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Solve A Riddle.

KSRAJ, Bandit, Great effort.

Police arrive at a crime scene and find a body hanging from the ceiling. The door was locked from inside.

The room is completely empty except a gas heater fixed to the wall on full blaze, the widow ledges are far apart. Police are completely baffled as how did the man swing himself.
Have you an answer.
KSRAJ, Bandit, Great effort.

Police arrive at a crime scene and find a body hanging from the ceiling. The door was locked from inside.

The room is completely empty except a gas heater fixed to the wall on full blaze, the widow ledges are far apart. Police are completely baffled as how did the man swing himself.
Have you an answer.

Thanks Windjammer! :-)

Block of ice ... stood on it and hanged... the ice then vapourized!
KSRAJ, Bandit, Great effort.

Police arrive at a crime scene and find a body hanging from the ceiling. The door was locked from inside.

The room is completely empty except a gas heater fixed to the wall on full blaze, the widow ledges are far apart. Police are completely baffled as how did the man swing himself.
Have you an answer.

block of Ice maybe?
Gr8 work buddy---me down a few glasses--mind not that fast now--merry christmas

Merry Christmas to you too buddy ....
Merry Christmas to everybody...

And Happy Puzzling! :-)

BTW this thread idea is a great one! :tup:
Thanks guys,

Here's a good one,

A Man walks into a Diner to get a take away and orders,

Three Fish suppers, Two Steak & Kidney Pies, one Seafood Pizza, a large bottle of Pepsi and a 20 deck of B&H Cigarettes.
The guy taking the order looks up and comments, "You are in the Army", !!!!

How did he know. ?
Eik_Indian, Ali Farooq, good one guys.

A body is found in the middle of a field with a small bundle lying beside it,
How did the person died. ?

This was the one which is not yet answered.....I was wondering why.....coz this is incomplete!!

Here is the "full" version........as I know....

An aircraft can carry 1000 Kg of goods. It was accidently loaded with 1500 Kg. and made to take off. It did but developed problem in the mid-air. There was no ATC or any other help there. What should we do?

Answer: Throw the extra 500 Kg. load :tongue:

After this puzzle....the asked one comes ......

A body is found in the middle of a field with a small bundle lying beside it,
How did the person died. ?

Reason: The extra 500 Kg. bundle (which was thrown in last riddle)......actually fell over this guy. :rofl:

Wait.....is the answer is parachute malfunction!!......
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Thanks guys,

Here's a good one,

A Man walks into a Diner to get a take away and orders,

Three Fish suppers, Two Steak & Kidney Pies, one Seafood Pizza, a large bottle of Pepsi and a 20 deck of B&H Cigarettes.
The guy taking the order looks up and comments, "You are in the Army", !!!!

How did he know. ?

Because he was wearing an army uniform?
This was the one which is not yet answered.....I was wondering why.....coz this is incomplete!!

Here is the "full" version........as I know....

An aircraft can carry 1000 Kg of goods. It was accidently loaded with 1500 Kg. and lade to take off. It did but developed problem in the mid-air. There was no ATC or any other help there. What should we do?

Answer: Throw the extra 500 Kg. load :tongue:

After this puzzle....the asked one comes ......

Reason: The extra 500 Kg. bundle (which was thrown in last riddle)......actually fell over this guy. :rofl:

Wait.....is the answer is parachute malfunction!!......
The version i heard was about the parachute malfunctioning.
I am sure you will agree a bundle being thrown of a plane and hitting a guy in middle of nowhere is too much of a coincidence. :)
Because he was wearing an army uniform?

Good one Zovc,

Come on guys, my riddles are running out.
Anyways, here is one from school days,

What gets wet as it dries. ?

And what goes up when it comes down. ?
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