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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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very sad news if it is the coup,

People of Turkey , look at us , what we achieved in the Marshal Laws, of 36 years, only US interests were served.
First thing that came to my mind. Turkey, why are you keen on making mistakes that sent Pakistan down the path of destruction? If there's any common sense left in those behind the coup they should stand down.
turkish army will be used in syria against assad and russia.
May the Turkey be safe.

An unexpected news at all. However, seems like whosoever, especially Muslim leader, try to oppose any US agenda will be thrown out by help of Military. Seems like, US wants Turkey to fully face the ISIS and push the country in total Chaos (I hope it may never happen).

I never sees such step be taken as Erdogan was that bad but looks like thrashing the EU/Israel, favoring the Palestine and opposing anti-Muslim/Turkish elements, brought the day for him and Turkey. Dictatorship is not beneficial at all but look at the most of Muslim countries that are targeted with such take-over. I fear that it may not turn into something like Egypt.

Whatever comes next, I pray that, be the best for our Turk Brethren. Stay safe.

this could be a result of Turkey resuming relations with Israel, Russian, and Turkey failing to help FSA/ISIS overthrow Assad.
yeah and if it all USA was supportive there is nothing wrong in it... Erdogan was supporting ISIS and was a dictator ... he was largely successful in taking Turkey towards Fascism...

this could be a result of Turkey resuming relations with Israel, Russian, and Turkey failing to help FSA/ISIS overthrow Assad.


It's less about Turkeys' enemies and more about Erdogan diminishing friends.

The military realised that no one in the world would be batting for Erdogan right now.
BREAKING: Secretary of State John Kerry says he hopes for stability, peace, continuity in Turkey as coup apparently under way.

Kerry did not use the word democracy ...hmmm interesting

It's what he didn't say. He didn't support the democratically elected leader. Says it all.

If this is a true report of his statement, then US hands are all over this coup.
I feel sorry for the muslim World. If it is a successful coup, then surely engineered by US, will only send Turkey to complete Chaos. One Sisi is enough... No more please.

Your Erdogan goes down today. :) It's a great day for the progressive, secular people of Turkey. :tup:
Good job now secular values will remain intact in Turkey the way the founder wanted the country to be.
You are right but Turkiye has a new start dude. Pkk and other terror groups killing my people daily due to wrong policies of akp.

Syrian refugees walking around everywhere in Turkiye like zombies and make troubles. Everyday one or two Turkish been killed by them.

You don't know the situation of Turkiye.

We have in need for a new beginning. I wouldn't chose a coup but we got it. At least it seems we got it.

Unfortunately, It probably means more suicide bombings for a while now.

What will happen with US operations against ISIS? Now US forces are involved in military operations, in a country undergoing a coup.

if the coup succeeds depending who is in power we'll probably leave Turkey and the strikes on ISIS will diminish

not like the strikes on ISIS have been that effective when compared to what Russia has been doing.
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