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'Some are just psychopaths': Chinese detective in exile reveals extent of torture against Uyghurs

people who are Guilty have this response

and China is not a race it’s a country
Ànd India is not country, you're are also guilty
then explain what the 300 blue roofed buildings are in Xingjing ? Toy factory's ?
300 blue roofed houses? can you provide a photo so we might find out exactly what they are. Besides, what does the color of roof have anything to do with anything? Try search Xinjiang Ili city, the whole city is in blue.
In sha Allah East Turkistan will be free one day!
And I will be the new Ameer-ul-Momineen :)
1. Everyone has a smartphone
2. Hundreds of policemen
3. Hundreds of witnesses and passers-by
4. No videos and photos.
How did China make it?
:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: View attachment 782520
View attachment 782521
Thats why for me any thing from the west or it cronies is flushed down the toilet.
You seem to be kind of a person that the enemies of our religion and culture love to death !

How? by not believing in western propaganda?

Its the west that is the enemy of our culture and religion.
why you racist only against China, you don't see genocide of Muslims in Indian Kashmir??
He claim he supported Pakistan but he can ignore Kashmir genocide and attack Pakistan close allies. He is enemy of Pakistan too.
How? by not believing in western propaganda?

Its the west that is the enemy of our culture and religion.

What about the genocide Ughur Muslims in Ughuristan region controlled by Communist China ?
What about the genocide Ughur Muslims in Ughuristan region controlled by Communist China ?
There is no evidence of 'genocide'.

Even if mistreatment of people is happening it is not our job to attack China, a country that helps us when we need them.
It is up to international community to investigate and take action if anything wrong has happened which they won't do as they always use others to fight for them.

This what western colonial powers want and many of our people have fallen to this trap just as we did with USSR.
British also used us for their wars. We never learn from past.
There is no evidence of 'genocide'.

Do do you believe in Nazi genocide of Jews ? Japanese massacre of Chinese in Nanjin ? Hutu genocide of Tutsi in Rwanda ? Serb genocide of Bosnians ?
Do do you believe in Nazi genocide of Jews ? Japanese massacre of Chinese in Nanjin ? Hutu genocide of Tutsi in Rwanda ? Serb genocide of Bosnians ?
Genocide means mass dying, can you provide a single Uighur name who was confirmed died from this so called "genocide"?
They not only make fake news but also make movies.
For those who are confused about all the genocide claims even though there seems to be no evidence:

The proponents of genocide actually are not claiming that there is a physical genocide - like nazis killing jews or what happened in rwanda - but a cultural genocide where uyghurs are being forcefully sinocized & islam is being forcefully taken from uyghurs. So, for example, they claim that uyghurs are sent to camps & tortured so they give up islam, their women are being forced to marry to hans, uyghurs are being targeted for abortions to stop them from having more children, mosques are being destroyed etc.

This is just to clear things up. You can decide for yourselves whether this is true or not.
For those who are confused about all the genocide claims even though there seems to be no evidence:

The proponents of genocide actually are not claiming that there is a physical genocide - like nazis killing jews or what happened in rwanda - but a cultural genocide where uyghurs are being forcefully sinocized & islam is being forcefully taken from uyghurs. So, for example, they claim that uyghurs are sent to camps & tortured so they give up islam, their women are being forced to marry to hans, uyghurs are being targeted for abortions to stop them from having more children, mosques are being destroyed etc.

This is just to clear things up. You can decide for yourselves whether this is true or not.
Tell me one place that Uighur culture was " genocided", and I'll show you why its just western fake news and propaganda.
Xinjiang did built tons of schools, hospitals, high speed raiways, airports, subways, libraries, highways... which were not there in the past, please don't call them "cultural genocide"

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Tell me one place that Uighur culture was " genocided", and I'll show you why its just western fake news and propaganda.
Xinjiang did built tons of schools, hospitals, high speed raiways, airports, subways, libraries, highways... which were not there in the past, please don't call them "cultural genocide"

Like i said, this is the claim that is being made. Everyone was arguing about something when they don't even know what the claims being made are. It's useless to talk about whether uyghurs are being killed or not when the accusation is actually cultural genocide.

btw, a word of advice, i wouldn't use economic development as a defense against their claims. The claim isn't that uyghurs are being forced into poverty but that their cultural & religious beliefs are being forcefully changed. These are 2 very different things.
Do do you believe in Nazi genocide of Jews ? Japanese massacre of Chinese in Nanjin ? Hutu genocide of Tutsi in Rwanda ? Serb genocide of Bosnians ?
There plenty of video and evidence of those genocide while zero evidence of uyghur genocide. Show me video or evidence of mass killing of uyghur by Chinese.
There plenty of video and evidence of those genocide while zero evidence of uyghur genocide. Show me video or evidence of mass killing of uyghur by Chinese.

Germans and Japanese were quickly defeated and their victims bodies proved the genocide. While Chinese Communists learned the lesson and are now methodically removing all proof of Uyghur genocide and destruction of their cultural monuments. Present day Germans and Japanese are ashamed of their grandparents that committed these crimes during WW2 and I am sure future Chinese will also be ashamed of these genocidal Communist criminals.

Tell me one place that Uighur culture was " genocided", and I'll show you why its just western fake news and propaganda.
Xinjiang did built tons of schools, hospitals, high speed raiways, airports, subways, libraries, highways... which were not there in the past, please don't call them "cultural genocide"

Why don't you also destroy the Great Wall and the Imperial City in Beijing and then build high speed railways and airports on that land !
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