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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

Well I hope the chinese members here do realize the stupidity of such a move which you just highlighted.

Trust me, they won't. They are going through one of their historical phases, the hubris phase. They have these in cyclic fashion. In this state of mind, they convince themselves that they are invincible, and act that way.
Gold opportunity for the Chinese government ,now it has 1.4 billion Chinese people united and firmly behind its back.
We never tried to impede the navigation routes in that region. You can always come to visit our newly built islands and we are going to build more and more.
The tribunal also ruled that building these islands was environmentally damaging and an aggravation of the dispute by China.
What if the world number one and number two economies both choose not to be part of UNCLOS, what will become of this organization? disbanded maybe..

The organization will exist , but one will become pariah and the other is super power with so many allies.

China is economic power not a military power, with no strategic thinking.

The way you are going soon there will be new power that will emerge and counter the threats emerging from west .Also fill the vacuum that is being left by China.
Point is IF US can back off? ignore then why cant China ?
Secondly, Please refrain from making silly assumptions here, I never said such thing

Thats not really relevent. The US could be the Great Satan for all I care. The point was not about whether China can do what country xyz did, the point was that you were claiming the ruling was “unilaterally imposed”. Did China not ratified UNCLOS (which included those specific legal clauses)? yes or no? If China did, then this ruling is not something that was “unilaterally imposed” but something that China had originally agreed to when it first ratified UNCLOS. Don’t try to now change the topic by talking about country xyz and whether China can “back off” like what xyz did. You were talking about the ruling being “unilaterally imposed”.
We never tried to impede the navigation routes in that region. You can always come to visit our newly built islands and we are going to build more and more.

Not yet.

Not too far back, you didn't claim the sea the way you have today. Then you claim. Then you use force to back up your claim.

Same-old same-old.
You and @Providence do not speak for Chinese people. Just watch in the next coming days. China will speed up militarizing SCS.

Indonesia may have the biggest muslim population. But not the smartest.

Still stand by my statement that no one could be that stupid.

Also here's a little thing about me I called on bullshit where I see it regardless of what it may be.
Sorry that they think that way, go cry a river.
I didn't think Chinese would care about that, either. But the ruling that under international law China bargained away its claims when it signed UNCLOS isn't going to go away. Chinese can be bad losers and in this case their government is to blame, not any foreign party. Will there be riots or not?
This is fantastic news for China. It means China will get even more public support for China to militarize SCS and the UN tribunal will seem even more pointless as China totally disregards it.

Philippines doesn't understand that small countries always lose when they go against a World Power. China has both economic and military clout so nobody is going to stand up against China, to defend Pinoy position on SCS. This is just a Pyrrhic victory for Pinoys, They are now in an even weaker position, as they have shown to everyone that they have no power to do anything against China.

Oh really i think you miss your history lesson funny the Japanese thought so too so did the Germans and later the Romans and Byzantine Empires tell me where are those empires now? You arrogant trolls think highly of yourselves now that your pride was hit you acting like children who did not get their way you're Just a Regional power dont kid yourselves your powerful but you're nothing compare to the other world powers.

The sad part is your in trap you can't escape since we have world opinion and china has been found guilty of stealing we can now enforce our laws and if china mussels its ways your the one who have to face not Just US but a great majority of the world for violating other states rights so go ahead make all the threats name calling and other bull you people want because your screwed once you attack our ships and our interest.
Thats not really relevent. The US could be the Great Satan for all I care. The point was not about whether China can do what country xyz did, the point was that you were claiming the ruling was “unilaterally imposed”. Did China not ratified UNCLOS (which included those specific legal clauses)? yes or no? If China did, then this ruling is not something that was “unilaterally imposed” but something that China had originally agreed to when it first ratified UNCLOS. Don’t try to now change the topic by talking about country xyz and whether China can “back off” like what xyz did. You were talking about the ruling being “unilaterally imposed”.
IS it ? Talk of the hypocrisy then. WHat does the rules say about NSG members that US signed ? No non NPT member can be admitted, right ? But the rules were twisted for inclusion of India. So you see US or west for that matter will keep on changing anything that suits their interests these ruling or shits have lost its total meaning now. So even if China did, is it really bound? morally ? There is no such thing as moral in International politics ? legally ? China is no Iraq to whom US can bomb out of will for non-existent WMD. It is simple China will seek to look after its interests, If there any country that can force China into submission. Then I would be more than happy to see that country carving its path to destruction
big deal. China's biggest trading partner is US and they fight like hell. Indonesia trade is not higher than trade with US

US didn't even sign it. China will not care. Just sit back and watch the show.

OK fine but remember pack of wolves can still take down elephant

Don't interefere in USA interests including NSG fiasco with USA ally india


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