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'Some are just psychopaths': Chinese detective in exile reveals extent of torture against Uyghurs

Why don't you also destroy the Great Wall and the Imperial City in Beijing and then build high speed railways and airports on that land !
China tries her utmost to protect cultural heritage, but not as the risk of loss of human lives in natural disasters.

Inspiration. Dealing with Xinjiang Kashgar old town earthquake vulnerable old houses

Kashgar, Xinjiang, is a very earthquake active region, houses in Kashgar old town are beautiful with a very lone history but they can't withstand even minor earthquakes. Local Uighur people refuse to move to the earthquake resistant new houses built by the government in the suburbs cause they have lived in those old house for generations. See how Chinese architects' inspirational way to deal with this issue.

Hotan town in southern Xinjiang, can you imagine it is actually a desert town?
Old town in Hotan after earthquake proof and modern facilities installation renovation
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Germans and Japanese were quickly defeated and their victims bodies proved the genocide. While Chinese Communists learned the lesson and are now methodically removing all proof of Uyghur genocide and destruction of their cultural monuments. Present day Germans and Japanese are ashamed of their grandparents that committed these crimes during WW2 and I am sure future Chinese will also be ashamed of these genocidal Communist criminals.

Why don't you also destroy the Great Wall and the Imperial City in Beijing and then build high speed railways and airports on that land !
LoL.. I asked for evidence of Chinese genocide and all u can do is spew nonsense to serve your anglo master? Your tactics are very outdated. Many Pakistanis and Muslim realize Kashmir , Palestine, Syrian, Iraqi and Libya need more help to fight anglo christian killer than fake uyghur genocide.
LoL.. I asked for evidence of Chinese genocide and all u can do is spew nonsense to serve your anglo master? Your tactics are very outdated. Many Pakistanis and Muslim realize Kashmir , Palestine, Syrian, Iraqi and Libya need more help to fight anglo christian killer than fake uyghur genocide.
A cultural genocide is a newly coined word by the west, they forgot how they genocided native American population, both culturally and physically.
China tries her utmost to protect cultural heritage, but not as the risk of loss of human lives in natural disasters.

Inspiration. Dealing with Xinjiang Kashgar old town earthquake vulnerable old houses

Kashgar, Xinjiang, is a very earthquake active region, houses in Kashgar old town are beautiful with a very lone history but they can't withstand even minor earthquakes. Local Uighur people refuse to move to the earthquake resistant new houses built by the government in the suburbs cause they have lived in those old house for generations. See how Chinese architects' inspirational way to deal with this issue.

Hotan town in southern Xinjiang, can you imagine it is actually a desert town?
Old town in Hotan after earthquake proof and modern facilities installation renovation

Today's Kashgar old city, all these rebuilt houses can withstand 8.5 richter scale earthquake, while the traditional architecture styles and local traditional family businesses are beautifully preserved.

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While Chinese Communists learned the lesson and are now methodically removing all proof of Uyghur genocide and destruction of their cultural monuments.
So your excuse for the obvious total lack of evidence for any of the methodically spread blatant propaganda lies to project your genocidal countries culture on China and at the same time discriminate against Chinese, that have been fabricated and pushed by you and your genocidal pet regime and its owner the U.S. terror regime, is that Chinese are "hiding" the evidence anything happend?

So the population is disappearing according to your regimes mouthpieces, but when its growing more rapid than anyone else in China thats just a Chinese coverup?
So culture is being destroyed according to your regimes mouthpieces, but when its not just still all there but more vibrant and expressive than ever that just a Chinese coverup?
So language is being banned according to your regimes mouthpieces, but when when its more widespread, studied and researched than ever before thats just a Chinese coverup?
So mosques are being destroyed according to your regimes mouthpieces, but when they are bigger and more plently than ever before thats just a Chinese coverup?

You see a pond and cry about invisible sharks to justify poisoning the carp.

Thats why your Western propaganda is banned for good. Its poison that completely rotts your brain, allowing you to even utter this stuff without second thought.
Germans and Japanese were quickly defeated and their victims bodies proved the genocide. While Chinese Communists learned the lesson and are now methodically removing all proof of Uyghur genocide and destruction of their cultural monuments. Present day Germans and Japanese are ashamed of their grandparents that committed these crimes during WW2 and I am sure future Chinese will also be ashamed of these genocidal Communist criminals.

Why don't you also destroy the Great Wall and the Imperial City in Beijing and then build high speed railways and airports on that land !
Whenever they spam shit, just ignore them. Their tactic is to provoke an argument and derail the thread. Simply tell them to **** off and continue as usual and if they're insistent, start spamming them back with a one-liner repeatedly.
China is terrible with it's counter-propoganda, soft power, putting it's narrative out there

And if it's doesn't improve on that front, I am afraid Thier reputation would go to shit and after some years one after another of their new alleged scandals would come and in current scenerio you're just taking the hits ,not responding to them

This is a serious flaw in China and they really have up their game, I fear China isn't taking this softer image Crisis seriously

They never will because China is intentionally opaque but then claims it isn't.

If somebody said there were people in some remote US town being thrown into some concentration camp in the middle of the desert 100 reporters from 100 different countries would be there within hours to check it out (even without the US having highspeed rail and "dilapidated US infrastruture" :rolleyes1: they mysteriously seem to be able to get there just fine).

Yet if there is some issue in China...do we see 100 reporters within hours at the site..no. Can't be done. All the HSR lines and brand new infrastructure suddenly don't seem to matter.

Here is an excellent recent example:
There was a fire in some remote canyon in New Mexico and the Chinese CGTN newscrew easily got there to report it. Certainly no HSR to get there.

Yet YEARS later there are still no groups of reporters in Xianjing reporting. Why is that?
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They never will because China is intentionally opaque but then claims it isn't.

If somebody said there were people in some remote US town being thrown into some concentration camp in the middle of the desert 100 reporters from 100 different countries would be there within hours to check it out (even without the US having highspeed rail they mysteriously seem to be able to get there just fine).

Yet if there is some issue in China...do we see 100 reporters within hours at the site..no. Can't be done. All the HSR lines don't matter.
Now social media is always the first to get news out, nowadays everyone is a reporter, reporting everything every second, journalism is a dying industry.
Now social media is always the first to get news out, nowadays everyone is a reporter, reporting everything every second, journalism is a dying industry.

Yeah well apparently nobody has a video camera posting daily from any of the alleged detention sites proving they are devoid of prisoners.

How is it that a CGTN reporter is walking around a remote canyon in New Mexico within hours of a fire but they can't figure out how to walk around all the alleged detention sites back in China?

If i wanted a high news site hit in China I'd have a webpage that says point to any GPS spot on the map and I'll have somebody there in less than 24 hours giving you a live feed just to shut up all the conspiracy theory people once and for all.

Apparently a country with 1.4 billion people doesn't have anybody smart enough to organize that...or maybe they do but know the truth.
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Yeah well apparently nobody has a video camera posting daily from any of the alleged detention sites proving they are devoid of prisoners.

How is it that a CGTN reporter is walking around a remote canyon in New Mexico within hours of a fire but they can't figure out how to walk around all the alleged detention sites back in China?

If i wanted a high news site hit in China I'd have a webpage that says point to any GPS spot on the map and I'll have somebody there in less than 24 hours giving you a live feed just to shut up all the conspiracy theory people.

Apparently a country with 1.4 billion people doesn't have anybody smart enough to organize that.
Lots of videos were made to debunk those lies, I myself posted several.
Lots of videos were made to debunk those lies, I myself posted several.

Really you have a video where somebody says here I am at the GPS coordinate multiple western sites says houses prisoners..and here I am infront of it and I see nothing to prove that it is all lies..

If this was in the US you'd have hundreds of people posting videos of the site

Please post one of them since you should have hundreds of them within easy reach.

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Really you have a video where somebody says here I am at the GPS coordinate multiple western sites says houses prisoners..and here I am infront of it and I see nothing.

If this was in the US you'd have hundreds of people posting videos of the site

Please post one of them since you should have hundreds of them within easy reach.

Lol, do you really think many Chinese watch those western media crap? 99% of the Chinese population don't pay a damn to western media.

Lol, do you really think many Chinese watch those western media crap? 99% of the Chinese population don't pay a damn to western media.

I don't see this video mentioning that this site is one of the ones mentioned in western media as a Uighur detention camp. I don't see them walking around it.

All I see is a bunch of people yapping and hands put infront of the camera.

This is your best example???

Nothing like the New Mexico canyon fire video where the CGTN reporter is freely walking around surveying the damage to the area?

I know China is poor but there must be dozens of videos as camera phones are supposedly ubiquitous and it would take just minutes to refute all the "blatant Western lies about China".

There's probably more videos made by people of a Tesla driving through a deep puddle during a flood in China than those able to get near the alleged detention centers to film them.

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