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Some public views about emergency


May 21, 2006
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Instead of taking sides, the so-called ‘un-biased’ journalists / talk show hosts (call them what you may) should at least give the general the benefit of the doubt. But no - he doesn’t deserve that at all (according to these advocates of national opinion) and he should be lynched from the nearest lamppost.

These people should be encouraging calm amongst the population instead of inciting revolt. If the people do decide to rebel against the current situation, who out of this so- called armchair pundits will be leading from the front? Not one! Take the example of suicide bombings, we have not heard a word against such actions from the ‘molvis / qazis’, but in this instance they advocate civil disobedience. How can this be justified?

Give the general a chance; the ‘independent’ judiciary had become a farce - trying to de-rail the government at each and every turn. Terrorists were released by SC orders - only to create havoc against everyone. Only biased opinion is being pushed by the independent channels - hence the need to gag them. Give the general a fair chance - he's all we've got. The others are all bloodsuckers!


The events that follow the demented action of the autocrat are beginning to unravel the real crux of the monstrosity that propelled the dispensation to act, the way they did. On the TV screens you witness the inhuman and barbaric acts of the law enforcement agents against the lawyers and the press. The way the guardians of law are mercilessly beaten, as if they were sacks of beans in the gym or as if they were aliens descending onto Pakistan to rob them of their prize possessions. The plainclothes men abetted the uniformed cops. This was state terrorism at its worst. Would they have dared such atrocity during the time of independent SC under the corps of justices of integrity and honesty who fought valiantly to stamp out the crude and crass tactics that the dictatorial regime encouraged and enforced.

Imagine the hypocrisy of the autocrat and his US alter ego, the accountant P.M. that they proclaim their respect and honour for the (chosen) judiciary, which was starkly evident in the imposition of tyranny on the judiciary that was not pliant. The four Justices promoted in haste and rushed through their ingratiation, ultimately landed up sitting on an 8-member improvised Bench to declare that the earlier decision of the seven member Bench ultravires. The exact count of eight was manufactured post haste to give it a superiority of numbers to rescind previous judgment. The entire drama was staged to counter the threat of unfavourable decision from the Justice Javed Iqbal Bench of 11 honourable members. Who are they trying to fool - themselves? For the miniscule minority of supporters of Mush and his draconian emergency, it is obvious they live in a dream world and wear rose-tinted glasses that filter out the harsh realities that surround us. The imposition of emergency is a sure shot collision course with calamity. The US public sensitivities sternly viewed the happenings in Pakistan and is now being debated that despite spending $100 million a month on Pak military past 6 years, the dictator has abysmal record of performance in his fight against terrorism and his recent action to grab power and perpetuate his rule seems to have breached the dam erected to protect Bush allies.

Unless there is a popular uprising against the junta, there is absolutely no chance of the power hungry and profit-seeking predators ever leaving the lifestyles of convenience and comforts on their own - unless compelled to do so. The imported P.M. had stated in his first press conference immediately after the declaration of emergency that elections may have to be postponed to blah, blah (strengthen democracy, strike harmony between the pillars of the state, for Supreme national {Mush} interest etc. etc. the high-potent semantics that are targeted to win debates) had to correct himself now to state that elections would be held on schedule and that the state of emergency would be compressed to a short time frame. Was not the change of heart actuated by strong backlash of world's anger and antipathy to the acts of suppressions and subversion of constitution?

The high-powered meeting of the junta expressed satisfaction over the results it was accruing (the bogey SC Bench of inveterate members shooting down the judgment of CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry and his learned Bench of independent Justices). It expressed satisfaction over the way the lawyer fraternity was manhandled and incarcerated; the opposition silenced and the public intimidated. London and Washington have begun reviewing the Aid packages to military junta - trying to hit where it hurts most. The Military Inc. has expanded into diverse fields of financial enterprises as opposed to the specialization in armour and fighting techniques. Whether the prolonged innings with political power and profitable public domination or lack of their professional routine that we witness how the proud standards of intrepid acts of chivalry have transformed itself into stoop and surrender.

S. Nasrullah

No society denies the human rights at least. The emergency is against the judiciary, so that a common man should have no access to justice. This is one-man show and he is all in all in Pakistan. Shame for all those who have the power to fight against this injustice, but they watch all this silently for their personal benefits. Do they have any right to call them at least human or civilized personals of the society? I guess not.

Waheed Gilani

Pakistan in fact got such a great leader after M. A. Jinnah and Z. A. Bhutto. Majority of Pakistanis support President Musharraf work performance in the last eight years in power and would like him to go for another five-year term as President of Pakistan. Without a doubt, President Musharraf is not a corrupt leader, his hands are clean and he is loyal to Pakistan. I urge my fellow lawyers, who are protesting on the streets of Pakistan, please stop this protest for the sake of Pakistan. Remember: United we stand--Divided we fall. Be Pakistani, buy Pakistani and be Pakistani first.
Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf should get a chance to to bring back Pakistan in the right footing. Few TV channels and some of there anchors went over and beyond in criticizing Pervaiz Musharraf while sitting overseas and finally the Regular Army should now come in picture and show there metal to the people who are trying to make there own state.
i think we should criticize him, any type of martial law or emergency is not good for any country in any case. have you see the stock exchange...man its going down. tell me the thing which is improving.....except one thing that when i switch on the T.V. i am able to go through all channel with in few seconds....hahahahaha
General Pervez Musharaf is a hero for the nation. His actions, desicions and plans help Pakistan to grow the economics, trade and reputation that we lost after May 28th 1998.

over n out
General Pervez Musharaf is a hero for the nation. His actions, desicions and plans help Pakistan to grow the economics, trade and reputation that we lost after May 28th 1998.

over n out

negitive sir...he is a hero for you not the hero the nation. ok how can you say a person hero how simple martial law on the country only to remove Chief Justice who is helping the innocent people to get rid of cruel hands. on which people can do trust hannnn....o man i think you have no idea that what happened in karachi. come on dude help yourself to explore the true facts...saying the statement blindly is not a good habbit...ok
now, its over n out.

negitive sir...he is a hero for you not the hero the nation. ok how can you say a person hero how simple martial law on the country only to remove Chief Justice who is helping the innocent people to get rid of cruel hands. on which people can do trust hannnn....o man i think you have no idea that what happened in karachi. come on dude help yourself to explore the true facts...saying the statement blindly is not a good habbit...ok
now, its over n out.

Mr. Qadri relying blindly on the standardless, pessimistic and quality-less media and there reports is like loosing hope in yourself and fellow nation. I have been with these media men and left them very soon Why?

Simply, kaz i couldnot take on there waste ful reports of carving out a situation out of every bitsy of event. Anyways!!!!

Innocent or guilty! this nation can only be ruled by Rule of thumb either by kingdom, monarch or presidential form of govt. No democracy has ever been successful neither it will be!

People living in Pakistan have alwasy been under rule muslim rulers from central asia. And there has never been much democracy here. Currently our society has become complicated then Indian society. And people trying to make both ends meet are ready to do anything in there lives. People living geographically in currently in Pakistan has got this in there inheritance to remain active all the time politically. They even revolted against muslim rulers but were brought down by sword by these invading muslim rulers.

Mr. Qadri, no matter wat happens this nation and its society is completely jumbled up with self created complexities. Mushy has done the right thing. This nation has long been ruled with strict and use less laws which paid no attention for solving problems of this society. No after his arrival and intro of enlightenement laws like women protection bills and media freedom. This nation is unable to comprehend its current freedom and have almost lost control over itself.

This emergency was coming and everyone could see that! This is the right thing for the nation. I strongly agree and support it! No party or group has any right to create disturbance for this country. It has always been and it is legal duty of muslims and other non muslim citizens to obey its leader and all those who have been creating mutiny wiht in the state has always been brought down by any possible means.

There should be a controlling mechanism for this society

:pakistan:Democracy is absolute failure in Pakistan and its nation. :pakistan:
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