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South China Sea Forum

MANILA— The Philippines has deployed 800 more Marines and opened a new headquarters to guard its interests in the disputed Spratly Islands, which China also claims, a senior military official said Sept. 30.

Straddling vital shipping lanes and believed sitting atop vast reserves of mineral deposits, including oil, the Spratlys chain in the South China Sea has long been considered a flashpoint for conflict in the region.

Apart from the Philippines and China, the Spratlys are claimed in whole or in part by Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan.

Lt. Gen. Juancho Sabban, appearing to want to assuage Beijing in particular, said the deployment was only meant as a defensive measure and should not be seen as an aggressive move.

“These two battalions which arrived recently will be augmenting protection of our islands,” Sabban, who heads the military garrison which has jurisdiction over the Spratlys, told AFP.

“We are just on a defensive posture and are ensuring the defense of our islands. It is better to defend than retake islands once other claimants occupy them.”

He said a marine brigade headquarters had also been created on the nearby Philippine province of Palawan, facing the South China Sea, “to provide command and control” over the forces.

The Marines will not be stationed on the Spratlys but will patrol nearby.

Sabban accused China of continually fortifying its structures on islands in the Spratlys that Beijing controls, though at present “no claimant countries have manifested any offensive action.”

“We are not there to create a situation where it will lead to an accidental conflict and escalate into a regional problem,” Sabban stressed.

China, which is in a dispute with Japan over islands in the East China Sea, has been accused of ramping up tensions in the South China Sea. The Philippines and Vietnam over the past year raised alarm over Beijing’s assertiveness.

China claims all of the South China Sea, which Manila calls the West Philippine Sea, even waters close to its Asian neighbors.

Sabban’s announcement came just days after incoming Chinese leader Xi Jinping met a special Philippine envoy and expressed hope bilateral ties would improve.

The meeting was set months after both sides were locked in a tense standoff in Scarborough shoal, another outcrop in the South China Sea north of the Spratlys.

Philippines Sends More Troops To Guard Disputed Islands | Defense News | defensenews.com
Being left alone by US to face China, Phillipines showing its courage. We all know there is thin line between stupidity and bravery but one should see that how a nation as small as Phillipines can stay on its feet without anyone's backing.

Its a nation that has taken stance against a superpower. That's what one nation has to learn.

No matter how small or weak you are, you can take on superpower face to face with courage.

Chinese will not let them have the islands but Phillipines has marked its resolve that is comendable.

Lesson for many countries to learn from them, the countries which are way more stronger than Phillipines.
The 800 marines are more for the deterrence of Vietnam, who occupies 40 islands that surround Filipino's possessions, than against China. Taiwan took her eyes off her possessions about a year ago and faced harassment from Vietnam and now she also fortifies her Taiping (Itu Aba) Island with many military assets in placed.
This move bears Significance rather than flexing muscle. The are nothing before China but these moves certainly inspire the citizenry and other nations may follow the same.

China should immediately take some action with shock and awe.
I think China welcomes this move by the Philippines, along with the recent actions by Taiwan and to a lesser extend, Malaysia, keep the real ambitious one at bay. No one in their fair mind really thinks China, at this stage and age, wants and can take all the islands in the Sprately. The claims and counter claims from China are merely for better bargain positions and deter any one player (read Vietnam) from dominating this neighborhood.
I think China welcomes this move by the Philippines, along with the recent actions by Taiwan and to a lesser extend, Malaysia, keep the real ambitious one at bay. No one in their fair mind really thinks China, at this stage and age, wants and can take all the islands in the Sprately. The claims and counter claims from China are merely for better bargain positions and deter any one player (read Vietnam) from dominating this neighborhood.
Sudden change in tone where many Chinese posters said they want to dominate this region and share nothing when I said Sun Tzu's teachings will be used by China by first claiming entire region then bargaining to get more portion than expected.

Nice analysis. Its a domino effect, if Phillipines took against China, other will follow. May be what Japan did is what triggered the reaction.

From my POV, China will eventually get more than what should be theirs. Win-Win situation for China.

Chinese are good businessmen.
Sudden change in tone where many Chinese posters said they want to dominate this region and share nothing when I said Sun Tzu's teachings will be used by China by first claiming entire region then bargaining to get more portion than expected.

Nice analysis. Its a domino effect, if Phillipines took against China, other will follow. May be what Japan did is what triggered the reaction.

From my POV, China will eventually get more than what should be theirs. Win-Win situation for China.

Chinese are good businessmen.

If one follows the events in the SCS closely one would realize all China's actions were the reactions of others' actions. China always insisted on peaceful settlements, albeit bilaterally, and that proves she has no intention whatsoever to take all properties in SCS. Granted, IMO, the 9 dash line claim was a little overdone diplomatically.

China's stand on Diaoyu is non negotiable, although she doesn't mind to keep the present status-quo for the meantime. The reason for that is not what the western medias insinuated, resources, but rather 1) in her view Diaoyu in her inherent territory and 2) sea lanes around this area is the strategic gateway to the Pacific for her northern merchant and naval fleets.
We don´t have problems with the Philippines move. Generally it is fine as long as we do not consider it as a step to pose a thread. Everyone knows VN agrees too to a peaceful approach.

But Vietnam reserves the right to act aggressively to any attempts by other countries aiming to change the current status quo. Hope China and Vietnam will soon reach an agreement, the latest sign was very promising.
Not 800, less than 80? That's why you shouldn't take them for serious.
Phl denies mass deployment of troops in disputed territories
By Alexis Romero Home Updated October 01, 2012 05:19 PM 0 comment to this post

MANILA, Philippines - The military on Monday denied reports stating that 800 Marines have been deployed to the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) to protect the Philippines’ interests in the area.

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) spokesman Col. Arnulfo Burgos Jr. said only less than 80 Marine soldiers have been sent to the area to administer two Marine battalions.

“There is no truth to the published reports about the recent deployment of 800 Philippine Marines personnel in the area of the Western Command,” Burgos said in a press briefing.

“The only recent deployment in Western Command is the arrival of the 3rd Marine Brigade Headquarters Command Group last Friday composed of less than 80 personnel,” he added.

Burgos said the Marine personnel who arrived recently in Palawan would provide “command and control” to the battalions stationed in the area.

Two battalions namely the Marine Battalion Landing Teams (MBLT) 4 and 12 are currently based in the province.

“No fresh battalions have arrived. The MBLT 4 and 12 have been in the area for years now,” Burgos said.

Lt. Gen. Juancho Sabban, the commander of the Palawan-based AFP Western Command, did not say anything about the deployment of 800 Marines, he added.

When asked what prompted the AFP to move the Marine personnel to Palawan, Burgos said: “These are for operational concerns so we can improve the conduct of operation in the area. We work continuous improvement.”

He added that the move seeks to ensure the “effective management and command of troops in the area.”

A wire report published in several newspapers last week said 800 Marines have been sent to the West Philippine Sea to secure the Philippines’ interest in the hotly-contested area.

The report quoted Sabban as saying that the deployment was meant as a defensive measure and should not be viewed as an aggressive move.

The additional Marine troops, the report said, would conduct patrols near the Spratly Islands, which is being claimed in whole by China and in part by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan.

Meanwhile, the military kept mum on China’s move to fast-track the infrastructure projects in its newly-established city of Sansha.

“We will let the DFA (Department of Foreign Affairs) answer that. For our part, the performance of our constitutional duty will continue,” Burgos said.

On Sunday, China said it is speeding up the projects in Sansha City despite the protests by the Philippines, which claims that the establishment of the city violates its sovereignty.

China said Sansha authorities started crafting development plans for the city Saturday.

The infrastructure projects in the disputed area include road construction, water supply and drainage on Yongxing Island, the seat of the city government.

China said seven roads with a total length of five kilometers will be repaired or built to improve the island's traffic situation.

A desalinator capable of processing 1,000 cubic meters of seawater a day and an inter-island transportation system are also in the works.

China also announced the start of a housing construction program with a total investment of 18.7 million yuan or $2.97 million.

China formed Sansha on July 24 to strengthen its grip on disputed areas in the West Philippine Sea. The “prefecture level” city was intended to administer three disputed islands in the West Philippine Sea.

China earlier announced that Xisha (Paracels), Zhongsha (Macclesfield bank), and Nansha (Spratlys) islands have been elevated to “prefecture status” under Sansha city from their previous county-level status.

Chinese officials said the establishment of Sansha, which means “city of three sands,” would improve China’s administrative management on the three islands.

The Philippines has protested the creation of the city, saying this would violate its sovereign rights over the waters and continental shelf in the West Philippine Sea.

The DFA said the creation of Sansha infringes into the Philippines’ sovereignty over the Kalayaan Group in Spratlys and the Panatag Shoal, also known by the names Scarborough Shoal and Bajo de Masinloc.

Kalayaan is a fifth class municipality in Palawan and is located on Pag-Asa Island, one of the country’s regime of islands and reefs located in the disputed Spratlys region.

The Philippines has built a town hall, a 1.3-kilometer airstrip, a naval station, a health center and recently a kindergarten school at Pag-asa Island.

On the other hand, the Panatag Shoal is located 124 nautical miles from the nearest base point in Zambales, well within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. The Philippines’ ownership of the shoal is backed by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

The Philippines had filed 10 diplomatic protests against China for violation of the country’s sovereignty under UNCLOS, the latest being China’s establishment of Sansha which covered almost all of West Philippine Sea.

Phl denies mass deployment of troops in disputed territories » Nation » News | Philippine News | philstar.com
I think China welcomes this move by the Philippines, along with the recent actions by Taiwan and to a lesser extend, Malaysia, keep the real ambitious one at bay. No one in their fair mind really thinks China, at this stage and age, wants and can take all the islands in the Sprately. The claims and counter claims from China are merely for better bargain positions and deter any one player (read Vietnam) from dominating this neighborhood.
Our no 1 priority target in SCS(east sea) is Itu-aba, TWnese there are dead meat .We just need the Right time to attack and kick them back to their tiny TW island.

Second target will be chinese troops in Spratly and Parracel, so other ASEAN troops don't have to worry about us.:coffee:
Our no 1 priority target in SCS(east sea) is Itu-aba, TWnese there are dead meat .We just need the Right time to attack and kick them back to their tiny TW island.

Second target will be chinese troops in Spratly and Parracel, so other ASEAN troops don't have to worry about us.:coffee:

Bravo General, don't forget the old saying: The higher you aim the harder you fall.
Bravo General, don't forget the old saying: The higher you aim the harder you fall.
ảo vệ biển đảo bằng vũ khí hiện đại nhất
Cập nhật lúc :2:00 PM, 01/10/2012
Thiếu tướng Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – Cục trưởng Cục Tuyên huấn, Tổng cục chính trị, cho biết chúng ta bảo vệ biển đảo bằng những vũ khí hiện đại bậc nhất thế giới.

Phát biểu tại Hội nghị người Việt Nam tại nước ngoài lần 2 diễn ra tại TP HCM ngày 27 và 28/9/2012, Thiếu tướng Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – Cục trưởng Cục Tuyên huấn, Tổng cục chính trị Quân đội Nhân dân Việt Nam nhấn mạnh: "Chúng ta đã trang bị tàu hộ vệ tên lửa có khả năng bảo vệ cách bờ 200km trở lại, chúng ta cũng có những tên lửa có tầm bắn 600km, và cả những tên lửa nằm trong số những vũ khí hiện đại bậc nhất trên thế giới hiện nay. Chúng ta cũng mua sắm những máy bay đủ sức bảo vệ quần đảo Trường Sa cũng như Hoàng Sa".

translate to English
Major General Nguyen Thanh Tuan, director of the Propaganda and Training Department, General Political Department, said" VN protects the island by the world's most modern weapons".

Speaking at the meeting of overseas Vietnamese who was second place in Ho Chi Minh City on 27 and Sep.28.2012, Major General Nguyen Thanh Tuan, director of the Propaganda and Training Department, General Political Department of the Vietnam People's Army hit strengths: "We have guardian ship missiles equipped with the ability to protect the coast 200km return, we also have the missile has a range of 600km, and the missiles are among the most modern weapons in the world today. We also purchase enough aircraft to protect the Spratly and Paracel islands. "
For the Spratly Islands, we affirm that we are the first to control a whole vast island, however, with a small naval force, and facilitate the development is not high, we just doin some islands. 1971 Philippines has encroached and made ​​all five islands in the eastern part of the Spratly Islands (near the Philippines), to 1973, they occupied two islands in the north.

For Malaysia, until in 1979 they were occupied and all 7 islands in the southern Spratly Islands. In 1988, the opportunity our country is facing many difficulties facing the southwest border war, China has conducted reviews over 7 reefs of Vietnam in the Spratlys. Until 1995, they captured the next two points managed by the Philippines over the Spratly Islands.
TWese troops are dead meat , we will 'cook' them with our most modern missiles

The attack will start soon, surrender is their best choice now:coffee:
How soon is soon? Taiwan hasn't heard anything from VN troops taking any steps.
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