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Some items belonging to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...

The problem with carbon dating is, it just puts the article there in that century. I know there is a linage of Prophet Muhammad even today, if there was DNA testing done on the hair sample, these articles would become divinly.

I am just thinking that both DNA and carbon dating would be interesting. Carbon dating would at least answer the question as to whether the samples were contemporaneous, within the margin of error of the dating methods. If not, the DNA info is moot.
The prohets resting place with abubakr RA the prophets in the middle

Almost a century old picture of Mazar-e-Mubarak (Grave) of Allah's Last Messenger, Muhammad (Peace be upon him)


This is the prophets Mazar-eMubarak (grave )inside the gate in medinah al munawarrah (picture taken by Masiullah Abhi)

<this last picture is of Rumi, not the Prophet's final resting place>. Do a google and you'll find modern pictures of the same scene.

All these pictures are fake.
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The house of Sayyidna Abu Ayyub Ansari (May Allah be pleased with him) where Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) stayed when he migrated to Madinah. Unfortunately, this house does not exist anymore.

The house of Hazrat Haleemah Sa'diyah (May Allah be pleased with her) where Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) spent his 6 years of childhood. Throughout 13 centuries this house was saved by Muslim rulers but unfortunately, Saudi's have destroyed the Islamic Heritage in the name of Towheed. The civilized nations save their heritage but Saudi's have intentionally destroyed every possible Islamic Heritage that they could.

Dear Brother!

@ Al Zakir:::

Assalam O Alaikum

I do appreciate your kind action by posting such pics but i would like to inform you and all reading my post that there are many fake pictures of our Holy Prophet Mohammed's grave and these above posted are one of them, Islam also teaches us not to farward anything without it's authentic source and truth.

The above pics are from different other countries, one of them is of Rumi and here is the full link

I am not allowed to post the link here but you can searc through google with tags "fake pictures of Prohphet Mohammed's grave" and you will know the fact.

There are many fake pictures circulating through internet helping in misguiding people and we should stop this by spreading the fact and truth.

May Allah guide us all towards the right path (Aameen)

Your Brother
asalamo alaikum
please not that this are not the pic of roza e mubarak of holy prophet
mohammed (peace be upon him)
but they are the pic of the grave of molana rumi and othman empires first khalifah sultan usman
please but this in your knowledge.
and do chk this link if any one is having doubt.pass this message to as much as people u can
asalam mo alaikum.

i cant post the urls as i have to post 15 post to be able to do so
but i also have the url link
its available at islamgreatreligion u can chk it
i have also heard from a guide in turkey that mohammed PH his hair grows by its self and they cut it and distribute to every muslim country

The holy hair of the pure Prophet Muhammad (S) does indeed grow by itself, Alhamdulillah!

With all due respect, I have my doubts on this one. These guides are probably making money.

Don't be cynical!

The holy hair of Rasool Allah (SAW) does indeed grow by itself, Subhan Allah!
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&#1580;&#1586;&#1575;&#1603; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1571;&#1582;&#1610;

Please remember the latest Photograph of the Roza e Rasul is NOT Authentic.

It is the shrine of Hazrat Jalaluddin Rumi R.A in Konya Turkey .

Jazak'Allah for sharing these pictures brother
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Jazak-Allahu-Khair Brother you just made our day, We appreciate this. May God Make Us The Muslim We Should Be. AAamin
The holy hair of the pure Prophet Muhammad (S) does indeed grow by itself, Alhamdulillah!

Don't be cynical!

The holy hair of Rasool Allah (SAW) does indeed grow by itself, Subhan Allah!

And what proof do you have of this miracle?
The Prophet PBUH passed away and was a mortal human.
He was buried in a grave like mortal men.
When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed away some people could not believe it and were arguing and threatening those who said that the Prophet had passed away.
This was when Abu Bakar (RA) gave his famous speech to the Muslims implying that those who worshiped Muhammad should know that he was a mortal man and has passed on to his maker, however those that worship Allah should know that he is ever present.

The Prophet Muhammad was the greatest of human beings and that fact is as clear as the sun that shines in the sky, however to attribute unsubstantiated claims to him is not something we should do lightly and without investigation.

The fact that many do not appreciate is that Muhammad PBUH was the most complete human being and his personality, manners, patience, truthfulness, speech and conviction enabled him to pass the divine message to the Arabs who were really a hostile and a very difficult people to persuade at that point in time.
The biggest miracle of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was the loyalty, love and respect he was accorded by his followers, something which was amazing.
The Prophet Muhammad was the finest, most loved and most successful human being and that is the biggest miracle to me.
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