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South and Central Asian Genetic Plot



New Recruit

Oct 26, 2019
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west asian.png

Back with another genetic PCA plot using Gedmatch Harappa data, this time with additional samples from Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Iran, to see how South Asian samples flow into neighboring ethnic groups. Linking full post below with additional info and discussion on the plot!
Its interesting most pakistanis from all groups are much closer to each other than to any neighbouring country(taken as whole). I think it mekes sense since rivers defines socioeconomics of a region and connect groups living around in an organic way saying that pakistan punjab has large caste bases outliers (though still minority if we go by British census)
Who gives a ****? Stop obsessing over genetics, religion, tribe etc. and start working hard. Do you see Chinese giving a **** about genetics all day long? Look where their country is.
Who gives a ****? Stop obsessing over genetics, religion, tribe etc. and start working hard. Do you see Chinese giving a **** about genetics all day long? Look where their country is.

Why don't you fck off, and not tell us what to think, genetics is an important field and tells us about ourselves.
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