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Somalia rejects ‘ridiculous’ UAE incentive to join Yemen war

Pardon my ignorance but can someone please elaborate in a nice clean and neat short paragraph about what's the deal with Yemen and everyone fighting there? What are the stakes? What's in it for the major players that're currently busy fighting there?
Pardon my ignorance but can someone please elaborate in a nice clean and neat short paragraph about what's the deal with Yemen and everyone fighting there? What are the stakes? What's in it for the major players that're currently busy fighting there?
In One sentence, war on Yemen is imposed on poorest Arab country on behalf of USA. Most of air raids on Yemen are led by UK. The goal is this

Yemen is a floating island on oil/gas fields. Saudis and UAE are both cannonfodders of petro dollar ambitions. USA and West wants Yemen, Thats all. This war has negative benefits for Arabian people of peninsula. They are not satisfied with bombing Yemen to stone age but what could they do after all? If they raise their voice then they will be Khashoggified. Torn into pieces and digested in acid.
In One sentence, war on Yemen is imposed on poorest Arab country on behalf of USA. Most of air raids on Yemen are led by UK. The goal is this

Yemen is a floating island on oil/gas fields. Saudis and UAE are both cannonfodders of petro dollar ambitions. USA and West wants Yemen, Thats all. This war has negative benefits for Arabian people of peninsula. They are not satisfied with bombing Yemen to stone age but what could they do after all? If they raise their voice then they will be Khashoggified. Torn into pieces and digested in acid.

And that doesn't mean Iran is welcomed to interfere in Yemen either.
UAE should send it's daughters and sons to fight their dirty war.
I think they should send Indians, because UAE population has 3 times more Indian then locals... Now UAE is operating Russian AD in Libya. Must be casualties in Libya but seems UAE is not reporting .

Any evidence?
That is very strange and interesitng, in Yemen media talk about Iran footprint, but unable to show any Iranian foot on the ground. It's matter of time if Libya situation get off Turkey hands, then we ll see Turkish foot in Yemen. Houthi's already invited Turks.
Houthi's already invited Turks
You sure bro?

In Iraq for example Americans started a media campaign that Iran has conquered Iraq militarily. On the other hand they were Building a handful of military bases in Iraq and Iranian cause was their Cover. Thats how they invade and Kill innocents but point their fingers at someone else.

Iran has no boots in Yemen. Yemen on the other hand is not a village or a small city, its a country of millions and its currently being invaded by Foreign forces. So they, people of Yemen, are in absolute need and as we know already need is mother of all inventions. Iran maybe provides them with required blueprints and military advises but no boots on the Ground.
Every Muslim nation should be rightfully opposed to UAE's plan to bifurcate Yemen. It is an affront to the territorial integrity of Yemen.

I hope KSA reaches a compromise with Houthis so that this South Yemen nonsense and theft of Socotra can be dealt with.

I would support Pakistani presence in the country if it can solve the civil war situation and bring peace back to Yemen.
Every Muslim nation should be rightfully opposed to UAE's plan to bifurcate Yemen. It is an affront to the territorial integrity of Yemen.

I hope KSA reaches a compromise with Houthis so that this South Yemen nonsense and theft of Socotra can be dealt with.

I would support Pakistani presence in the country if it can solve the civil war situation and bring peace back to Yemen.
Bro if it was KSA or UAE then we could solve it politically. But its USA and Western Powers bombing Yemen. Did you Know that UK leads the air raids on Yemen? They also provide pilots. Follow the news about Yemen, there is no benefit for Arabia or UAE in this war. They are implementing American plots in the Region.
Every Muslim nation should be rightfully opposed to UAE's plan to bifurcate Yemen. It is an affront to the territorial integrity of Yemen.

I hope KSA reaches a compromise with Houthis so that this South Yemen nonsense and theft of Socotra can be dealt with.

I would support Pakistani presence in the country if it can solve the civil war situation and bring peace back to Yemen.
It wont.
Bro if it was KSA or UAE then we could solve it politically. But its USA and Western Powers bombing Yemen. Did you Know that UK leads the air raids on Yemen? They also provide pilots. Follow the news about Yemen, there is no benefit for Arabia or UAE in this war. They are implementing American plots in the Region.

Yes, I know. US has been bombing Yemen and Somalia intermittently since 2001, along worh their drone program in Afghanistan and Pakistani qbail.
You sure bro?

In Iraq for example Americans started a media campaign that Iran has conquered Iraq militarily. On the other hand they were Building a handful of military bases in Iraq and Iranian cause was their Cover. Thats how they invade and Kill innocents but point their fingers at someone else.

Iran has no boots in Yemen. Yemen on the other hand is not a village or a small city, its a country of millions and its currently being invaded by Foreign forces. So they, people of Yemen, are in absolute need and as we know already need is mother of all inventions. Iran maybe provides them with required blueprints and military advises but no boots on the Ground.
Erdogan may start new pressure point in Yemen to counter UAE and KSA both at same time. Turkey will try to control the waters around Gulf of Aden, there small contingent already deployed on the other side of these waters.
Do you support South Yemen?

As an Arab, you should be supporting Yemen fully to reclaim its territorial integrity and end this useless loss of Yemeni life.
I support a Yemen under a Arab Baathist nationalist leader with Sunni, and Shia leaders on both sides of the goverment, but that is impossible because sectarian strife is too high. That is the only way for both sides to be satisfied, and for division to stop.
Giving high tech weapons to those Arabs same thing as giving smart phone to a Neanderthal...
They need always someone to use things and work for them. Once the money is gone, welcome to stoneage.
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