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Source of Lashker Jhangvi funding

Irfan Baloch

Apr 12, 2009
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Khara Sach ,Mubasher Lucman, 20 February 2013, 20 02 2013 ,Full Talkshow,HQ, ARY News - YouTube

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my Indian fellow members have asked many questions and some are answered here
some revelations are very shocking and shouldnt be brushed aside because they dont seem favourable to our opinion

the program has two parts one is specifically related to the current sectarian killing serge and the source of the LeJ funding and the second part deals with the over all Balochistan and Karachi situation and the Gwader port and the possible impact and reaction of Arab countries.

both the host and the guest agreed on one point that while we can express our dismay and disappointment over the role of Arab countries (or their non-state directors) but its our people who fell in this bottomless pit of hatred and intolerance.

there are some startling revaluations specially quoting an 18th Feb article in Guardian which alleges that LeJ and LeT both have same funding source and the track leads to no other but the Middle East.
to hell with who is funding..... The point is what is stopping us from taking them out?? especially the army...
to hell with who is funding..... The point is what is stopping us from taking them out?? especially the army...

this is the only conclusive question and thats what the theme of the program
why are we being played a fool?
and why our jobs worth agencies and the forces are not doing their job?
to hell with who is funding..... The point is what is stopping us from taking them out?? especially the army...

The same thing thats stopping us (our people) from electing politicians that can sell the country to foreigners. Pakistanis have themselves put in these situations and unless they change their ways, no one is going to help them and I am afraid that next blow (poor elected government) would be the last nail to seal the coffin.
this is the only conclusive question and thats what the theme of the program
why are we being played a fool?
and why our jobs worth agencies and the forces are not doing their job?

"Will" when we make masters abroad, be it Saudia, China, America or iran, turkey, and make our country their playland, then we are nothing but bunch of slaves... this lack of "will" to watch out for the interests of the people becomes secondary and thats exactly what is stopping... there is no independent "will".

The same thing thats stopping us (our people) from electing politicians that can sell the country to foreigners. Pakistanis have themselves put in these situations and unless they change their ways, no one is going to help them and I am afraid that next blow (poor elected government) would be the last nail to seal the coffin.

many times we have been told that, dont worry, this aint the last time, we can rise from the dead, this is nothing compared to that !!
many times we have been told that, dont worry, this aint the last time, we can rise from the dead, this is nothing compared to that !!

ehhh, maybe its just me. Hopefully, another word we find comfort in, you are right.
Fauj History --

in principle i agree.....so why dont OIC countries issue a MoU that stipulates that local sub-cultural norms and "religio-cultural" artifacts be kept within borders and that religious edicts and schools of thought not be considered as exportable

Islam transcends borders today the way it has since its inception many centuries ago. But of course there are local cultural norms and these very "religio-cultural" artifacts I mentioned above.

"Political Islam" should be defined by all those at OIC round-table and they should agree that Islam should not be politicized - and i say this without going into semantics or going into definitions - just giving a broad 'idea'

that seems to be more constructive than posting articles that "Pakistan Army funding/supporting wahhabi culture in Pakistan" and other garbage/diatribes like that which defy even logic or common sense

(aren't the wahhabi types the ones claiming that Pak Army is siding with the 'devil' ??)

to hell with who is funding..... The point is what is stopping us from taking them out?? especially the army...

votebank politics at play; and/or just apathetic and lazy attitude
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