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South African apartheid-era security forces crush Boko Haram

@denel here you have a balanced reply with clear facts.
It does not matter my friend. It was a different time and place. Acutally not correct, it was not a rag tagged force. Some of the most competent people i have worked with were there. Your forces are using our equipment from the 80s' in Kashmir as well.
Peace across all humanity is my motto. War gets nothing and brings misery. Trust me my friends, i have brought my friends back for burials from Angola/Namibia and i asked for what did they give their lives for; to see their parents age over night.
When i visted Cuba several years back, I was given red carpet treatment despite having fought them across. I paid homage to the memorials of the same aged personnel who are buried in many cities across Cuba. I met some Cuban veterans who were there pretty much the same time. We hugged and remembered those who were with us and are not here anymore.
Humanity, peace, justice my friends..... and respect for human life.... with age and experience we learn. Bravado and macho BS brings misery.... and takes funds aways from vital health, education, sanitation to name a few that will move our populations to next level.
One Cuban friend put it eloquently, we fought with AKs but now we need to fight with bandages and medicine....
my 2cents. i am a friend of all and enemy of none.
A campaign against the premiere powers of the time.They still won against Russia in WW1 and Poland,Greece,Yugoslavia,Denmark,Norway,Belgium,Netherlands and France in WW2.And then fought for 4 more years against the Soviet Union,UK ,Canada,US ,Free France in Europe and Africa.They didn't loose against 1 (ONE) neighbour.Cherry on top,they won the Cold War and reunited with Eastern Germany.

But hey,you see similarities ......

What is it with people here. Are you lot rewrighting history and another thing why the hell has PDF got so many German apologists.

Back to basics. Everything has begining and end. Point X on the time continuum to Point Y. Germany was involved in two wars in the 20th century. You slice little pieces or campaigns/theatres and then declare victory on each count. TAll these were part of one war. What did say Point X and Y? These are the wars Germany fought. Find out how they ended.

World War I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia => DEFEAT

World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia => DEFEAT

I don't know about you guy's but I could swear I did this in primary school history. I am not in any way degrading the German soldier and the fighting e'lan. The Germany put a up a fantastic fight however the statistics were loaded against them in particular when half the world turned against them.

We in Pakistan have been defeated as well and no doubt will lose again against India. Again statistics are loaded against Pakistan. India's population is greater then USA, Russia, UK, France, Canada, Belguim, Netherlands, Australia, Poland, Yugoslavia, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, Austria. Greece, Italy combined.

So everytime we have a war with India we know what feels like to fight hordes. India is slightly only smaller then China with 1,300 million compared to 190 million in Pak with rough 7:1 parity. That is overwhelming numbers and resources we face.
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What is it with people here. Are you lot rewrighting history and another thing why the hell has PDF got so many German apologists.

Back to basics. Everything has begining and end. Point X on the time continuum to Point Y. Germany was involved in two wars in the 20th century. You slice little pieces and then declare victory. What did say Point X and Y? These are the wars Germany fought. Find out how they ended.

World War I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia => DEFEAT

World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia => DEFEAT

I don't know about you guy's but I could swear I did this in primary school history. I am not in any way degrading the German soldier and the fighting e'lan. The Germany put a up a fantastic fight however the statistics were loaded against them in particular when half the world turned against them.

We in Pakistan have been defeated as well and no doubt will lose again against India. Again statistics are loaded against Pakistan. India's population is greater then USA, Russia, UK, France, Canada, Belguim, Netherlands, Australia, Poland, Yugoslavia, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, Austria. Greece, Italy.

So everytime we have a war with India we know what feels like to fight hordes. India is slightly only smaller then China with 1,300 million compared to 190 million in Pak with rough 7:1 parity. That is overwhelming numbers and resources we face.

Fighting hordes?!
Please don't tweak facts to suit your argument..
The Indian armed forces facing Pakistan have never had more than a 2:1 advantage at max...that's if you consider the size of the entire armed force of the two countries..and many a times that manpower advantage was marginalised by the massive support Pakistan got in terms of arms, technology, aid etc from its western allies...

So as far as facing 7:1 odds, that's a complete fabrication...it is simply the difference in the size (land mass) and population of the two countries (not to mention that in the past, most of India was poor, so as far as resource/revenue generation goes, we faced an equal enemy)
Depending on the theater of war, both sides have faced overwhelming odds and defended bravely...simple as that!

No need to pretend to be the David,...
. .

India/Pakistan are and have been both poor.
India is significantly larger in population and land which translates in more resources period.
Pakistan is and always was the smaller party. This always was David and goliath. Statistics say so ..
Even going by your figures you have a 2:1 disparity.

Are you going turn this on it's head and claim Pakistan was the bigger party in the conflict. If so you must be loooking through a binoculars from the wrong side ..
What is it with people here. Are you lot rewrighting history and another thing why the hell has PDF got so many German apologists.

Back to basics. Everything has begining and end. Point X on the time continuum to Point Y. Germany was involved in two wars in the 20th century. You slice little pieces or campaigns/theatres and then declare victory on each count. TAll these were part of one war. What did say Point X and Y? These are the wars Germany fought. Find out how they ended.

World War I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia => DEFEAT

World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia => DEFEAT

I don't know about you guy's but I could swear I did this in primary school history. I am not in any way degrading the German soldier and the fighting e'lan. The Germany put a up a fantastic fight however the statistics were loaded against them in particular when half the world turned against them.

We in Pakistan have been defeated as well and no doubt will lose again against India. Again statistics are loaded against Pakistan. India's population is greater then USA, Russia, UK, France, Canada, Belguim, Netherlands, Australia, Poland, Yugoslavia, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, Austria. Greece, Italy combined.

So everytime we have a war with India we know what feels like to fight hordes. India is slightly only smaller then China with 1,300 million compared to 190 million in Pak with rough 7:1 parity. That is overwhelming numbers and resources we face.

I'm not making a case against the Pakistani Army,nor am i considering it a "weak" Army,i was just arguing that Germany had a lot on its plate during both world wars,from faultering allies to downright treacherous ones ( altough it's hard to call treason a fact that another country simply chooses a favourable path for itself when the war takes a turn for the worst-See Germany's WW2 allies in Europe-Italy,Finland ,Romania).

Who are you talking about to be the patrons of isis and book haram---who are you pointing at---.
what happened to slandering pakistan/islam, of out all that is on the thread , it's punit's sarcasm that caught your eye? Quite interesting.
@WebMaster @Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Manticore

You people ought to be ashamed to let this person still be posting on this website----.

you guys this is getting absolutely disgusting---specially for you @WebMaster ----what a shame.

Islam has no future since it is not creative. It has no science, it has no global impact in art and culture. Its a dieing culture and will be replaced. As i said, come back if you can build something that we cant.

Too be honest i dont even think it has a future in Pakistan or all the other 3rd world countries. The more you breed the more social problems you get and the more instable you become.

considering the rise of right wing parties in europe its more likely they reactivate auschwitz than your doomsday scenario that entire world becomes stoneage like your country

and what my grandparent were doing? my grandfather killed muslims in libya and ethiopia.
I think its because in most muslim countries the moderate muslims either choose to remain silent against minority fundamental views in their community or worse case give a tacit support.

I don't think there has ever been a proactive political force in any muslim country whose primary purpose is to keep those minority fundamental views in check and steadfastly profess a centrist view.
what happened to slandering pakistan/islam, of out all that is on the thread , it's punit's sarcasm that caught your eye? Quite interesting.

I had reported the other member on the thread slandering pakisan.

But now everyone can see that what I have posted----
@WebMaster @Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Manticore

You people ought to be ashamed to let this person still be posting on this website----.

you guys this is getting absolutely disgusting---specially for you @WebMaster ----what a shame.

Why what's the problem ? Apart from openly claiming to have killed muslims ( a comment which cannot be condoned and may call for an infraction ) I don't think he said anything that extreme to be banned from forum.
Why what's the problem ? Apart from openly claiming to have killed muslims ( a comment which cannot be condoned and may call for an infraction ) I don't think he said anything that extreme to be banned from forum.

Indeed there is a problem. He is a Italian apparently with German mix however when he looks in the mirror he does not see a Nordic blue eyed blonde but a typical North African from Tunisia who we know are Muslims and in history were known as "Moors". That creates a sense of inferiority complex and conflict of identity thus his rants about Islam. Talking of breeding Moors/North African's and Italian's ever watched Dennis Hopper in full swing? Markus loves it .......

Now I would like to ask Markus is it true that "Niggers spawned Italians"?

@MastanKhan The guy looks like those homeless Afghan's who will wash your car for the next meal in Islamabad, Pakistan.
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Now I would like to ask Markus is it true that "Niggers spawned Italians"?

Nothing related to your comment per se but a quick quip about the video ( since I am a Tarantino fan ); his movies are full of racial slurs/useless facts/violence. So this is not a video which should be basis of this discussion and for that matter any discussion. Actually it applies for his entire movies. :D
Pakistan can do shit against Taliban. So spare us this bla bla. What adice are they giving? How to "negotiate" with these animals?

Yeah sure, if only NATO and US would have called on white South African apartheid mercenaries for help? Oh wait they did call mercenaries but not the right kind, other wise no issue.

Pakistan is taking care of its Taliban problem, and better than the west could ever hope to, but your racist myopic mind is unable to understand that cause only WHITES are the superior beings who can save all the brownies and blacks from themselves. Put a sock in it.
Nothing related to your comment per se but a quick quip about the video ( since I am a Tarantino fan ); his movies are full of racial slurs/useless facts/violence. So this is not a video which should be basis of this discussion and for that matter any discussion. Actually it applies for his entire movies. :D

That is very, very true. However ever heard of the saying "differant horses for differant courses"? I employ the same ridicalous, racist, drivel that this Markus so employs. In short I drop at his denominator. Of course I am open to full discussion with you or anybody else on Islam or any matter as long as the proceedings are civil.

This guy muppets on about Rome etc. Has he ever heard that the cradle of civilization was in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Harappa in Pakistan which pre date Rome by 2,000 years. He however displays obnoxious behavior which frankly would not be accepted in most respectable American forums however the level of freedom accorded here is beyond me.

Thus my need to remind him. On a secondary note Scily was invaded by Arabs and historically South of Italy has had a intercourse with North africa given that it occupies the same geography as Ireland and Britain, that is they are next to each other with bit of water dividing them. Also most Sicilians are indistinguishable from many North Africans.

Also of course Spain was invaded and remained under Muslim rule until 1500. So while that movie is dramatic within it there is historical truth if delievered with drama for effect.

Emirate of Sicily - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emirate of Sicily Emiratu di Sicilia
Εμιράτο της Σικελίας
إمارة صقلية
Imarat Siqilliyya


If this does not display North African connection I don't know what does. Nicholas Turturo


Yeah sure, if only NATO and US would have called on white South African apartheid mercenaries for help? Oh wait they did call mercenaries but not the right kind, other wise no issue.

Pakistan is taking care of its Taliban problem, and better than the west could ever hope to, but your racist myopic mind is unable to understand that cause only WHITES are the superior beings who can save all the brownies and blacks from themselves. Put a sock in it.

I can see why your annoyed. However do not drop at his level. I have gone all over Europe. Here is the surprising thing. Up in the north Norway, Sweden Scandanavia where they are so white that light almost goes through them like albinos they are the most nicest people on gods earth. Their standards of social evolution are matchless. I stood out like firefly.

On the contrary in the south of Europe they get darker with more black hair and dark eyes so I became less 'visible' yet they are bloody racist. again these are generalizations so please don't make binary judgements or your no better than Markus.
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