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Somalia rejects ‘ridiculous’ UAE incentive to join Yemen war

Giving high tech weapons to those Arabs same thing as giving smart phone to a Neanderthal...
They need always someone to use things and work for them. Once the money is gone, welcome to stoneage.
Fasho you retarded mane.
I support a Yemen under a Arab Baathist nationalist leader with Sunni, and Shia leaders on both sides of the goverment, but that is impossible because sectarian strife is too high. That is the only way for both sides to be satisfied, and for division to stop.

Basically it has to be acceptable to KSA. I think a unity government is the solution. People of Yemen do not really have internal sectarian problems, it is chiefly a political issue between al Hadi and Houthis.
People of Yemen do not really have internal sectarian problems, it is chiefly a political issue between al Hadi and Houthis.
Well it has somewhat evolved chiefly because of the countries in the region. It is more sectarian than it was 10 years ago.
Well it has somewhat evolved chiefly because of the countries in the region. It is more sectarian than it was 10 years ago.

If you remove the Iranians and Saudis, UAE from the equation, then Yemenis can deal with other Yemenis. I don’t think it is too far gone. It is basically a proxy war now with Yemenis as mere bystanders. Anyone who could get out has already left through Djibouti.
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