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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Why? Shah Reza Pahlavi was a General in the army before taking over the government from the Qajaris and declaring himself a Shah in 1925. Dr. Mossadeq (an elected Prime Minister) was overthrown by force in 1953. Khomeni faced a failed military coup in 1982 which resulted in tough measures against opposition. These are few examples only.​
I am talking about current establishment.

Police taking Army Soldier away from people
I think I speak for many members here when I say, can you shut up and excuse yourself from this topic?

Uh no, you may support it, because it's in your Shia block interest, doesn't mean you tell people what or what to not post. I'm atheist and reject this move, as I know what repercussions it will bring for the world and human race. So go cry me a river.
The US response has been strangely mute, something doesn't add up./

Not really, you should worry more when the US is outspoken, that means the Government has had time to form and prepare a statement.
Not supporting a coup is not the same as actively trying to quell it. A lot of bet-hedging is going on by all parties right now.
True..then again this goes to show not everyone within the military is in the same page! Even if the perpetrators manage to wrestle power for the moment, it cannot sustain it in the long run unless there's complete support from everyone who matters!
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