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South China Sea Forum

Small doesn't have to lose, the UK didn't, but you can't do what the UK did, not because you are inferior but because the timing is not right and you are not exactly starting on equal ground.

Small also don't have to lose, if you are smart, admit when you are no match, but then use that to your advantage. China needs a friend to legitimize South China Sea, I mean we could do without, but it's always nice if we had support, and it'll be quicker, as well as not give America a chance at interfering.

Vietnam can never lead China, but you could lead ASEAN, massive investments, quality military equipment at a way better price, and much more.

Sure, you lose on the South China sea, but it's a token lose, you were never going to win that, but instead you could gain the partnership of the next super power. You won't say the UK is not respected today because they aren't the US are you. Leading ASEAN is a far better prize to my mind, it's more lucrative and we can also cut you in to our African and South American holdings.

But I know all I'm going to hear from Vietnam members is either, PLA no morale, Chinese economy done, Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam, or 1979. BTW, just a fun read, check out the Ethiopian and Italian conflict, the first and second one.
I am afraid I cannot follow you.

No, we cannot give you the SC Sea, neither the Gulf of Thailand. Because in doing so, we are cut off from the sea and at your mercy. The first Vietnamese came from the sea, the sea is our lifeline.

Nor we can give you the control of Laos and Cambodia. Because we dislike the encirclement.

We can talk over everything else. For instance, we can talk how we share the control of the sea lanes and resources. Leading ASEAN or having something in Africa or South America is something too far remote.

As for 1979, actually it is just a minor issue. Vietnam had endured far more difficult times in the past, where Vietnam fate was at stake.
I am afraid I cannot follow you.

No, we cannot give you the SC Sea, neither the Gulf of Thailand. Because in doing so, we are cut off from the sea and at your mercy. The first Vietnamese came from the sea, the sea is our lifeline.

Nor we can give you the control of Laos and Cambodia. Because we dislike the encirclement.

We can talk over everything else. For instance, we can talk how we share the control of the sea lanes and resources. Leading ASEAN or having something in Africa or South America is something too far remote.

As for 1979, actually it is just a minor issue. Vietnam had endured far more difficult times in the past, where Vietnam fate was at stake.

I'm afraid you are only cut off if you don't comply. If you did we could cooperate. You think we want the South China Sea? Yes, but not in the way you think, we want Americans out. Everything else is on the table.

And you are at our mercy, the US neither claims nor owns the China seas or any other seas, but you would be foolish to think you are not at their mercy, any one of their battle groups can destroy most nation's entire navy.

Just like the Philippines, their shoals are ours, because we have de facto control.

I specifically said you can have ASEAN, which includes Cambodia and Laos. We don't want to encircle you, encirclement is only relevant if we are equal in strength, we can take you however we want, why encircle.

China doesn't have a plan to destroy Vietnam, your government is also not going in the direction of war, which is good. Not acting like the Philippines which means they are still thinking and discussing. All good signs.

Vietnam keep thinking that we want to destroy or take from Vietnam, but in reality you guys are just standing on the wrong side, as soon as you switch, you will see benefits.

Just look at our relations abroad, investments, fair weapon sales, and much more. We are a far better ally than enemy.
I am afraid I cannot follow you.

No, we cannot give you the SC Sea, neither the Gulf of Thailand. Because in doing so, we are cut off from the sea and at your mercy. The first Vietnamese came from the sea, the sea is our lifeline.

Nor we can give you the control of Laos and Cambodia. Because we dislike the encirclement.

I don't believe China has ever said it wants to monopolize the sea lanes. That's American propaganda. And China isn't controlling Laos and Cambodia, they are acting in their own interests.
I don't believe China has ever said it wants to monopolize the sea lanes. That's American propaganda. And China isn't controlling Laos and Cambodia, they are acting in their own interests.
not you, neither Taiwan.
It is rather the dream of genesis, or should I say, the mainlanders. :D
not you, neither Taiwan.
It is rather the dream of genesis, or should I say, the mainlanders. :D
oh it's not a dream, our type 52D will enter service shortly, the number is already painted.

Type 52D is surpasses all Vietnam surface combatant put together, but it's not just that. The Type 52 is more advanced than Burke II, a little smaller, if I remember correctly, but its technology is more advanced.

If the past 100 years have taught us anything is on the seas, better ship wins, more ship wins, period. There is no morale, no nationalism.

And I clearly said, as long as the US is out of the equation, anything else is on the table. Three times including this one.
oh it's not a dream, our type 52D will enter service shortly, the number is already painted.

Type 52D is surpasses all Vietnam surface combatant put together, but it's not just that. The Type 52 is more advanced than Burke II, a little smaller, if I remember correctly, but its technology is more advanced.

If the past 100 years have taught us anything is on the seas, better ship wins, more ship wins, period. There is no morale, no nationalism.

And I clearly said, as long as the US is out of the equation, anything else is on the table. Three times including this one.

You exaggerate the new Type 52D too much !!!
Yeah it's still superior until the new Type 52E with less-flaw come out.
What will happen to your Type 52C, the 2 last of it just lauched last year
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You exaggerate the new Type 52D too much !!!
Yeah it's still superior until the new Type 52E with less-flaw come out.
What will happen to your Type 52C, the 2 last of it just lauched last year

Type 52C is still very good, it's going to be used. These ships are not suppose to operate alone they are suppose to go in groups. The idea behind the Aegis system is to share info between ships.

Now to the claim, I didn't include corvettes, they are either on order or way too small, even for a corvette to matter into this discussion.

So Petya class, these are so old and not stealthy, you may as well stick a sign that says sink me on it, cause Falklands war proved non stealth ships are easy prey to even cheap weapons. China has one of the most advanced anti ship missiles and 64 of them, well it includes anti air as well as other. But at least enough to destroy 7 ships.

We have a 130 mm cannon on this ship compared to your 76 mm, this is way more advanced and can fire from a way longer range.

We have the latest in AESA ship radars, compared to the Soviet radars on these, or on the Gepard. Gepard follows the Soviet doctorine of sticking as many weapons as possible on a ship, in the end it's a glorified corvette.

We can detect you before you could us, not to mention we have more fire power on this one DDG than all 7 ships ccombined.

Ask an Indian member or any other member to chip in if you don't believe me.
I find the shamless declaration, we should remove the deliberately beached broken boat
Type 52C is still very good, it's going to be used. These ships are not suppose to operate alone they are suppose to go in groups. The idea behind the Aegis system is to share info between ships.

Now to the claim, I didn't include corvettes, they are either on order or way too small, even for a corvette to matter into this discussion.

So Petya class, these are so old and not stealthy, you may as well stick a sign that says sink me on it, cause Falklands war proved non stealth ships are easy prey to even cheap weapons. China has one of the most advanced anti ship missiles and 64 of them, well it includes anti air as well as other. But at least enough to destroy 7 ships.

We have a 130 mm cannon on this ship compared to your 76 mm, this is way more advanced and can fire from a way longer range.

We have the latest in AESA ship radars, compared to the Soviet radars on these, or on the Gepard. Gepard follows the Soviet doctorine of sticking as many weapons as possible on a ship, in the end it's a glorified corvette.

We can detect you before you could us, not to mention we have more fire power on this one DDG than all 7 ships ccombined.

Ask an Indian member or any other member to chip in if you don't believe me.

Previous posting you compare to Burke class II, now you compare to Vietnamese navy ... I don't get your idea ...
In sea combat, we depends on anti-ship missiles from air, sub, and surface combatant,... even coastal defense system
We believe our anti ship missile range about 290-300 km ... from all platform ...
Vietnam never abandon our claim on the shoal ... Phillipine could get benefit from that act.
Vietnam never abandon our claim on the shoal ... Phillipine could get benefit from that act.
You do realize that Vietnam claims almost the entire South China Sea, too, right? How's that in the interest of the Philippines?
Let think, not read only

You keep talking about the "true face" of China, why not show thte "true face" of Vietnam?

Mission to Vietnam Advocacy Day (Vietnamese-American Meet up 2013) in the U.S. Capitol. A UPR report By IOC-Campa.

In 2012, the local police used their power to bust into a local Mosque and took away a generator that provided electricity to over 40 families in the village of Chau Giang, and not long after that they came and kidnapped young village girls at their discretion to rape and sexually abuse them, eventually releasing them.
On 2009, a farm land owned by 13 Cham families From Vân Lâm villages was confiscated, when they tried to stand up for their ownership, they were apprehended by the police and discarded in an undisclosed remote location in the jungle.
In 2010, two young Cham college students from Thành Tín village are on vacation took a walk from their village to the city being stop and beat up to death.
In March 2013, a poor Cham college student Thành Xuân Thịnh from Phươc Nhơn village took out a loan for school, upon graduation he was unable to get a job and sought the help of staffing agency to place him in a position, so he could pay back his student loans. The agency had promised to staff him within weeks. After a few months, he was still unemployed, and when he approached the agency about a refund, they set him on fire, and he burned to death.
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