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South China Sea Forum

Both Vietnam and China has right for the SCS under rules of internal law. When USA went home, China thought he can steal every thing here and now he do it.

USA will come back, every thing could happen here.

US not risk US life to fight over territory for VietNam, without US naval fleet to fight China in SCS, VietNam won't stand a chance.
:lol: why would US fight for a small.insignificant country like vietnam? Very sad vietnam is alone.
you troll.

small and insignificant?..but why you have tried endless to force Vietnam to return to the gloriuos China? :rofl:

At this point, we are very tired of getting into historical dispute over territory. The rule of the game will always remain the same. Who got bigger ball with bigger gun? You know the West didn't enjoy supremacy if they didn't have ball and big gun to impose their long distance offshore territories. Now let talk logic, shall we? We are a nuclear power state, 2nd in economy, 3rd in military, and have enormous potential. How do you plan to wrestle it away from us?

If you don't do it today, you will not have the opportunity to do it in the future when we grow a lot stronger today. 2 carrier battlegroups are just a start in 2020s. By 2040s, we will triple that to 6 or even 10. This is not mentioning we will have drone to patrol the area 24 hours. Since Paracel is much closer to our NAVY headquarter in Hainan. We can easily retake it in case you try to invade and take it away from us. My friend, reality kicks in and it hurts. LOL
max 10 carriers in 2040? :haha:
you don´t need them all when at war with Vietnam. We are too close.

by the way, you should know the US deployed 22 aircraft carriers during the war with Vietnam. and they still lost :lol:
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1 guess only 1 AC is required with complete battle group.How much days Vietnam economy will survive in case of any conflict (naval blockade)?
1 guess only 1 AC is required with complete battle group.How much days Vietnam economy will survive in case of any conflict (naval blockade)?
We still survive until now after the collapse of Soviet union until now despite all kind of wars and sanctions from US-China. None of them r powerful enough to slap a naval blockade to destroy VN now.
All he has to do is sing really well and ask the population to grant him another term. He did outsing Megawati.

yea rite, except the people now don't support his party the way they supported his party when he overthrew Megawati.
Yep you maybe right bcz same happened and happening currently at Afghanistan but will it be good to stay under poverty and danger? I see many Afghan refugees living to standards which no1 in US or EU had seen or even imagined in their life. Yet they claim they had beaten two super powers. I believe winning does not means killing others, but to raise your education, health and life style. Take example of Japan, Korea etc. Japan lost to US but now one of the top economy!
Will VietNam completely transfer the right to claim of territory to the US adminster of those area? Viet Nam want to push China out must make a concession to the US and transfer the right with the SCS territory to the US, now let US fight against China over the SCS territory. Other than the US directly fighting China in a naval battle, VietNam don't stand a chance whatsoever.
you are the joker!

NO, why should we transfer our territories to America? Will America give Vietnam the Haiwaii islands? you are welcome to do so.

we don´t have a chance against China?
our victories prove otherwise.

Even if we can´t kill the enemy, we will chop them a leg and an arm up.

1 guess only 1 AC is required with complete battle group.How much days Vietnam economy will survive in case of any conflict (naval blockade)?
with the resources of Laos and Cambodia, we would survive the conflict.
you are the joker!

NO, why should we transfer our territories to America? Will America give Vietnam the Haiwaii islands? you are welcome to do so.

we don´t have a chance against China?
our victories prove otherwise.

Even if we can´t kill the enemy, we will chop them a leg and an arm up.

This isn't a land warfare, naval battle require lot of battleship. VietNam don't have much modern battleship to fight China, Realistic no way in hell VietNam can fight a naval war against China alone.
we don´t have a chance against China?
our victories prove otherwise.

Even if we can´t kill the enemy, we will chop them a leg and an arm up.

with the resources of Laos and Cambodia, we would survive the conflict.

What victory? The last naval battle in 1988 Johnson skirmish end up a disaster for vietnam. :lol:

This isn't a land warfare, naval battle require lot of battleship. VietNam don't have much modern battleship to fight China, Realistic no way in hell VietNam can fight a naval war against China alone.
A very realistic analysis from an american friend.
Yep you maybe right bcz same happened and happening currently at Afghanistan but will it be good to stay under poverty and danger? I see many Afghan refugees living to standards which no1 in US or EU had seen or even imagined in their life. Yet they claim they had beaten two super powers. I believe winning does not means killing others, but to raise your education, health and life style. Take example of Japan, Korea etc. Japan lost to US but now one of the top economy!
Afghanistan has No strategic position and fertile land like VN. VNese still have enough food to eat. No VNese is frozen and starve to death in trash bin like many other countries in the world now :coffee:.
China just need to park a frigate beside and do what things we want and there is nothing vietnamese can do about it.

Just like how we construct our airfield in spratly island... :lol:
the platform is only 16 nautical miles away from our zhongjiandao.

China declared its baselines for its maritime territory on 15 May 1996. The baselines were for the Chinese mainland and also for the Paracel (Xisha) Islands.

Zhongjiandao (1) 15° 46.5' N 111° 12.6' E
Zhongjiandao (2) 15° 46.4' N 111° 12.1' E
Zhongjiandao (3) 15° 46.4' N 111° 11.8' E
Zhongjiandao (4) 15° 46.5' N 111° 11.6' E
Zhongjiandao (5) 15° 46.7' N 111° 11.4' E
Zhongjiandao (6) 15° 46.9' N 111° 11.3' E
Zhongjiandao (7) 15° 47.2' N 111° 11.4' E

The baselines for the mainland consist of a series of straight lines linking 49 basepoints situated on the outer edge along and outer islands off the coast of China. For the Paracel Islands, the baselines consist of a series of straight lines linking 28 basepoints located on the outer islands of the group.

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