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Solution to Sino-Japanese relationship impasse

An island nation whose entire land area is covered by Chinese cruise and ballistic missiles has already lost.


Give it another 5 years and we can add the J-20 and hypersonic glide vehicles (HGV) to the mix.

Their only real lifeline right now is the US nuclear umbrella. But with US power declining by the year they are living on borrowed time.

Like I said before, I've got my popcorn ready.:pop:
An island nation whose entire land area is covered by Chinese cruise and ballistic missiles has already lost.


Give it another 5 years and we can add the J-20 and hypersonic glide vehicles (HGV) to the mix.

Their only real lifeline right now is the US nuclear umbrella. But with US power declining by the year they are living on borrowed time.

Like I said before, I've got my popcorn ready.:pop:

By the time you have deployed J20 and glide vehicles, US will be deploying laser weapons, and rail guns, and I must say, laser weapons are not limited by the number of shots one can fire.
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