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Soldier Who Fought in Kargil War Arrested For Allegedly Spying For ISI

Another innocent captured to perpetuate the myth that ISI is active in Indian occupied regions. If it was we Lucknowis would be the first ones to secede. The blame game is a method of India to ensure that its people constantly and always hate Pakistan and the ISI. Whatever happens they blame it on Pakistan. It is standard Indian policy.
Another innocent captured to perpetuate the myth that ISI is active in Indian occupied regions. If it was we Lucknowis would be the first ones to secede. The blame game is a method of India to ensure that its people constantly and always hate Pakistan and the ISI. Whatever happens they blame it on Pakistan. It is standard Indian policy.
and who told you that guy is innocent and whats with this Lucknowis thing or are you trying to impress members here by advertisisng about your roots and how can you be Lucknowis when your dad and maybe his dad and you were born in Pakistan ?
and who told you that guy is innocent and whats with this Lucknowis thing or are you trying to impress members here by advertisisng about your roots and how can you be Lucknowis when your dad and maybe his dad and you were born in Pakistan ?
Both parents of mine were born in Lucknow or surrounding regions. Thanks for your concern but we consider our region a part and parcel of Pakistan.
Both parents of mine were born in Lucknow or surrounding regions. Thanks for your concern but we consider our region a part and parcel of Pakistan.

How did you manage to become Think thank :) Check 2011 census of Lucknow. Muslims are minority in the city(less than 30 % in2011)

Majority of muslims who live in Lucknow are Shia. Shia community of India right from kashmir to lucknow are not fond of Pakistan
With you logic;Karachi,Sindh belongs to India as they are home to mohajir community.

Stop diverting the topic.
We don not tolerate, pakistani terrorist and pakistani spy....in short we would love to kill those who will even think to harm my nation...In that movement we do not check name or face....This is as simple as that.
What about Babu Bajrangi, Shadhvi Pragya, Kernal Purohit, Aseemanand, Narendra Modi, Bal Thakarey, Amit Shah, Banjara?
SO Afradi and Hina Rabbani Khar are ISI workers?

IF so, another ISI agent is visible in this pic.

Sometimes Indians just prove themselves Indians way too generously. :pleasantry:

And the biggest one

Apparently a serving IA personal has also been arrested today from Darjeeling.

So there are plenty of Indians serving the cause but this must have hurt the Indians badly.

Police arrest J&K man for ‘directing’ Pak shelling, firing from across LoC | The Indian Express

Spying is done by all the country even CIA has some 1000's of agent in your country and lots of your servicemen in Navy , Army has been in the payroll if TTP so nothing hurting for Indians here . But something like the below incident must have hurt the Pakistanis badly.

'We feel ashamed,' say Pakistani relatives of California shooter - Yahoo News

Oh wait this is not the first time a Pakistani link is found right? I guess the time square bomber has your country link too . ooouch that must be hurting more
If you have evidence, give it to Indian government or court ... Our judiciary and democracy is very strong and reliable, we can take on any situation, we know well what is better for our country... You need to worry about your country terrorist that you are exporting all around the word , under the guidance of your army and ISI....

This is the condition of terrorism in your country , open your eye and see , denial is not going to work anymore....Whole world know who is what.

That is not brainwashing in pakistan. They guys who want to lead normal life are the brainwashed folks.

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