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Sonia, Manmohan’s role in Agusta deal exposed

why did BJP remove the company from blacklist?

@Abingdonboy @ranjeet

will you answer the above question?
Just curious!
My understanding is, Antony baba not only banned Augusta Westland but also Finmeccanica, ,

Now once you blacklist Finmeccanica the parent company of MBDA which you employ for a lot of Critical Missile systems.
that now raises issues in support, integration, MRO, spares and supply of Mistral, Scalp, AS30L, exocet, sea eagle, milan, Mica and metoer from the stables of MBDA.

Finmeccanica is also the parent company for OTO Melara, which is the main naval gun for almost all Indian Navy Ships.

Another issue raises now for ATR 72 competing for Naval contract, where again Finmeccanica is the parent company.

What UPA did was, when a Scam was exposed they began blacklisting and cancelling orders, not only to wash there hands off, and protect the corrupt officials, Tatra and recovery vehicle was the prime example.

Now when there is a scam with Tatra Vectra and if it is black listed, who will provide the spares? Mahindra and Mahindra?
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My understanding is, Antony baba not only banned Augusta Westland but also Finmeccanica, ,

Now once you blacklist Finmeccanica the parent company of MBDA which you employ for a lot of Critical Missile systems.
that now raises issues in support, integration, MRO, spares and supply of Mistral, Scalp, AS30L, exocet, sea eagle, milan, Mica and metoer from the stables of MBDA.

Finmeccanica is also the parent company for OTO Melara, which is the main naval gun for almost all Indian Navy Ships.

Another issue raises now for ATR 72 competing for Naval contract, where again Finmeccanica is the parent company.
Don't forget what could be potentially the biggest issue of them all- the Black Shark torpedos for the Scorpenes (from WASS, a subsidary of Finmeccanica) . The UPA's self-serving blacklist policy had ensured that they would enter service toothless without such weapons.

Thankfully this new GoI/DM has appeared to place the nation's interests, somewhat, in the forefront of their minds' and the Black Shark issue is being resolved.

The real shame about all of this is that the AW-101 WAS actually the BEST product for this role (head of state transport), the USMC (HMX-1) had even selected it to fly the POTUS before selecting the S-92 for political reasons. And as a result of all of this drama the PM of India and senior members of the Government and members of the Nuclear Command Authority ie the people India needs to ENSURE are kept alive are being flown around in 30+ year old Mi-8s or some unmodified V5s (when out of Delhi). This situation was clearly unacceptable 10 years ago when the VVIP helicopter procurement was intiated and is even less acceptable today but because this topic has become so polticised no one seems to give a $hit about the fact that the most senior leaders of India are being put at risk every single time they set foot on an IAF helicopter. Modi could be killed in a helicopter accident and it would be easy in hindsight to understand why but this is India where there is no foresight and the leadership is reactive to their very core.

And where is the media in all this? Why aren't they probing the issue a little more? Do they think these helos were being procured for vanity purposes? The level of passiveness and immaturity in India is simply too much to swallow sometimes. A nation if a NFU policy and that is about to operationalise its nuclear triad needs to have credibility to its chain of command, every link in that chain needs to be protected to the best degree possible but instead India is just playing at being a "true power" as usual, taking half measures and chest thumping elements and ignoring others. No wonder its rivals/enemies laugh at it. If India wants to be taken seriously then it needs to start acting like a mature nation.

Unbeleivebly 3 (of 12) of these beauties are mothballed in Palam right now, never to fly again most likely:





@PARIKRAMA @Ankit Kumar 002 @Star Wars @ranjeet @Levina @Parul @nair @Spectre @IndoCarib @Bombaywalla @Sky lord @skyisthelimit @Dash @Roybot @MKC @IndoUS @danish_vij @aakash_2410 @hinduguy @JanjaWeed @anant_s @cloud_9 @noksss @Echo_419 @Armani @randomradio @Water Car Engineer @MilSpec @acetophenol @janon @The Huskar @Stephen Cohen @The_Showstopper @kaykay @bloo @Jason bourne @proud_indian @The_Sidewinder
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The more I hear of these scams, the more I simply cannot understand the role of the media in India.

Are they actually aware of anything that is going on in the country?

Or they just use their platform to push their pet political theories?

Unbeleivebly 3 (of 12) of these beauties are mothballed in Palam right now, never to fly again most likely:

So these are fully paid for but not being used? The other 9 were never delivered, hopefully not paid for?
So these are fully paid for but not being used? The other 9 were never delivered, hopefully not paid for?
AFAIK half the value of the deal has been paid (never to be returned) for 12 AW-101s, training (I think Palam might even have a AW-101 full motion simulator), spares and other support packages. Pilots and ground crew were trained on the type, spares were delivered etc etc.

Again, I am having a VERY hard swallowing the media version, the levels of sensational behaviour keep increasing with every day. How did all of this go unnoticed? It just doesn't add up, this is VERY poltical.

Either way, the democratically elected PM of one of the world's most powerful (and richest) nations who is also head of his government's nuclear command authority continues to fly around on 30+ year old junk.

India is just inviting disaster.

Does this $hit make sense to anyone else? How many ministries are now implicated by this one (relatively) minor deal? MoD, PMO, Fin Min, the list goes on and on and now the IAF's HQ?

Someone is having a good laugh here, this just isn't organic, you don't go from extremes like this. If something seems too good to be true it probably is. I'm more worried about what this circus is attempting to divert attention away from.

@Dash @Levina @ranjeet @Star Wars @PARIKRAMA @anant_s
The real shame about all of this is that the AW-101 WAS actually the BEST product for this role

Reminds me of bofors. The product quality is not in question here.

Such a sad state of affairs.

I think now India should just go for S-92 since TASL manufactures a large portion of it domestically....and focus on recovering as much money as it can from the AW-101 deal....while continuing the investigation of UPA leadership, media bigwigs and any IAF involvement too.

Who were the other original competitors in the VIP helicopter program?

Either way, the democratically elected PM of one of the world's most powerful (and richest) nations who is also head of his government's nuclear command authority continues to fly around on 30+ year old junk.

Sea King? Why not use some HAL Dhruv exclusively for the time being.

EDIT: nvm you mentioned Mi-8

And where is the media in all this? Why aren't they probing the issue a little more? Do they think these helos were being procured for vanity purposes? The level of passiveness and immaturity in India is simply too much to swallow sometimes.

A large part of the media are in cahoots with the congress first family. Modi refused to play ball in buying them off when he took power. Results are there for all to see.
Someone is having a good laugh here, this just isn't organic, you don't go from extremes like this. If something seems too good to be true it probably is. I'm more worried about what this circus is attempting to divert attention away from

Fact is, Augusta is not a case in isolation vis a vis Indian defence deals. What you stated as too hard to believe I think was the norm of the day. It was a case of everyone is bought off, so, there is no one to raise to questions.
Before, even the opposition was compromised, like how ABV let the family off the hook. Unfortunately for the congees, they have at helm the person whom they maligned to such an extent that there is nothing congees can do to sway him.

I know for a "fact" that Armed forces are as corrupt as any other govt body.

Now coming to what Modi will decide to do with this is anyone guess...
Last thing anyone including Modi want is destruction of Congees. BJP says Congress Mukhs Bharath but they are very aware of the dangers a vacuum presents. At best I believe BJP is aiming for Gandhi Mukth Congress.

This looks to be beginning of BJP offensive against the opposition after a fairly dull 2015.
Bringing in compromised media into this is a great move. I am already seeing the usual presstitutes scurrying to hide in their bushes ;)
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Who were the other original competitors in the VIP helicopter program?
S-92, EC-725 (designated as H225M now)and AW-101.

I think now India should just go for S-92 since TASL manufactures a large portion of it domestically
Perhaps but I think what is more likely to happen is this current (absurd) status quo continues (ie flying in unfit equipment) until the H225M (EC-725) production line is established in India which will happen when the IN picks the H225M for their 12 ton NMRH requirement. Unfortunatly this means the IAF's Communication SQN won't receive new helos for another 5-6 years.

Unfortunately for the congees, they have at helm the person whom they maligned to such an extent that there is nothing congees can do to sway him.

I'd like to beleive it but there is NOTHING that indicates Modi has the b@lls to bring down the Gandhis or that he even wants to.
I'd like to beleive it but there is NOTHING that indicates Modi has the b@lls to bring down the Gandhis or that he even wants to.

define bringing them down.
Put them in jail - it will create sympathy. Old frail woman in jail because of evil Modi.

Idea would be discredit them and bring down the eco system first. Even out of power, Gandhis have enormous sympathy and sway in sections that has a lot of say.
But once you discredit them, then the next step can be jail.

On Modi's b@lls or lack of it, sorry, I have no information on it :D
define bringing them down.
Put them in jail - it will create sympathy. Old frail woman in jail because of evil Modi.

Idea would be discredit them and bring down the eco system first. Even out of power, Gandhis have enormous sympathy and sway in sections that has a lot of say.
But once you discredit them, then the next step can be jail.

On Modi's b@lls or lack of it, sorry, I have no information on it :D
The Gandhis have (sadly) survived much worse so I'll remain skeptical that Modi will do anything noteworthy to harm their interests. I don't beleive he is in cohots with them or anything, he is definetly an outsider but I also think he is aware at how entrenched they are and that they would never go down quietly and thus is picking his battles or neglecting to have them entirely.

I would be interested to learn what his personal views on the family are though, does he still harbour resenment for their campaign against him?
I'd like to beleive it but there is NOTHING that indicates Modi has the b@lls to bring down the Gandhis or that he even wants to.

Modi is focused personally on economic improvement.

Dealing with congress duties have been given to S. Swamy. In effect he is Modi's de facto attorney general. This year should be the interesting one.

Modi is just good at delegating, he can't be doing everything....only so many hours in a day.

I would be interested to learn what his personal views on the family are though, does he still harbour resenment for their campaign against him?

Of course. Thats the main reason he did not pay off the media when he easily could have. I get the feeling he wants to fundamentally overhaul the political base of India in a long term way. We should not judge him that quickly since he knows too much short term pressure will probably backfire badly.

Congress is in the process of making lots of mistakes itself right now....so no reason for Modi to step in and possibly inadvertently help them.

We will see how effective this choice was in a few years, too early to judge now.
Modi is focused personally on economic improvement.

Dealing with congress duties have been given to S. Swamy. In effect he is Modi's de facto attorney general. This year should be the interesting one.

Modi is just good at delegating, he can't be doing everything....only so many hours in a day.
I agree with this to a large degree excpet the part about Swamy's role. Swamy isn't there to prosecute anyone- he doesn't have that power, he is there to sling mud and hope it sticks. IF Modi was serious the CBI would already be in the loop but instead you have a loudmouth making accusations.

The Gandhi family are billionaires there must be ample avenues to investigate into how they acquired such vast wealth having all "devouted" themselves to public service. What really takes the biscuit is the fact that Priyanka Gandhi lives in a govt owned high security bungalow and pays subsided rent, THIS shows me Modi isn't serious about doing away with this filth.
I agree with this to a large degree excpet the part about Swamy's role. Swamy isn't there to prosecute anyone- he doesn't have that power, he is there to sling mud and hope it sticks. IF Modi was serious the CBI would already be in the loop but instead you have a loudmouth making accusations.

The Gandhi family are billionaires there must be ample avenues to investigate into how they acquired such vast wealth having all "devouted" themselves to public service. What really takes the biscuit is the fact that Priyanka Gandhi lives in a govt owned high security bungalow and pays subsided rent, THIS shows me Modi isn't serious about doing away with this filth.

Mate! Govt can go to war with congress, arrest it leaders and in turn Congress will get free publicity and shout out tyrant from the roof tops. Did you not see what happened with National Herald case

Govt also does not have a majority in RS and needs opposition to be cooperative so that parliament can function and legislations passed which is what is the primary job of a govt.
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