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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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We are not exactly know for military coups, you are not very familiar with Iran's system, lol.

Why? Shah Reza Pahlavi was a General in the army before taking over the government from the Qajaris and declaring himself a Shah in 1925. Dr. Mossadeq (an elected Prime Minister) was overthrown by force in 1953. Khomeni faced a failed military coup in 1982 which resulted in tough measures against opposition. These are few examples only.​
Modi has ordered a dozen extra Dhotis for himself, fearing what would happen if other Shareef comes into power.
Actually Modiji became PM after Nawaz came into power... So the the thing might have happened other way around...

This is not a Indo-Pak matter lets give it a rest bro...

Turkish army take over state TV, impose martial law

Key events Show

• 19m ago :: Turkish military broadcasts on state TV amid coup reports

• 1h ago :: Military claims takeover of Turkey

14s ago 22:37 : The Turkish state broadcaster TRT has now gone off air, say the Reuters news agency and sources in Turkey.
Those who sing in favour of democracy will keep mum now! Democracy is good till it is your pet democracy! Disgusting!
I hope Pak army doesn't get ideas.
It seems that the senior military leadership has been detained, but it doesn't look like this was a small group. It is a large scale operation, with fighters, helis and tanks involved, which means that a good portion of the military is behind this, and not just a few rogue officers.

If he manages to escape, Erdogan will get asylum in Europe, most probably germany or france.

The police seems to be fighting back against the military, which means that the army is going to have a hard time taking over. Plus, pro government supporters are massing on the streets, against the military, which means the army will either have to mow them down, or back away.

The coup may very well succeed, but the army will never gain complete control, or trust of the population.
we don't know if the U.S was involved, and we aren't Turks either.

I don't want to pass judgment but Erdogan seems like he hasn't been all that good for Turkey and has been removing civil liberties over the last few years. you post a video mocking him and you'll probably be harassed or jailed.

I would welcome a coup to overthrow Obama especially if evidence came to light that he supports terrorists.

I wouldn't, Obama hasn't set himself up to be a dictator like Erdogan has, and we have explicit term limits anyway.

A coup means military rule, and given the laws we have, I would never support that.

Our military and national culture are also different from Turkey's, no way would there be support for a coup, especially inside the military.
People are in the streets, footage now being shown, this won't be tolerated, good luck to Turkish people. If it succeeds ISIS will gain very much strength, the whole Middle East will be stabilized. Idiotic Westerners and Jews have deeply miscalculated, they clearly just sent message that freedom will not be achieved by anybody in the region. Except through armed uprising. This is stupid and will lead to huge uptick in terorism, believe me when I say people now lost their patience.

This was rushed decision by the West.

Turkish army is way too professional to do that, they are there to ensure the secular values for every citizen remain intact. Killing their own people would be a disaster for the PR of the armed forces.

Turkish army is just taking orders from US and EU, along with Israel. This army isn't independent just like every other filthy army in the region. They are not even armies, they're just there to crack down on people and serve as forces of control for the West.
Google "istanbul cam" A live stream from a hotel in Istanbul. Can occasionally hear fighter jets.

Turkish army take over state TV, impose martial law

Key events Show

• 19m ago :: Turkish military broadcasts on state TV amid coup reports

• 1h ago :: Military claims takeover of Turkey

14s ago 22:37 : The Turkish state broadcaster TRT has now gone off air, say the Reuters news agency and sources in Turkey.

But the army chief and other senior officers have been taken hostage ...
Those who sing in favour of democracy will keep mum now! Democracy is good till it is your pet democracy! Disgusting!
I hope Pak army doesn't get ideas.
It won't. Raheel Sharif is in firm control of the army, and he has already stated his intention of retiring from the military, and letting the civilian government continue to stay in power.
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