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Sound byte: ‘The more Afghans trust Pakistan, the worse off we are’

I hope what you write is true, that Afghanistan will not allow India to harm Pakistan. But as they say actions speak louder than words.
When we speak to the men on the ground (and I have spoken to Pakistani military personnel although I cannot name names) who say that majority of the TTP is supported and funded by foreign intelligence agencies operating from Afghanistan.
You have got to understand the Ghani presidency only started a year ago and he may have good intentions, but a lot of the Afghan security apparatus is manned by members of the erstwhile Northern Alliance which (since the Mujaheddin era) is anti-Pakistan (do you remember the Peshawar Model School bus kidnapping), also the previous administration (again probably because of the president's personal history) was quite anti-Pakistan. That's not to say all Afghan administrations were anti-Pakistan. There has been good and bad patches.
Look another way how many Indian consulates (and outposts) there were pre-2001 and how they mushroomed after the US invasion and change of administration.

Northern alliance aka old Mujis, aka Rabbani, Sayaf, Massod for a certain period were all in Pakistan, supported by Pakistan, the US and Saudi to destroy the Afghan PDPA. When you started supporting the Talis, wanted to overthrow the NA government ( remember General Naseerullah Babur calling them our boys) of course they NA got pissed off, became overnight a darling of India and an anti pakistan force, again a side affect of your policies so lets not go there ;)

In short what I am trying to say here is that if go that road you will blame me for eternity and I will do the same with no end insight, what I am offering here is a narrative whereby Ashraf Ghani who has no blood on his hand, who want to geniuenly engage Pakistan, you guys need to support him, support Afghan institution and destroy any anti-afghan elements, because when you have a strong Afghan state, it will be in a matter position to safeguard Pakistani interests and not allow its soil to be used against Pakistan, be it the TTP or any other foreign intelligence.

In Summary :

- Let go of the past, not body can win that argument
- Support the Afghan government, its institution, for a strong afghan state can better safeguard its geography and any Pakistan interests.
Northern alliance aka old Mujis, aka Rabbani, Sayaf, Massod for a certain period were all in Pakistan, supported by Pakistan, the US and Saudi to destroy the Afghan PDPA. When you started supporting the Talis, wanted to overthrow the NA government ( remember General Naseerullah Babur calling them our boys) of course they NA got pissed off, became overnight a darling of India and an anti pakistan force, again a side affect of your policies so lets not go there ;)-

The Mujaheddin government was overthrown by Afghans because.
1: They didn't share the government as the promised to the people of Afghanistan.
2: Because of the insecurity and destruction they brought on the ordinary Afghans, do you remember how their infighting was raining rockets on Kabul.
So not our policies but the greed and pettiness of the post Communist Afghan government gave rise to the Taliban.
As far certain leaders being Pakistan is concerned, I would say that almost every Afghan has been in Pakistan or Iran at one point or another in their lives.
In short what I am trying to say here is that if go that road you will blame me for eternity and I will do the same with no end insight, what I am offering here is a narrative whereby Ashraf Ghani who has no blood on his hand, who want to geniuenly engage Pakistan, you guys need to support him, support Afghan institution and destroy any anti-afghan elements, because when you have a strong Afghan state, it will be in a matter position to safeguard Pakistani interests and not allow its soil to be used against Pakistan, be it the TTP or any other foreign intelligence.

In Summary :

- Let go of the past, not body can win that argument
- Support the Afghan government, its institution, for a strong afghan state can better safeguard its geography and any Pakistan interests.

Hmm that sounds workable. Although I am in no policy-making position myself but if I were I would say yes to that.
But again I have to add, the words and actions part.
There has been multiple operations in Wazirstan, Swat and almost the whole of FATA to clear these areas of militancy but on a comparable scale let me ask has there been any closures of Indian outposts, especially along the Durand line?
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Hmm that sounds workable. Although I am in no policy-making position myself but if I were I would say yes to that.
But again I have to add, the words and actions part.
There has been multiple operations in Wazirstan, Swat and almost the whole of FATA to clear these areas of militancy but on a comparable scale let me ask has there been any closures of Indian outposts, especially along the Durand line?

Indian outposts ? If you are talking about Indian consulates, there are actually 4 and not more than that, most operate and provide visas for afghans who go to India for medical purposes, everyday around a thousand Afghan apply for visa through the consulates.
Ok I know Pakistan is paranoid about these consulates the best way to deal with this is a frank sharing of intelligence where by if Pakistan has concrete intelligence the Afghan NDS must take action and close or those consulates that operate against Pakistani interests. Works for you ?

Now those operations are a a good start, the ISI a premier intelligence agency in the world beyond any doubt knows the whereabouts of Haqqani leadership and the Afghan Taliban, they must be forced to enter negotiation or be destroyed if they refuse. Is that doable from Pakistani side ?
That being said I am fairly surprised how my friends in Pakistan perceive the amount of influence Indians have in Afghanistan, do you think Afghans are so naive that they will screw up their relationship with their immediate neighbour, which is our gateway to commerce, hosting millions of Afghans and nuclear power to a country that is not in our immediate geographic location?? This is the precise reason that Ashraf Ghani has gone to extreme lengths to show to his Pakistani counterparts that Afghan-Indian relationship is in no way counterproductive to Pakistani interests.

Yes, that is what they're doing right now. Boycotting our goods, pushing for better relations with India so no need to rely upon Pakistan, and not cooperating with us. It might be suicidal, but Afghans have proven to be suicidal individuals.

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