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Some Advice For Pakistan

To fellow Indians -

Don't feed these trolls who pose as "Chinese".

LIKE THEY say - united states is trying to make india their bunny to stand against china. china is trying to make pakistan their bunny to stand against india.

it will go on - china - india are totally diffrent civilization - we have no intrection at all , china india cant be friend. india and china have no big standing issue - but we just dont like them . so the hate wil remain constant.

india pakistan - have long standing issues - they are fadign away . so the hate to is kind of going down - may be not rapidly but slowly and surely.

china is the real bugger india need to keep an eye on - its a fascist country who dont care even of their own people . they need to tackled by world forces somehow before its late.

You would not miss anything. :rofl:
LIKE THEY say - united states is trying to make india their bunny to stand against china. china is trying to make pakistan their bunny to stand against india.

it will go on - china - india are totally diffrent civilization - we have no intrection at all , china india cant be friend. india and china have no big standing issue - but we just dont like them . so the hate wil remain constant.

india pakistan - have long standing issues - they are fadign away . so the hate to is kind of going down - may be not rapidly but slowly and surely.

china is the real bugger india need to keep an eye on - its a fascist country who dont care even of their own people . they need to tackled by world forces somehow before its late.

You should calm down. :)

RSS is the Fascist brown-shirts (they emulate Hitler too). And civilizations aren't as different as you ASSume. Whether you hate or not is your business, that was the propaganda instilled into you by your corrupt fascist rulers who use it as a DIVERSION from their plundering and crimes. Imagine nearly all members of Indian government have a serious crime record (if recorded at all).

You have much more internal problems that need your attention than day-dreaming about killing off a nation of 1.4 billion people.

However I agree with one main Bharati concern, and that is regarding industrial competitiveness. But even this won't be much of a issue once China moves up the value chain (to more profitable mfg), so India can take over with low-cost products in international market.
To fellow Indians -

Don't feed these trolls who pose as "Chinese".


Welcome back! But i think you should avoid trolling, you know what i

mean? Anyway we are discussing about Some advice for Pakistan.

Whats your opinion?:smitten: :pakistan::china:
Who ever posted this thread please dont come like " Hey you. I am gonna beat crap out of you". Thats no way of talking. All problems can be solved with talking. But if the talking start like "lets get'em boys" it will surely end in war. So everybody calm down. CHEERS.
The hate will remain between us because we are different people from different culture, a dark past of wars,and our govt adn media keep feeding us with negativity. All we need to produce some tolerance between us if we really wanna solve this in civilized manner. otherwise All three of us have nukes.
Who ever posted this thread please dont come like " Hey you. I am gonna beat crap out of you". Thats no way of talking. All problems can be solved with talking. But if the talking start like "lets get'em boys" it will surely end in war. So everybody calm down. CHEERS.
The hate will remain between us because we are different people from different culture, a dark past of wars,and our govt adn media keep feeding us with negativity. All we need to produce some tolerance between us if we really wanna solve this in civilized manner. otherwise All three of us have nukes.

SO TRUE :smitten:
The advise is here in this video

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yes i do agree. As far as indian failures concerned I would like say a sher (dont know if my Pakistani brothers have heard of it. I think it is popular across the border also)

"Girte hi hain sehsawar maidan e jung main
woh log kya girain
jo ghutno k bal chalain"

yes, i agree to the sher that you posted but it apply to pakistan as well as every country in this world. everyone comes in this world with no knowledge at all but they learn from different sources (parents, brothers sisters, teachers) and most importantly from their mistakes. the same thing apply to countries.

in my opinion the country who learn from their mistakes early is on the right track. pakistan, india, china all are on the right track and it do not matter who is better than the other. every country has its own problems (priorities) which comes first and which later, so in my opinion most important is they should be on the right track keeping in view of their own resources and limits.

LIKE THEY say - united states is trying to make india their bunny to stand against china. china is trying to make pakistan their bunny to stand against india.

it will go on - china - india are totally diffrent civilization - we have no intrection at all , china india cant be friend. india and china have no big standing issue - but we just dont like them . so the hate wil remain constant.

india pakistan - have long standing issues - they are fadign away . so the hate to is kind of going down - may be not rapidly but slowly and surely.

china is the real bugger india need to keep an eye on - its a fascist country who dont care even of their own people . they need to tackled by world forces somehow before its late.

my friend duhastmish, i think you got emotionally carried away a little, may be, due to the posts of chinese friend. if any one start saying you coward, it is not necessary that we try to verbally persuade him about our bravery. no one can be a judge of how brave you are, especially who has never met you?

one intellectual has said there is a very small difference between being brave and being stupid. please do not take it personally, it is just a good quote which define brave person well.

however, i totally agree to the first part of your post (above the line) except for one thing and that is china and india can not be friends.

i think the global arena now adays is going to lead us to these kinds of unions in future. in EU as well there are countries who do not like the opinion of other countries but still they are under one umbrella. the reason is the benefit they get by being in this union. so as pakistan and india are going in right direction i think and hope india and china will do the same in near future. the only thing we should be doing is to be optimistic and keep open minds.


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we hindu always belief on forgiveness :rofl:,peace :cheesy:and friendship:hang2:..:mod:

Finally i found biggest joke of the Century let me sms to all of my friend lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :rofl::rofl::rofl:
The advise is here in this video

The Indian (pretending to be Pakistani) who made the video gave himself away with the "majestic Maharajahs" line. :rofl:

Nice try, but no one's buying it...
The Indian (pretending to be Pakistani) who made the video gave himself away with the "majestic Maharajahs" line. :rofl:

Nice try, but no one's buying it...

If it was an Indian who made this video there would be no life, but that video has life buddy, read each line of his, if you are a true patriot, Tears will roll out of your eyes.

I did not put that video to Insult the country pakistan, But To get the beautiful pakistan out of the reality surrounding it... :smitten:
If it was an Indian who made this video there would be no life,

I don't understand. No life?

I did not put that video to Insult the country pakistan, But To get the beautiful pakistan out of the reality surrounding it... :smitten:

It starts out innocuously enough, but then degenerates into the usual Indian rhetoric against Pakistan. It is unable to find a single decent Pakistani artist, yet Bollywood constantly taps Pakistani artists. It shows a negatrive picture of AQ Khan and portrays him as a villains, which you would be hard-pressed to find too many Pakistanis with that view. It compares Pakistani education institutes to a hut in Africa.

Spare me, but this is the usual venomous anti-Pakistan propaganda spewing from jingoistic Indians. And he completely blew his cover with that line about Maharajas.... :rofl:

Nobody's buying this Indian propaganda video. Better luck next time...
plz dont take it serious if i hurt ur cultural way of thinking:disagree:

We very well and worlds knows very well and reality about ur culture go for you my dear friend check out youtube videos (OF INDIA) and read forigner comments about India. After read comments on India and culture of India, India people videos. Go and check Pakistan About Pakistan people of Pakistan videos and read forigner comments!!!

thn post your comments here. Before open your mouth once remind your 80z-09 events espeically biggest TERRORIST actiivties in Gujrat and against all minorities !!!!

We very well and worlds knows very well and reality about ur culture go for you my dear friend check out youtube videos (OF INDIA) and read forigner comments about India. After read comments on India and culture of India, India people videos. Go and check Pakistan About Pakistan people of Pakistan videos and read forigner comments!!!

thn post your comments here. Before open your mouth once remind your 80z-09 events espeically biggest TERRORIST actiivties in Gujrat and against all minorities !!!!


Yes go to You Tube you will find lots of hate videos towards India. 80% of them would be posted by proud Pakistanis.

And regarding the foreigners same foreigners are investing money in India which they hate. And the country they hate they rely their business on it. Same foreigners consider Chinese and the Indians as the most intelligent people on the planet.

And before reminding the terrorist activities better do some introspection because it was not Indian government which accepted that in the past their nation has used terrorism as the state policy. We have always believed in peace. Indian culture has the tradition of accepting all the cultures and make it blend for itself. It has been a well known saying for the Indian culture that India accepts you as you are. And by the way who gave you the moral responsibility to speak about Indian internal problems being terrorist activities. Did the Indian Muslims pleaded to you. They are happy over here and same was conveyed to Musharraf at his visit when he tried to alienate Indian Muslims.

I like the part where the individual who composed the piece talked about 'people gathering self-righteously on television, complaining of the ills affecting our country, and how no competent leader comes forward, yet they do nothing but just that: complain'

Ironic that the above describes the piece itself as well.

Don't get me wrong, I think the piece is poignant, though a tad over the top and exaggerated, but at the end of the day it is exactly that which the author criticizes - self-righteous criticizm without any solutions or suggestions on how to proceed forward and affect change.
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