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South China Sea Forum

Think before you reply. opruh is another Fsjal in the making.

Just like most China's garbage products. FAKE!

Sadly, there are some Filipinos who are pro-China, particularly the leftist groups here in the Philippines and possibly Tsinoys; Fsjal has revealed to be Tsinoy, thus I don't trust him much as much as I don't trust Bob Ong because I feel Tsinoys are 5th Columns. Opruh could be either be a Tsinoy or a Sinophile.
Sadly, there are some Filipinos who are pro-China, particularly the leftist groups here in the Philippines and possibly Tsinoys; Fsjal has revealed to be Tsinoy, thus I don't trust him much as much as I don't trust Bob Ong because I feel Tsinoys are 5th Columns. Opruh could be either be a Tsinoy or a Sinophile.

Leftist are traitors to the republic they always have the more veil than the most corrupt officials because they destrorying the country more than they could ever do next to drugs and illegal chinese nationals and taiwanese nationals conducting illegal activies here they should all be put to death saidly the corrup chruch under the CBCP will just use their unholy powers of illegal veto and lobby powers to counter any real progress like the RH law etc man the republic has a lot of enemies but the Tsinoys a majority of us are loyal to the Philippines so please dont level us with some traitorous $cum like comrade traitor (Fsjal whats his name) We filipinos should be a united front not a confideracy of kung trip lang sasama or grupo grupo lang a united we stand divided will fall. Remember our history sir isa dahilan kung bakit palagi tay0 tal0 or just surviving a war kasi tayo mga pilipino n@g away away so lets be different from our ninonos and be united as one country pati pa na man dito kabayan na man.
A new 5000-ton plus CCG ship taking up shape at WC:


The sharp-eyed may also find a landing craft under construction alongside。:enjoy:
A senior Chinese leader will visit Vietnam this month, China's state media said on Monday, amid tension between the neighbors over competing claims in the South China Sea.

Yu Zhengsheng, who heads a largely ceremonial advisory body to China's parliament but is ranked fourth in the Communist Party leadership, will be going at the invitation of Vietnam's Communist Party, the official Xinhua news agency said.

It provided no other details.

Anti-Chinese violence flared in Vietnam in May after a $1 billion deepwater rig owned by China's state-run CNOOC oil company was parked 240 km (150 miles) off the coast of Vietnam in the South China Sea.

Since then, though, China has sought to make amends with Vietnam, including sending senior officials to Hanoi.

However, the two countries clashed again this month after Vietnam submitted its position to an international arbitration tribunal, initiated by the Philippines, over the festering dispute that involves several countries.

Communist parties rule both countries and their trade has swelled to $50 billion annually, but Vietnam has long been suspicious of its giant neighbor, especially over China's claims to almost the entire South China Sea.

China claims about 90 percent of the South China Sea, displaying its reach on official maps with a so-called nine-dash line that stretches deep into the maritime heart of Southeast Asia.

Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have claims to parts of the potentially energy-rich waters that are crossed by key global shipping lanes
South China Sea legal battle hots up
Published on Dec 18, 2014 8:37 AM

People viewing one of two of Vietnam's Russian-built missile-guided frigates docked at a bay in Manila on Nov 25, 2014. Vietnam's two most powerful warships were making their first port call to the Philippines but an official said it was not trying to challenge China's superior naval forces.

By Richard Javad Heydarian, For The Straits Times

The historic legal battle between the Philippines and China over disputed territories in the South China Sea has entered a new phase. There are renewed risks of escalation. In recent days, China, the United States and Vietnam have all expressed their position on the legal aspects of the maritime spats in the Western Pacific.

China reiterated its outright opposition to any form of third party arbitration vis-a-vis sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea by releasing a position paper on Dec 7, which contains three major arguments.

First, Beijing contends that the special arbitral tribunal at The Hague, where the Philippines filed a memorial earlier this year, has no jurisdiction over the issue, since the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos) does not accord it the mandate to address what are essentially sovereignty-related issues. Although China is a signatory to Unclos, it has exercised its right (under Article 298) to absolve itself of any compulsory arbitration (under Article 287 and Annex VII) over territorial delimitation issues, among other things.

Second, China maintains that, based on supposed "historical rights", it exercises "inherent and indisputable" sovereignty over the disputed features, including those that fall well within the Philippines' 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Third, Beijing asserts that the Philippines violated prior bilateral and multilateral agreements (that is, the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, known as the DoC) by initiating a compulsory arbitration procedure under Unclos.

Interestingly, the position paper was released a week before the Monday deadline for China to submit its formal position, or defence, to the arbitral tribunal.

The Philippines, in response, maintains that it is China that has violated the DoC by unilaterally altering the status quo through expansive construction activities, widening paramilitary patrols and coercive behaviour within the South-east Asian country's EEZ, specifically in the Scarborough Shoal in 2012 and, more recently, in the Second Thomas Shoal.

The Philippines also maintains that the arbitral tribunal has the mandate to interpret the parameters of China's right to opt out of compulsory arbitration procedures. For the Philippines, its legal case is perfectly consistent with the mandate of the arbitration body, since its memorial focuses on whether China's notorious "nine-dashed-line" claim is consistent with international law, and the determination of the nature of disputed features (under Article 121) - specifically, whether they can be appropriated or occupied and generate their own respective territorial waters.

While the US does not take a position on the sovereignty claims in the South China Sea, it has indirectly supported the Philippines by supporting the resolution of the disputes in accordance with international law as well as questioning the validity of China's claims.

The US State Department's position paper, released on Dec 5, has raised issues with the "nine-dashed-line" doctrine, arguing that China's expansive claims lack precision and consistency. After all, China has not unambiguously specified the exact coordinates of its territorial claims. It is not clear whether China claims much of the South China Sea, treating it as a virtual internal lake, or simply claims the land features in the area and their surrounding waters per se.

The US, similar to most independent legal experts, also maintains that China's claim to historical rights over the South China Sea waters is not consistent with international law. China has neither exercised continuous and uncontested sovereignty over the area, nor does the South China Sea - an artery of global trade, connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans - constitute a bay or any form of near-coastal water that can be appropriated based on historical rights-related claims.

In short, China's claims far exceed - if not entirely contradict - modern international law, specifically Unclos. Although the US is not a signatory to Unclos, it has observed the international convention in its naval operations.

To the surprise of many observers, Vietnam joined the fray by submitting a position paper to the arbitral tribunal in The Hague last Friday, which contains three main points: It expressed its support for the Philippines' case; questioned the "nine-dashed-line" doctrine; and asked the arbitral tribunal to give due regard to Vietnam's rights and interests.

Vietnam's manoeuvre will most likely have no significant impact on the pending legal case between the Philippines and China, but it carries significant political implications. In recent months, Vietnam has been engaged in a sustained diplomatic effort to normalise relations with China and prevent another crisis in the disputed areas, especially in the light of the oil rig crisis in the South China Sea this year, which sparked huge protests in Vietnam and placed the two countries on the verge of armed confrontation.

Vietnam's bold threat to join the Philippines' legal efforts against China carries the risk of renewed tensions in the South China Sea and of undermining tenuous, but critical, diplomatic channels between Hanoi and Beijing. It seems, however, that Vietnam is hedging its bets by dangling the threat of joining a common legal front against China as a form of deterrence against further provocations in the future.

With both the Philippines and the US explicitly questioning China's expansive claims in recent months, Vietnam perhaps felt compelled to reiterate its position on the issue and underline its right to resort to existing international legal instruments to address potentially explosive territorial disputes.

Nonetheless, despite the unanimity of opinion and statements by Filipino, Vietnamese and American officials on the legal dimensions of China's claims in the South China Sea, it is far from clear whether Beijing will re-consider its policy in adjacent waters.

Ultimately, China could respond to growing international pressure by hardening its position. It can accelerate efforts at consolidating its claims on the ground, vehemently reject any unfavourable arbitration outcome as an affront to its national integrity, and impose sanctions on and/or diplomatically isolate the Philippines as a form of reprisal. After all, there are no existing compliance-enforcement mechanisms to compel China to act contrary to its position and interests.


The writer is a political science professor at De La Salle University in the Philippines.

- See more at: South China Sea legal battle hots up - Opinion More Opinion Stories ST Editorial - The Straits Times
A senior Chinese leader will visit Vietnam this month, China's state media said on Monday, amid tension between the neighbors over competing claims in the South China Sea.

Yu Zhengsheng, who heads a largely ceremonial advisory body to China's parliament but is ranked fourth in the Communist Party leadership, will be going at the invitation of Vietnam's Communist Party, the official Xinhua news agency said.

It provided no other details.

Anti-Chinese violence flared in Vietnam in May after a $1 billion deepwater rig owned by China's state-run CNOOC oil company was parked 240 km (150 miles) off the coast of Vietnam in the South China Sea.

Since then, though, China has sought to make amends with Vietnam, including sending senior officials to Hanoi.

However, the two countries clashed again this month after Vietnam submitted its position to an international arbitration tribunal, initiated by the Philippines, over the festering dispute that involves several countries.

Communist parties rule both countries and their trade has swelled to $50 billion annually, but Vietnam has long been suspicious of its giant neighbor, especially over China's claims to almost the entire South China Sea.

China claims about 90 percent of the South China Sea, displaying its reach on official maps with a so-called nine-dash line that stretches deep into the maritime heart of Southeast Asia.

Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have claims to parts of the potentially energy-rich waters that are crossed by key global shipping lanes

don't let he cheat us with empty words.
Vietnam Coast guard ship 9002 rescued Chinese engine broken fish boat with 6 fishermen on board.
VPAN is training to defend Islands of Vietnam..

Ahhhh, we're scared to death, so for compensation how about we serve you with a feast? Come on man, just try to get on our island. I believe your servicemen will be satisfied by Chinese food. LOL
BTW, you mean you want to defense your island only with such efforts? Even NK millitants seem to be more competent. Maybe you can order a brand-new made-in-India AC and buy some LCA to form a AC-leading fleet, then you may be qualified to beat Thailand, though it may cost over 30 years.
Ahhhh, we're scared to death, so for compensation how about we serve you with a feast? Come on man, just try to get on our island. I believe your servicemen will be satisfied by Chinese food. LOL
BTW, you mean you want to defense your island only with such efforts? Even NK millitants seem to be more competent. Maybe you can order a brand-new made-in-India AC and buy some LCA to form a AC-leading fleet, then you may be qualified to beat Thailand, though it may cost over 30 years.

He showed the activities of an exercise, you troll by challenging what it shouldn't be
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