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South African apartheid-era security forces crush Boko Haram

Outsiders have a 10 year war on Terror to show their success.

Why do Indians love speaking out for organisations like Taliban or ISIS? One day, they will be pushing Taliban propaganda. The other day, they will argue that ISIS is practising true Islam and that all other Muslims are kaffir. Another day, they will be claiming that separatists in China are being oppressed and it is time for Pakistan to declare Jihad. o_O :cuckoo:
we are just trying to show mirror to ur own hypocrisies and flip flop over Talibans , ISIS and china etc

Is ME also involved in African sectarian violence?
is any sectarian violence possible without ME?
we are just trying to show mirror to ur own hypocrisies and flip flop over Talibans , ISIS and china etc

is any sectarian violence possible without ME?
I think the reality is that the throne which had been established in the ME since 200 years are biased and based on false claims which are even not Islamic.

I think the recent war of Yemen might not be good for ME region at all.
It does not matter my friend. It was a different time and place. Acutally not correct, it was not a rag tagged force. Some of the most competent people i have worked with were there. Your forces are using our equipment from the 80s' in Kashmir as well.
Peace across all humanity is my motto. War gets nothing and brings misery. Trust me my friends, i have brought my friends back for burials from Angola/Namibia and i asked for what did they give their lives for; to see their parents age over night.
When i visted Cuba several years back, I was given red carpet treatment despite having fought them across. I paid homage to the memorials of the same aged personnel who are buried in many cities across Cuba. I met some Cuban veterans who were there pretty much the same time. We hugged and remembered those who were with us and are not here anymore.
Humanity, peace, justice my friends..... and respect for human life.... with age and experience we learn. Bravado and macho BS brings misery.... and takes funds aways from vital health, education, sanitation to name a few that will move our populations to next level.
One Cuban friend put it eloquently, we fought with AKs but now we need to fight with bandages and medicine....
my 2cents. i am a friend of all and enemy of none.

I agree
We knows the misery and difficulties of war.Like you said we had also faced a hundreds of insurgencies ,4 major wars,one minor war during our small 67 years of history.Unlike yours we have a neighbour in here that solely based on anti India emotions . Kashmir is now a peaceful place compared to that of 80s.
He knows the real caliber of our Armed Forces and I already mentioned the reason.
.I dont know about it that is why asked the Planet warrior.

I had reported the other member on the thread slandering pakisan.

But now everyone can see that what I have posted----

Your views about "slandering Pakistan" will make this forum obsolete. This forum has sections which discusses Pakistan and Pakistani issues. If somebody, including a Pakistani, holds that view for example that Pakistan is a breeding ground for extremists/terrorists which is a threat to the world then that will be "slandering Pakistan". As an Indian I believe that India can be hell on earth for the poor. That is "slandering India". If we reduce this forum to painting rosy great pictures of the various nations whose citizens are members here simply to pull the wool over the eyes of international members, that will make this forum a laughing stock since international news reports otherwise. Just this morning I heard on the news that some 43 people were gunned down in a bus attack in Pakistan. Now those Pakistani gunmen presumably are d!ckheads for massacring innocent civilians and Pakistan faces the challenge of not only apprehending them but also establishing who they are what exactly is it that they want. Pakistan has a serious problem if 43 of its civilians are killed by gunmen in broad daylight by presumably Pakistanis. Its government and security establishment is not taking the issue seriously and is simply incompetent for failing to do so. That maybe "slandering Pakistan" but that is my view and the view of any sane outside observing the ground situation in Pakistan. If we have to be banned for saying so then so let it be

India/Pakistan are and have been both poor.
India is significantly larger in population and land which translates in more resources period.

Since your focus is on the armed conflict..please do tell how having more resources in terms of arable land, minerals etc helps indians win a war? Its not like India was an industrial power or had a soviet style military industrial complex to churn out tanks and aircrafts at will..
Nor was the Indian economy strong..or had huge war reserves or cash reserves....In fact Pakistan was faster growing through the entire time..
In fact, the sheer number of poor in India were a massive burden on our economy...
So your emphasis on resources is highly exaggerated to say the least...

Pakistan is and always was the smaller party. This always was David and goliath. Statistics say so ..

In geographical size and populations, yes...in matters related to armed forces and defence, no!

Even going by your figures you have a 2:1 disparity.
A successful attacking force requires a 3:1 numerical superiority...
Only once in History of our wars have we attacked and it was strategic in nature knowing very well the lack of your defenses...
In other instances, as I mentioned, each party had a tactical advantage based on the theater of attack...

Either way...your claim of 7:1 ratio was a gross exaggeration bordering blatant lies...basically using false statistics to serve your purpose..

are you going turn this on it's head and claim Pakistan was the bigger party in the conflict. If so you must be loooking through a binoculars from the wrong side ..

Was Pakistan the smaller party geographically and in population, YES
Did it face hordes? NO
Was the difference in the size, quality, technology of the armed forces of the two nations as massive as 7:1...ABSOLUTELY NOT!!
Now its for you to make either an honest argument based on facts or play the usual victim farce...

Im reposting your comment to examine just how deceptively you've crafted your argument..

So everytime we have a war with India we know what feels like to fight hordes. India is slightly only smaller then China with 1,300 million compared to 190 million in Pak with rough 7:1 parity. That is overwhelming numbers and resources we face
I agree
We knows the misery and difficulties of war.Like you said we had also faced a hundreds of insurgencies ,4 major wars,one minor war during our small 67 years of history.Unlike yours we have a neighbour in here that solely based on anti India emotions . Kashmir is now a peaceful place compared to that of 80s.
He knows the real caliber of our Armed Forces and I already mentioned the reason.
.I dont know about it that is why asked the Planet warrior.

no worries my friend.
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