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South China Sea Forum

Your stupidity never stopped to amaze me. Ok, I will mate you in three now.

And did you say you want to down our 10 billion $ CBG? Well, just do it, it may even be fun, maybe I will reenlist in the Navy just to kill your Fellow Chinese then LOL. But beware, the moment you sink our CBG, that is, if you manage to do it, that mean we are at war. Our remaining 5 CBG with a combine ship of 25 Ageis Destroyer, 7 Cruiser and 10 Frigate will fire 1000 Cruise missile toward you China land. As well as our allied in the Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Philippine.

I would think Vietnam would be more than gladly to punish you as well. So, by then, I hope you don't live in the eastern seaboard in China, as there will be inferno. LOL

I may re-enlist and join the US Navy, I would have fun killing those Chinese sailor.
I always enjoy reading your posts. Lol.
Sure, Vietnam welcomes when the Americans spank the Chinese.
Thank you! The Germans are doing great to their country. They are deeply remorseful of what they did in WW2. The usa are far from that level yet!

Peace is most important for any country to advance. Let us hope there is not going to be any war in Asia, esp in the Peninsula now where provocations from the usa and military rebuttals from Kim are going on like comedies everyday!

Actually I forgot that John Kerry became America's foreign minister , he is a cool dude more interested in Trade and Investment . I only blame the Japanese bastards for the current problems in Asia , ABE is the one who pushed Obama to announce his so called " Asia Pivot " but again you forgot that USA only cares about defending Israel so I do not expect much in Asia .

Obama lived part of his childhood in Indonesia so that is why he is somehow interested in the region but once he leaves the next American president will return back to the usual American policies of protecting Israel and concentrating on the middle east thus leaving Asia .

We Just can continue with out daily projects and continue economic integration between China and ASEAN .
Its part of American strategic calculus, the Philippines' warm relationship with us will eventually lead to carrier battle group operations with our Filipino friends. There are 6 carrier battle groups in the Asia-Pacific Region, the Philippines and the regions around it is of strategic importance.

Our presence in and around the Philippines' and their territorial waters will increase over time. Who will dare touch Philippines when the Hyperpower is there? lol.

Who really deals with Malaysia? She is of no strategic importance to any country. She is flanked with Thailand to the north, Singapore to her center, and the giant Indonesia to her south. A shrimp among whales.

Yeah right clown you forgot to add that Indonesia is one of the most Anti-American countries in southeast Asia , 95% of Indonesia are muslims and have been protesting yearly in front of the US embassy over the American genocide in Iraq .

Singapore ? hahaha , 80% of singapore are ethnic chinese
Thailand ? 15% of thailand are ethnic chinese and control the economy back there , the current prime minister is originally chinese and most thailand exports go to china .

Listen clown no one in Asia is interested in confronting China , this is only a cheap game played by Japan to get the USA into this region but again you will gain nothing Just like how you did 40 years ago .

USA should focus on defending Israel and the next American president will return to the " middle east pivot " lol .

I always enjoy reading your posts. Lol.
Sure, Vietnam welcomes when the Americans spank the Chinese.

China is driving vietnam into an arms race to get your bankrupt dickhead , you will be screwed without a bullet .
Actually I forgot that John Kerry became America's foreign minister , he is a cool dude more interested in Trade and Investment . I only blame the Japanese bastards for the current problems in Asia , ABE is the one who pushed Obama to announce his so called " Asia Pivot " but again you forgot that USA only cares about defending Israel so I do not expect much in Asia .

Obama lived part of his childhood in Indonesia so that is why he is somehow interested in the region but once he leaves the next American president will return back to the usual American policies of protecting Israel and concentrating on the middle east thus leaving Asia .

We Just can continue with out daily projects and continue economic integration between China and ASEAN .

I agree. Kerry is a more matured and very experienced diplomat than the red-neck clinton.
He has gone through the hard combat times in the vietnam war and should have a lot of reflections over america's involvement which ended up another disaster.

It is indeed a multipolar sphere and the relationships are so much interwined that the collapse of one power does not exactly give the gain to the other.

During america's hardest times, we are still helping them finance their economy. If they are smart, they should know what do all these gestures mean; and dont forget N Korea!
I agree. Kerry is a more matured and very experienced diplomat than the red-neck clinton.
He has gone through the hard combat times in the vietnam war and should have a lot of reflections over america's involvement which ended up another disaster.

It is indeed a multipolar sphere and the relationships are so much interwined that the collapse of one power does not exactly give the gain to the other.

During america's hardest times, we are still helping them finance their economy. If they are smart, they should know what do all these gestures mean; and dont forget N Korea!

To be even honest USA will not find a better friend than China , China is a country that does not export revolution or trying to enforce a certain ideology on others .

The Americans already have their own problems with Arabs and Russians apart from their commitment in defending Israel so it does not make sense opening another front in Asia .

The USA is also reducing its military spending over the next 10 years which pretty much explains that they will not really be involved in any issues concerning Asia , they are just sending out gestures to make their Japanese friends feel better.

China should not give much attention to vietnam , they are no more than clowns , the main problem is Japan really , they are the ones pushing America into this issue . The Japanese are going crazy over the growing chinese influence in countries like malaysia , indonesia and thailand .

I do not really like North Korea , I think if both koreas unite then the American influence in the korean peninsula would diminsh . I support one united Korea without any foreign forces including the American one.

Have your heard of the RCEP its a supposedly calls for a big common market between ASEAN with China , Korea , india , Australia , japan and Newzealand it calls for deepening the trade between member states and eliminating tarrifs .

Already China has a free Trade agreement with ASEAN and South korea only Australia and Newzealand that need to join in .


Regional comprehensive economic partnership
USS Freedom Arrives in Singapore for First Rotational Deployment

Navy News Service

SINGAPORE, April 18, 2013 – The Navy's first littoral combat ship USS Freedom arrived here today, highlighting the next phase of the ship’s deployment to Southeast Asia.


"Freedom has met every milestone of this deployment on time and with the professionalism you would expect of U.S. Navy sailors," said Navy Cmdr. Timothy Wilke, USS Freedom’s commanding officer. "I'm proud of Freedom's accomplishments to date, but I'm also looking forward to putting the ship through its paces over the next several months while deployed more than 8,000 miles from homeport."
Announced at the 2011 Shangri-La Dialogue regional security conference here, Freedom's maiden overseas deployment began with a March 1 departure from its San Diego homeport. The first-in-class ship has since transited the Pacific Ocean, entered the 7th Fleet area of responsibility, and made port visits in Hawaii, Guam and, most recently, in Manila. Additional port visits will occur throughout the deployment.
As with other parts of this deployment, lessons learned from logistics and maintenance support during the transit and port visits will inform follow-on rotational deployments, as well as the overall littoral combat ship program, officials said.
Next month, Freedom will participate in the International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference here. In the following months, Freedom will join regional navies and other 7th Fleet units in select phases of exercises Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training and Southeast Asia Cooperation and Training. Occurring throughout Southeast Asia, both exercises provide Freedom opportunities to train extensively with comparable-sized ships.
"We plan on spending most of our time here in Southeast Asia. This will be Freedom's neighborhood for the next eight months," Wilke said. "We are eager to get out and about, work with other regional navies and share best practices during exercises, port visits and maritime security operations."
Fast, agile, and mission-focused, littoral combat ship platforms are designed to employ modular mission packages that can be configured for three separate purposes: surface warfare, mine countermeasures, or anti-submarine warfare. Freedom will be initially manned by its "Gold" crew of 91 sailors, including mission package personnel and an aviation detachment to operate an embarked MH-60 helicopter.
Freedom will remain homeported in San Diego throughout this rotational deployment to Southeast Asia. Midway through the deployment, the ship’s "Blue" crew, commanded by Navy Cmdr. Patrick C. Thien, will take over.

Related Sites:
USS Freedom

Defense.gov News Article: USS Freedom Arrives in Singapore for First Rotational Deployment
I always enjoy reading your posts. Lol.
Sure, Vietnam welcomes when the Americans spank the Chinese.

lol some people think they are at the top of the world, but in fact what he know about his perfect little world is not perceived as the same as what other people think.

It's time for some member to wake up and smell the gunpowder

USS Freedom. Beautiful beast.




USS Independence , flanked by the USS Freedom.

lol some people think they are at the top of the world, but in fact what he know about his perfect little world is not perceived as the same as what other people think.

It's time for some member to wake up and smell the gunpowder

The weak only have words. Mere pawns in the greater American strategic plan for the Asia-Pacific.

USS Freedom. Beautiful beast.




USS Independence , flanked by the USS Freedom.

The weak only have words. Mere pawns in the greater American strategic plan for the Asia-Pacific.

The reason why China cannot be even measure up with the SU successes during the cold war is because Russia simply does not does it alone. Both US and Russia was big not because of how big it is within themselves or how many ship, army they have at any moment. But rather how many satellite states we both have during the cold war.

A strong country made strong not by themselves but rather on how many country that are willing to support them. No country in this world can do it alone. China fail to see it, they simply closed up themselves for so long the only credible and truly friends state are North Korea. And it also look frisky at this moment. The situation in Asia, if continue on ahead without any change will only split Asia in part anti-China and part pro-china. and when you cannot even emerge from your own continent undisputed, how are you going to claim world number 1??

Soft power is the Achilles Heel on what stopping China to become great. Another part of the failure is their citizens are so satisfied with their government and did not demand and change for the positive.
LOL bunch of warmonging "experts" stroking each other with IOU tissue paper!
The reason why China cannot be even measure up with the SU successes during the cold war is because Russia simply does not does it alone. Both US and Russia was big not because of how big it is within themselves or how many ship, army they have at any moment. But rather how many satellite states we both have during the cold war.

A strong country made strong not by themselves but rather on how many country that are willing to support them. No country in this world can do it alone. China fail to see it, they simply closed up themselves for so long the only credible and truly friends state are North Korea. And it also look frisky at this moment. The situation in Asia, if continue on ahead without any change will only split Asia in part anti-China and part pro-china. and when you cannot even emerge from your own continent undisputed, how are you going to claim world number 1??

Soft power is the Achilles Heel on what stopping China to become great. Another part of the failure is their citizens are so satisfied with their government and did not demand and change for the positive.

Good analysis, I would also like to add that our military and naval presence in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand in addition to our naval presence in Guam solidifies our practically unchallenged hegemony over Asia-Pacific.

The Chinese Governments' headstrong territorial claims , which have led to excitement in Japan and the Philippines, only plays to our favor. The United States will utilize this opportunity to support our strategic partners in the region as pretext to champion our hegemony and preserve it.

The problem with the Chinese is their historical claims , and their historical relations with their irritated neighbours. Its quite interesting to see how much hate there is between some Chinese posters against their Vietnamese neighbors. Such unprecedented hatred between Asian peoples.

As the saying goes, Divide and Conquer.
Good analysis, I would also like to add that our military and naval presence in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand in addition to our naval presence in Guam solidifies our practically unchallenged hegemony over Asia-Pacific.

The Chinese Governments' headstrong territorial claims , which have led to excitement in Japan and the Philippines, only plays to our favor. The United States will utilize this opportunity to support our strategic partners in the region as pretext to champion our hegemony and preserve it.

The problem with the Chinese is their historical claims , and their historical relations with their irritated neighbours. Its quite interesting to see how much hate there is between some Chinese posters against their Vietnamese neighbors. Such unprecedented hatred between Asian peoples.

As the saying goes, Divide and Conquer.

There are ways, and there are WAYS, to solve any problem. Until I see a day that Chinese start an military organisation like NATO but flushed with Chinese allies. China cannot afford to talk strong. Unlike North Korea....

Indeed China always behind the three no principle. No Force, No Outside interdiction and No Engagement. Which consider all the Chinese member here, which is a sane and correct response with a big country like China.

Chinese leadership is not stupid, they have a good thing going with their economy, why they need to throw away their luxury car and their PS3 and let squat around the SCS fighting?? They are not stupid you know...
Sure sure and your the great and powerful harry potter fighting the one who can not be named! hahahahaha! :omghaha: just admit it already! your just other stinky old CH&ck here to dirty the topic nothing more why can't you people use your own flags?

I noticed you changed you changed your flag to the American flag. Now who is the false flagger huh? Or do you now want to be known an American? My flag has always been what it was since day one, unlike you who switches flags.:omghaha:

BTW I have noticed you have consistently included racial insults like "stinky old CH&ck". Does your racial insults give you a rise? If so, then you really are a lost soul.
There are ways, and there are WAYS, to solve any problem. Until I see a day that Chinese start an military organisation like NATO but flushed with Chinese allies. China cannot afford to talk strong. Unlike North Korea....

Indeed China always behind the three no principle. No Force, No Outside interdiction and No Engagement. Which consider all the Chinese member here, which is a sane and correct response with a big country like China.

Chinese leadership is not stupid, they have a good thing going with their economy, why they need to throw away their luxury car and their PS3 and let squat around the SCS fighting?? They are not stupid you know...

But of course...
I noticed you changed you changed your flag to the American flag. Now who is the false flagger huh? Or do you now want to be known an American? My flag has always been what it was since day one, unlike you who switches flags.:omghaha:

BTW I have noticed you have consistently included racial insults like "stinky old CH&ck". Does your racial insults give you a rise? If so, then you really are a lost soul.

He is ashamed of being Filipino. He also thinks he's inferior.

It has barely been a month since the 12th National People’s Congress ended, with new appointees to various ministries and committees in the State Council. While one would have expected the new dispensation to settle down, one area that has seen plenty of activity, albeit unobtrusive, is the South China Sea. In 2012, China upped the ante on all fronts on issue. Diplomatically, it stalled the “Code of Conduct” at the 20th ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh; politically, it declared the South China Sea as a “core national interest” and “non-negotiable”; and militarily, it raised a new military garrison on Yongking island with a mandate to administer and control over 200 islets, sand banks and reefs in the Xisha, Nansha and Zhongsha islands, and over 2 million square kilometers of waters within the “nine dash line” of the South China Sea.
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