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Sorry, China: Why the Japanese Navy is the Best in Asia


Apr 28, 2011
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Kyle Mizokami
October 16, 2016


The best navy in Asia has a total of 114 warships and 45,800 volunteer personnel. It has a large fleet of fast, powerful destroyers, thoroughly modern diesel-electric attack submarines, and amphibious ships that can haul tanks and other ground forces. It can hunt submarines, square off against invasion fleets, and shoot down enemy ballistic missiles. Despite all of that firepower, this is not in fact a navy at all, but an armed cohort of civil servants.

Technically, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force is a “self-defense force” designed to overcome the country’s constitutional limits on armed forces. It is, ship for ship, the best navy in Asia.

The main component of the MSDF are its fleet of forty-six destroyers and frigates—more than that those fielded by the United Kingdom and France combined. Organized into escort flotillas, Japan’s tin-can navy is designed to defend the country from invasion, help retake Japanese territory and keep the sea-lanes open.

The most powerful of Japan’s surface combatants are the Kongo class of guided-missile destroyers. The four ships—Kongo, Kirishima, Myoko andChokai—are all named after battleships and cruisers of the Imperial Japanese Navy, a practice once generally avoided but becoming more popular as the memory of World War II fades.

The Kongo destroyers are based on the original U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke–class Flight I destroyers in general shape and armament. Like the Burke class, the heart of the ship is the Aegis Combat System, capable of tracking and engaging area air-defense threats. It also provides a national ballistic-missile defense system for all of Japan—just two Kongos can protect most of the country.

Armament for the destroyers is primarily defensive, with ninety Mark 41 vertical launching missile silos, split between the fore and aft decks. The Kongos carry SM-2MR air defense missiles and SM-3 Block IB ballistic missile interceptors, the latter soon to be replaced with the newer Block IIA version. The destroyers also carry one five-inch main gun, eight Harpoon antiship missiles, six antisubmarine torpedo tubes and two twenty-millimeter Phalanx close-in weapon systems.

Another formidable Japanese ship is the JS Izumo. At twenty-seven thousand tons fully loaded and more than eight hundred feet long, Izumohas a full-length flight deck, an island for controlling flight operations, aircraft elevators and a hangar that spans the length of the ship.

While that sounds like a traditional aircraft carrier, Japan insists the ship is actually a “helicopter destroyer.” Izumo can’t carry fixed-wing fighter jets but it can carry up to fourteen helicopters. These helicopters and their missions can vary, from antisubmarine warfare to minesweeping to helicopter airmobile assault. This makes the Izumo a flexible platform capable of taking on a variety of tasks. A second ship of the class, Kaga, is currently under construction.

Japan’s submarine force is another major component of the MSDF. Japan is building up to a force of twenty-two submarines to provide great numbers against a growing Chinese Navy. The fleet will consist of two classes of submarines, the older Oyashio class, and the newer, deadlier Soryu class.

At 4,100 tons submerged, the Soryu submarines are Japan’s largest submarines since the I-400 class of World War II. The subs are equipped with Stirling air independent propulsion systems, capable of powering the submarine silently underwater for up to two weeks, and can make thirteen knots surfaced and twenty knots submerged.

The Soryus are equipped with six 533-millimeter bow-mounted torpedo tubes, with a mix of twenty Type 89 heavyweight homing torpedoes and American-made Sub-Harpoon missiles. They can also lay mines to block the many straits an invasion force would attempt to force.

Finally, Japan has three Osumi-class tank landing ships. The ships resemble small aircraft carriers, with a 130-meter long flight deck stretching the length of the ship. That’s where the resemblance ends, however, as the Osumi ships lack aircraft elevators and a hangar. The ships were designed to rapidly move Ground Self-Defense Force tanks between the main islands of Japan, reinforcing any of them against invasion.

The Osumis can carry up to 1,400 tons of cargo, fourteen Type 10 or Type 90 tanks, and up to one thousand ground troops. They are equipped with well decks and American-designed LCAC hovercraft, allowing them to float out heavy equipment and sent them to shore. This capability is especially useful in light of Japan’s new dynamic defense strategy, which calls for amphibious forces capable of taking back islands seized by a hypothetical enemy.

One final reason why Japan’s navy is the best in Asia? On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck off the coast of northern Japan. Vice Admiral Hiromi Takashima, commandant of the Yokosuka Naval District, immediately assumed temporary command of the entire MSDF and ordered all available ships north to the earthquake zone. The first ship left just forty-five minutes after the earthquake. Another seventeen ships packed with relief supplies departed within eighteen hours, some with only partially recalled crews. This ability to rapidly sortie the fleet with virtually no notice was perhaps the true test of the MSDF’s professionalism and efficiency.

Kyle Mizokami is a defense and national security writer based in San Francisco who has appeared in the Diplomat, Foreign Policy, War is Boringand the Daily Beast. In 2009 he cofounded the defense and security blog Japan Security Watch. You can follow him on Twitter: @KyleMizokami.

I neither agree with this nor disagree I just posted the article. Found the topic interesting although. The issue with Japanese Navy is they lack long range Cruise Missiles because of stupid laws Japan have
Unsurprisingly, Mizokami is up to his usual trash. He likes to sloganeer, but makes no effort to even form an argument, let alone support one. Nowhere in that article did I find any comparison of JMSDF and PLAN capabilities. Such slothful writing doesn't belong on PDF.

If you want informed opinions from western sources, USNI, information dissemination, and navy matters are quality sources. I don't agree with everything in those aforementioned sites, but they at least invest effort in presenting the facts.
It is not about the navy in specific. It is about self praise without substantial facts. We have seen that common behavior enough from you PDF Chinese.
Now after failing to prove any Chinese writer as boastful as the Japanese. You resort to using random forumer to prove yr point? Are you desperate? First of all forumer real ID cannot be verify while writer can. That is for sure, the bragging mentality of Japanese compare to Chinese.
Well, if I look at the the Far East & China section, the only “bragging mentality” I see are those coming from Chinese members, judging by all those threads in that section.
Yup like many fake of you faking nationality and create discord under disguise?

Is the Japanese writer faking nationality or no face to see? I know you are bitter of the rising China as no other can compare to Chinese. Your butt is burning hot, right? :enjoy:
I love the self-confidence of the Japanese guy! While claiming itself to be the best in Asia, he/she even doesn't show any proof for a direct comparison.

Well, the author said "The most powerful of Japan’s surface combatants are the kongo class of guided-missile destroyers." So lets make a comparison on this kind of Aegis ships.

how many such destroyers Japan has in total? Six! Kongo class x4, and Atago class x2.

But how many Aegis-destroyers China has?
- 10 in service: 052C x 6, 052D x 4
- 3 in sea trail: 052D x 3
- 8 under construction: 052D x 6, 055 x 2

An August 2016 sat. image of a shipyard China, four 052D in building simultaneously

@grey boy 2
hi bro, you are the expert on this. Mind to share more information here?
Now after failing to prove any Chinese writer as boastful as the Japanese. You resort to using random forumer to prove yr point? Are you desperate? First of all forumer real ID cannot be verify while writer can. That is for sure, the bragging mentality of Japanese compare to Chinese.
Does it really matter if the commentator's ID is public or unknown ? Not really. If you focus on the contents of the comments, the identity is irrelevant. The contents will reveal the commentator's mentality, intelligence, knowledge, experience, and reasoning skills.

Do not try to portray the Chinese people as somehow 'superior' to the rest. We on this forum have seen that before. The Chinese are supposedly 'oh so humble' and yet the man does not even realize that by stating that he is bragging.

Looky here...You are no different than the rest of us.
Yup like many fake of you faking nationality and create discord under disguise?

Is the Japanese writer faking nationality or no face to see?

I can’t even understand what you are saying nor see how this is relevant to what I have said. “Is the Japanese writer....no face to see”, what does that even mean?

I know you are bitter of the rising China as no other can compare to Chinese. Your butt is burning hot, right? :enjoy:

heh, thanks for (unintentionally) supporting my earlier statement about the “bragging mentality”.
The issue with Japanese Navy is they lack long range Cruise Missiles because of stupid laws Japan have

Which changed under the new laws passed by Abe's govt, Zarvan mate!
As of last year, that self-imposed ceiling has been removed.

Technically, that article is correct. Right now, Japan retains the edge and
its navy is the best in Asia. However, considering the speed of the PLAN's
modernization, this standing is expected to change.
I suppose the author choose to write this slightly childish piece now as it
may not hold water later?

Seriously, there is one First tier Navy on Earth and 3 Second tier ones :
UK, France and Japan. But let it be noted that Asia is arming faster in the
domain than any other region and the changes are qualitative, quantitative
and expanding tactically, so full spectrum really!
It is an interesting subject to follow and ponder on for the near future.

Great day all, Tay.
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