling 'null and void', says ministry
2015-10-31 08:14 | China Daily | Editor: Yao Lan

The Foreign Ministry on Friday dismissed a ruling by the Arbitral Tribunal on the jurisdiction and admissibility of the South China Sea issue, saying it is null and void.

The ministry said in a statement released on its website that the result has no binding effect on China.

"The result of the ruling will by no means affect China's sovereignty and rights on the South China Sea," Vice-Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin said on Friday at a media briefing.

The tribunal, established at the request of the Philippines, ruled on Thursday that it has jurisdiction over the South China Sea dispute.

China's sovereignty and rights in the South China Sea are grounded in history and protected under international laws, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), according to the statement.

"With regard to territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, China will not accept any solution imposed on it or any unilateral resort to a third-party dispute settlement," it said.

The statement also said that the Philippines' decision to seek arbitration was "a political provocation under the cloak of law".

"The motivation behind the arbitration is not to settle disputes, but an attempt to negate China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea for its own sake," Liu said.

Chen Xiangyang, an expert on South China Sea studies with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, noted that the decision made by the Arbitral Tribunal came just two days after a US Navy ship sailed within 12 nautical miles of Chinese islands.

"In my view, it is related, and that explains why the Philippines was vocal in its support for Washington's sailing," he said.

"The US ship and the legal battle made by the Philippines made the problem in the South China Sea even more complicated."

Chen Qinghong, another researcher with the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, said the issue in the South China Sea is far more complicated than something international law could solve.

"For instance, you have to take sovereignty, national emotions, public activities in history and traditional fishing grounds into consideration. So I think the best way to solve it is bilateral negotiations, in which the international law could be used."

Oh please its just another hissyfit from child minded china like that matters in the end china will just have to comply or risk being international condemnation even the US was not safe from that it takes time but surely it will have its toll on china.
Some pictures of Yongxing Island.


Lighthouse at Yongxing Island. You can see the buildings in the background.


Picture of a fighter plane on the runway at Yongxing Island.
We still hold the most strategic islands in the Spratlys and now we will deploy fighter jets on them for power projection.
Looking forward to it pal! The more tensions you create more your neighbors are scared and we get foothold
Looking forward to it pal! The more tensions you create more your neighbors are scared and we get foothold

You think if china pulled out of spratlys, things will go peaceful? It won't and the fight will go on. By that time, they will focus on vietnam then because it's not ally of America. Americans would prefer they closest buddy to get the spratlys.
Wow new targets for the US patriot Missiles or the Philippines and Vietnam new Spyder defense missiles system or maybe Manpad would do
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