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Some truth about Arab-Israel war


Apr 17, 2009
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How was the early hours of the bombing of the Israeli leadership

Complemented by a series Bostadt "the anniversary of the setback"

Sadat says:
On the morning of June 5 I knew from the radio that Israel had started the war and I said to myself - well they will learn a lesson they will never forget for life - I was assured all reassuring.

I arrived driving approximately 11:00 and saw the J ambassador's car Alsovina I said, to be the ambassador had come to offer his congratulations!

Abdul Hakim entered the office and found him standing with eyes that looked round about Zaigtin - said to him:
Good morning ..... did not respond!
Prepared greeted returned that after a minute - Ali Alto realized that something in it.

I asked some of those and they said that the air force had hit the whole on the ground - and shortly after I saw JAMA Nasser to come out of the saloon - then began Amer cast all the blame on the Americans, saying that the U.S. Air Force is the one who beat us and not Israel - and Nasser's response:

I'm not willing to believe this talk is not to issue a formal statement that America is that we used - unless you come pavilion American plane and one by the American label!

In the picture - MiG -21 fighters on the ground, damaged during the Israeli strike

Continued Page throughout the day - a series of 67 brief, the latest setback

كيف كانت الساعات الاولي للقصف الاسرائيلي في القياده

تكمله سلسله بوستات "ذكري النكسه"

يقول السادات :
في صباح 5 يونيو عرفت من الراديو ان اسرائيل قد بدأت الحرب فقلت في نفسي - حسنا سوف يتعلمون درسا لن ينسوه مدي الحياة - كنت مطمئنا كل الاطمئنان .

وصلت القياده حوالي الساعه 11 صباحا وشاهدJ سياره السفير السوفيني فقلت لابد ان السفير قد أتي ليقدم تهانيه !

دخلت مكتب عبد الحكيم فوجدته واقفا يتطلع حواليه بعينين زائغتين - قال له :
صباح الخير ..... فلم يرد !
أعدت التحيه فردها بعد دقيقه - علي التو أدركت ان في الامر شيئا .

سألت بعض الموجودين فقالوا ان سلاح الطيران قد ضرب بأكمله علي الارض - وبعد قليل رأيت جما لعبدالناصر يخرج من الصالون - ثم بدأ عامر يلقي اللوم كله علي الامريكان قائلا ان سلاح الطيران الامريكي هو الذي ضربنا وليست اسرائيل - و رد عبدالناصر :

انا لست مستعدا لتصديق هذا الكلام ولا لآصدار بيان رسمي بأن امريكا هي التي اعتدت علينا - الا اذا أتيت بجناح طائره امريكيه واحده عليها العلامه الامريكيه !

في الصورة - مقاتلات ميج-21 محطمه علي الارض أثناء الضربه الاسرائيليه

تابعو الصفحه علي مدار اليوم - سلسله أحدث نكسه 67 بأختصار

''Israel prepared for a war,we prepared for a parade down tel aviv''-Egyptian general.

Though the geopolitical consequences of the war were longlasting and creates massive problems to this day,i think militarily it was good for the arab armed forces to a certain level..they stopped being total amateurs/boys flying club and were forced to improve.

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