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South Asia after 26/11



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Monday February 02, 2009

The fact that there is nothing permanent in the world, except change, but the pace of transformation since renaissance marked by industrial revolution, Victorian age, modern era and now computer generation - has multiplied the frequency of transformation. The contemporary period is dominated by two key developments, propagation of computer based research and developments and proliferation of knowledge. Since every advantage has corresponding disadvantage, invention of computer, revolutionized the world, on one hand while on the other, it has also added new dimensions of enigmas, mysteries, fantasies and juggleries. Its negative aspects include hacking, Cyber Warfare and media blitzing, that has manifold politico-economic implications of different description and gravity. The bombardment of disinformation, twisted logic (interwoven in the news and views) cut, paste and dub - a falsehood painted as transparent reality has now turned this universe into one of the most danger places. It appears that use of all the idioms of evil-doing, under the canopy of `war of wits’ is now shaking the world peace.

Like Russia and the US, as cold war rivals, India is now set to engage its rivals. One such attempt was Mumbai firing. It is the beginning of new series of political war games in the region as part of translating `Akhund Bharat’ dreams into reality. Political pundits sensed such a mood, sometime during 2005-7, when the Nepal monarchy experienced a series of strange developments when King Gyanendra’s monarchy was succumbing to Indian intrigue and sabotage spree in Pakistan was gaining roots.

BNP’s recent rout from electoral race has further precipitated such suspicions into beliefs. It is said that South Asia is now on the path of transition. In future, Bangladesh will face a tough music due to series of Indian blame game. Allegations like providing sanctuary to terrorists and hosting Islamic terrorism may be leveled in the coming months. New Delhi appears in a mood to create a new Al-Qaeda type of breed imaginary ghost in India with its bases or tentacles in BD and Pakistan under the label of Islamic militants to win the international sympathies. In short, a spin off, Mumbai attacks, with different versions full of intriguing strands will implicate Bangladesh to unleash reign of terror, as it did in its Northeast Indian seven states to eliminate potential targets like Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) under tall claims of restoring peace in the region. In future, Bangladesh’s soil may experience Kashmir like situation, where instead of uniform military or paramilitary, as many security forces in civvies would be deployed to achieve similar results.

Indian Security Forces deliberate attempt to hit 22 foreigners during Mumbai firing was aimed at radicalizing and turning the guns of big international players’ toward Pakistan. This also fit into their scheme for raising the ante in the European and American media to tarnish Pakistan’s image. Unfortunately Bollywood’s real actions, this time underwent a marked change in its policy i.e. shifting its focus from film making to real actions; from harbingers of `largest democracy of the world’ into most degenerated immoral state. It was mockery of the world’s sense of judgment and UNO so-called screening of truth and falsehood. It was the measure of Indian Human Right moral credentials and test of the international monitoring standards. It was all, part of political fiction, crystallized to become a soot to implicate Pakistan into international vendetta. Let the Indian demonstrate her willingness to carry out joint investigation, such puzzle pieces, glued together with lies will fall apart one by one.

If we judge the impact of Indian propaganda, India has polarized the global society. There is need to educate the common citizens, what India is all up to, by polluting the minds of the innocent people. This is also letting down the Pakistani establishment and the rulers in the eyes of its own masses, besides bringing discredit to its defence outfits. The fact that such dirty practices cannot be pursued by Pakistan that may end up in such tragic episodes.

Indian cleverness can also be judged from the fact that it has, offered a sole survivor, for the investigation, instead of two - a typical sharp move to avoid exploiting discrepancies or loopholes of their statements. Had there been two or more criminals, their interrogations or investigation would have helped the investigators to fully exploit their statements. It may be recalled that investigation and interrogation is also an intelligence minting game. A common citizen cannot precisely imagine how an interrogator minutely judges each and every word, sentence or movement of accused expression/statement? The way each and every word is grilled, to arrive at some logical conclusion.

At present both countries appears to have become hostage to a milieu riddled with suspicions and uncertainty. Unlike bridging the gap between the two distant ends, more dust is kicked up with every passing day than making any move in the right direction. The critical test to the ongoing investigations would be to dig out motives and intentions or seeds sown by one party against its rival to reap the desired results. The striking feature of the whole saga is lack of sincerity and will to move ahead to steer our actions, as allegations and counter-claims will further spoil the hype of uncertainty. The second biggest hurdle would be counterfeits of facts and invalid identities. LeT operatives may be devoted party cadres committed to serve the peaceful law-abiding citizens of the country. On the contrary there may be some non-state actors’ minions, with fake LeT credentials, enjoying tacit approval for such dirty actions. Again, a party worker may be Pakistani, but if his services are requisitioned by the enemy, to act and work for them, then he is an impersonated case, for which LeT or Pakistan cannot be held responsible.

Pakistan’s, eating humble pie is nothing but to cool the rising temperature in the region. Initially, such plots and intricacies are sole subject of the interrogators and investigators to compile their findings before the case is dealt by the journalists, defence analysts or think tanks politicians and diplomats. According to some intellectuals, Congress leaders borrowed this idea of launching Mumbai attack from the film script of `Black Friday’ based on serial bomb blasts in Mumbai in 1993. Its plot also bears close resemblance to another film `a Wednesday’ in which similar scenes e.g. theme, actions and places of shooting coincides with Mumbai tragedy.

It appears, New Delhi will keep raising its voice to fulfill their demands, as part of saber-rattling, brow-beating and inflaming Pakistanis. Her current posture of bringing the real culprits or its perpetrators to appear in the court of justice for an exemplary punishment is nothing but to keep its threat simmering. Let me remind Indian leaders, humble advice of Abraham Lincoln that “You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time”.
An interesting article which seems to have lifted a great number of ideas from my book 'The India Doctrine (1947-2007)' and several recent articles I have written. Where did this article come from?
A very interesting read and an eye opener i might add for those who think that there will be peace with India. The fact of the matter is that the ideology of Akhund Bharat has never really left the minds of Indian political leadership and one way or the other they have tried in the past and will continue to try in the future to achieve. The question is what should Pakistan do, because the fact of the matter is that we do get carried away in terms of normalization of our relationship with India and finding a solution to the long term pending issues between the 2 countries, fact is India never was interested in settling issues with Pakistan, nor will it ever be in the future. We (Pakistan) needs to set our policy straight and that means straight enough not to compromise on any issues, not to get carried away in normalizing relations, and most importantly no bilateral trades and agreements until a solution to all of the pending issue is found. More importantly we need to get out of settling the issue bilaterally, it is not going to happen and everytime we say this, we actually fall into the Indian trap, there are resolutions over Kashmir in the UN, we need to pursue them, the new Obama administration is keen on settling this issue, we should not let go this opportunity because opportunities only knock your door once, GOP needs to actively get involved by all means diplomatically to ensure that this long standing issue does not remain a hostage to Indian stubbornness but a solution acceptable to the kashmires is achieved.
Monday February 02, 2009

The fact that there is nothing permanent in the world, except change, but the pace of transformation since renaissance marked by industrial revolution, Victorian age, modern era and now computer generation - has multiplied the frequency of transformation. The contemporary period is dominated by two key developments, propagation of computer based research and developments and proliferation of knowledge. Since every advantage has corresponding disadvantage, invention of computer, revolutionized the world, on one hand while on the other, it has also added new dimensions of enigmas, mysteries, fantasies and juggleries. Its negative aspects include hacking, Cyber Warfare and media blitzing, that has manifold politico-economic implications of different description and gravity. The bombardment of disinformation, twisted logic (interwoven in the news and views) cut, paste and dub - a falsehood painted as transparent reality has now turned this universe into one of the most danger places. It appears that use of all the idioms of evil-doing, under the canopy of `war of wits’ is now shaking the world peace.

Like Russia and the US, as cold war rivals, India is now set to engage its rivals. One such attempt was Mumbai firing. It is the beginning of new series of political war games in the region as part of translating `Akhund Bharat’ dreams into reality. Political pundits sensed such a mood, sometime during 2005-7, when the Nepal monarchy experienced a series of strange developments when King Gyanendra’s monarchy was succumbing to Indian intrigue and sabotage spree in Pakistan was gaining roots.

BNP’s recent rout from electoral race has further precipitated such suspicions into beliefs. It is said that South Asia is now on the path of transition. In future, Bangladesh will face a tough music due to series of Indian blame game. Allegations like providing sanctuary to terrorists and hosting Islamic terrorism may be leveled in the coming months. New Delhi appears in a mood to create a new Al-Qaeda type of breed imaginary ghost in India with its bases or tentacles in BD and Pakistan under the label of Islamic militants to win the international sympathies. In short, a spin off, Mumbai attacks, with different versions full of intriguing strands will implicate Bangladesh to unleash reign of terror, as it did in its Northeast Indian seven states to eliminate potential targets like Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) under tall claims of restoring peace in the region. In future, Bangladesh’s soil may experience Kashmir like situation, where instead of uniform military or paramilitary, as many security forces in civvies would be deployed to achieve similar results.

Indian Security Forces deliberate attempt to hit 22 foreigners during Mumbai firing was aimed at radicalizing and turning the guns of big international players’ toward Pakistan. This also fit into their scheme for raising the ante in the European and American media to tarnish Pakistan’s image. Unfortunately Bollywood’s real actions, this time underwent a marked change in its policy i.e. shifting its focus from film making to real actions; from harbingers of `largest democracy of the world’ into most degenerated immoral state. It was mockery of the world’s sense of judgment and UNO so-called screening of truth and falsehood. It was the measure of Indian Human Right moral credentials and test of the international monitoring standards. It was all, part of political fiction, crystallized to become a soot to implicate Pakistan into international vendetta. Let the Indian demonstrate her willingness to carry out joint investigation, such puzzle pieces, glued together with lies will fall apart one by one.

If we judge the impact of Indian propaganda, India has polarized the global society. There is need to educate the common citizens, what India is all up to, by polluting the minds of the innocent people. This is also letting down the Pakistani establishment and the rulers in the eyes of its own masses, besides bringing discredit to its defence outfits. The fact that such dirty practices cannot be pursued by Pakistan that may end up in such tragic episodes.

Indian cleverness can also be judged from the fact that it has, offered a sole survivor, for the investigation, instead of two - a typical sharp move to avoid exploiting discrepancies or loopholes of their statements. Had there been two or more criminals, their interrogations or investigation would have helped the investigators to fully exploit their statements. It may be recalled that investigation and interrogation is also an intelligence minting game. A common citizen cannot precisely imagine how an interrogator minutely judges each and every word, sentence or movement of accused expression/statement? The way each and every word is grilled, to arrive at some logical conclusion.

At present both countries appears to have become hostage to a milieu riddled with suspicions and uncertainty. Unlike bridging the gap between the two distant ends, more dust is kicked up with every passing day than making any move in the right direction. The critical test to the ongoing investigations would be to dig out motives and intentions or seeds sown by one party against its rival to reap the desired results. The striking feature of the whole saga is lack of sincerity and will to move ahead to steer our actions, as allegations and counter-claims will further spoil the hype of uncertainty. The second biggest hurdle would be counterfeits of facts and invalid identities. LeT operatives may be devoted party cadres committed to serve the peaceful law-abiding citizens of the country. On the contrary there may be some non-state actors’ minions, with fake LeT credentials, enjoying tacit approval for such dirty actions. Again, a party worker may be Pakistani, but if his services are requisitioned by the enemy, to act and work for them, then he is an impersonated case, for which LeT or Pakistan cannot be held responsible.

Pakistan’s, eating humble pie is nothing but to cool the rising temperature in the region. Initially, such plots and intricacies are sole subject of the interrogators and investigators to compile their findings before the case is dealt by the journalists, defence analysts or think tanks politicians and diplomats. According to some intellectuals, Congress leaders borrowed this idea of launching Mumbai attack from the film script of `Black Friday’ based on serial bomb blasts in Mumbai in 1993. Its plot also bears close resemblance to another film `a Wednesday’ in which similar scenes e.g. theme, actions and places of shooting coincides with Mumbai tragedy.

It appears, New Delhi will keep raising its voice to fulfill their demands, as part of saber-rattling, brow-beating and inflaming Pakistanis. Her current posture of bringing the real culprits or its perpetrators to appear in the court of justice for an exemplary punishment is nothing but to keep its threat simmering. Let me remind Indian leaders, humble advice of Abraham Lincoln that “You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time”.

get us the source plz....just keen to know the profile of the writer.

otherwise we are used to all these conspiracy theories.:argh:

well akhand bharat ?

after 1971 india cud have started influencing bangladesh and tried to so called occupy it to retain its alleged akhand bharat. but it didnt.

if india asks bangladesh to take care of its anti india elements before its too late then wass wrong in it. :what:

how is conspiracy of india pressurising bangla for AKHAND BHARAT proved.:rofl:

even srilanka former ceylon was part of india, nepal, bhutan, mayanmar include so called akhand bharat. but we need 2 know that thing of past and indian political sentiment(except hindu faction like RSS, somewhere BJP, shivsena, etc) dont show this ideology. again not even hindus support these so called hindu parties and in the future with education grasping indian locals, we will get saner and saner to know and accept our current limits.....:azn:

even tough i doubt writers educational background to talk such ****.

another zaid hammed in making.....

well as a finisher, i wud recount that chinese ideology isnt different. in case of india its alleged but in case of china (as per some of CCP memebr say unofficially) that actuall china consists of all countries including taiwan, mongolia, kyrgistan and all those central asian ex USSR countries. now are they justified?

well not coz dont think chinese administration has officially accepted this stance. have they?
Monday February 02, 2009

The fact that there is nothing permanent in the world, except change, but the pace of transformation since renaissance marked by industrial revolution, Victorian age, modern era and now computer generation - has multiplied the frequency of transformation. The contemporary period is dominated by two key developments, propagation of computer based research and developments and proliferation of knowledge. Since every advantage has corresponding disadvantage, invention of computer, revolutionized the world, on one hand while on the other, it has also added new dimensions of enigmas, mysteries, fantasies and juggleries. Its negative aspects include hacking, Cyber Warfare and media blitzing, that has manifold politico-economic implications of different description and gravity. The bombardment of disinformation, twisted logic (interwoven in the news and views) cut, paste and dub - a falsehood painted as transparent reality has now turned this universe into one of the most danger places. It appears that use of all the idioms of evil-doing, under the canopy of `war of wits’ is now shaking the world peace.

Like Russia and the US, as cold war rivals, India is now set to engage its rivals. One such attempt was Mumbai firing. It is the beginning of new series of political war games in the region as part of translating `Akhund Bharat’ dreams into reality. Political pundits sensed such a mood, sometime during 2005-7, when the Nepal monarchy experienced a series of strange developments when King Gyanendra’s monarchy was succumbing to Indian intrigue and sabotage spree in Pakistan was gaining roots.

BNP’s recent rout from electoral race has further precipitated such suspicions into beliefs. It is said that South Asia is now on the path of transition. In future, Bangladesh will face a tough music due to series of Indian blame game. Allegations like providing sanctuary to terrorists and hosting Islamic terrorism may be leveled in the coming months. New Delhi appears in a mood to create a new Al-Qaeda type of breed imaginary ghost in India with its bases or tentacles in BD and Pakistan under the label of Islamic militants to win the international sympathies. In short, a spin off, Mumbai attacks, with different versions full of intriguing strands will implicate Bangladesh to unleash reign of terror, as it did in its Northeast Indian seven states to eliminate potential targets like Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) under tall claims of restoring peace in the region. In future, Bangladesh’s soil may experience Kashmir like situation, where instead of uniform military or paramilitary, as many security forces in civvies would be deployed to achieve similar results.

Indian Security Forces deliberate attempt to hit 22 foreigners during Mumbai firing was aimed at radicalizing and turning the guns of big international players’ toward Pakistan. This also fit into their scheme for raising the ante in the European and American media to tarnish Pakistan’s image. Unfortunately Bollywood’s real actions, this time underwent a marked change in its policy i.e. shifting its focus from film making to real actions; from harbingers of `largest democracy of the world’ into most degenerated immoral state. It was mockery of the world’s sense of judgment and UNO so-called screening of truth and falsehood. It was the measure of Indian Human Right moral credentials and test of the international monitoring standards. It was all, part of political fiction, crystallized to become a soot to implicate Pakistan into international vendetta. Let the Indian demonstrate her willingness to carry out joint investigation, such puzzle pieces, glued together with lies will fall apart one by one.

If we judge the impact of Indian propaganda, India has polarized the global society. There is need to educate the common citizens, what India is all up to, by polluting the minds of the innocent people. This is also letting down the Pakistani establishment and the rulers in the eyes of its own masses, besides bringing discredit to its defence outfits. The fact that such dirty practices cannot be pursued by Pakistan that may end up in such tragic episodes.

Indian cleverness can also be judged from the fact that it has, offered a sole survivor, for the investigation, instead of two - a typical sharp move to avoid exploiting discrepancies or loopholes of their statements. Had there been two or more criminals, their interrogations or investigation would have helped the investigators to fully exploit their statements. It may be recalled that investigation and interrogation is also an intelligence minting game. A common citizen cannot precisely imagine how an interrogator minutely judges each and every word, sentence or movement of accused expression/statement? The way each and every word is grilled, to arrive at some logical conclusion.

At present both countries appears to have become hostage to a milieu riddled with suspicions and uncertainty. Unlike bridging the gap between the two distant ends, more dust is kicked up with every passing day than making any move in the right direction. The critical test to the ongoing investigations would be to dig out motives and intentions or seeds sown by one party against its rival to reap the desired results. The striking feature of the whole saga is lack of sincerity and will to move ahead to steer our actions, as allegations and counter-claims will further spoil the hype of uncertainty. The second biggest hurdle would be counterfeits of facts and invalid identities. LeT operatives may be devoted party cadres committed to serve the peaceful law-abiding citizens of the country. On the contrary there may be some non-state actors’ minions, with fake LeT credentials, enjoying tacit approval for such dirty actions. Again, a party worker may be Pakistani, but if his services are requisitioned by the enemy, to act and work for them, then he is an impersonated case, for which LeT or Pakistan cannot be held responsible.

Pakistan’s, eating humble pie is nothing but to cool the rising temperature in the region. Initially, such plots and intricacies are sole subject of the interrogators and investigators to compile their findings before the case is dealt by the journalists, defence analysts or think tanks politicians and diplomats. According to some intellectuals, Congress leaders borrowed this idea of launching Mumbai attack from the film script of `Black Friday’ based on serial bomb blasts in Mumbai in 1993. Its plot also bears close resemblance to another film `a Wednesday’ in which similar scenes e.g. theme, actions and places of shooting coincides with Mumbai tragedy.

It appears, New Delhi will keep raising its voice to fulfill their demands, as part of saber-rattling, brow-beating and inflaming Pakistanis. Her current posture of bringing the real culprits or its perpetrators to appear in the court of justice for an exemplary punishment is nothing but to keep its threat simmering. Let me remind Indian leaders, humble advice of Abraham Lincoln that “You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time”.

A simple question to u if everything in 26/11 is india's plan then y ur pakistan goverment has accepted that the terrorists are from pakistan
so r u saying ur goverment officials are fools

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